
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 43: Grandmaster Architect

Late at night, inside a special care ward at Tianfu Military District Hospital, Old Master Liu lay pale on the hospital bed. A nurse carefully changed his glucose drip, ensuring the flow was steady before quietly exiting the room.

By the bedside, Shao Meiyun, looking haggard with bloodshot eyes, gazed at Old Master Liu.

For days, she hadn't had a full night's sleep, not exceeding two hours of rest each day. With numerous tasks demanding her attention and countless directives to issue for the Liu family, she bore an immense burden that her not-so-broad shoulders struggled to carry under the colossal pressure.

"Grandfather, the assassins are skilled at hiding their tracks. It's been two days, and we still have no solid leads," Shao Meiyun reported with a forced spirit, a mix of helplessness and shame in her voice. Despite utilizing the entire Tianfu security force, they couldn't find even the slightest clue, leaving her utterly frustrated and ashamed.

Listening to her report, Old Master Liu stared up at the white ceiling, resembling the shroud of the dead.

After a long moment, he sighed weakly and asked, "Who in the Liu family is suitable to inherit the position of the family head?"

Shao Meiyun opened her mouth but hesitated to speak.

Old Master Liu, wise with age, discerned her dilemma and sighed softly, "Is it that no one dares to touch this hot potato?"

Shao Meiyun didn't answer, but her bowed head and tears spoke volumes.

Old Master Liu's heart ached. The position of Liu family head, just a few days ago, represented boundless glory and supreme nobility, but now it was akin to a plague, with potential and capable successors from the Liu family avoiding it like the plague.

During his days in the hospital, Old Master Liu pondered deeply. He understood that someone didn't want the Liu family to continue controlling Tianfu's military and political power, hence sending top assassins to kill the family head. Without a leader, chaos would ensue within the Liu family, and with the family in turmoil, Tianfu would follow suit, attracting the attention of many factions, whether it be the other nine great families or the local medium and small families in Tianfu.

"Is Tianfu truly entering a chaotic era?" Old Master Liu uttered this with difficulty, causing Shao Meiyun to shudder. "Grandfather!"

"Sigh!" The old master slowly closed his eyes. After a while, he suddenly opened them again and said, "Meiyun, over forty years ago, I fathered a daughter with a woman, but…" He smiled bitterly, "Due to various reasons, that woman left with our daughter, never to be heard from again. But I know they've always lived in Tianfu."

Pausing there, he looked at Shao Meiyun and whispered, "Meiyun, investigate their current situation. If my daughter has grown up, she should be forty-one now. If she has children of her own..."

"Grandfather!" Shao Meiyun interrupted, stating earnestly, "Even if she does, her children wouldn't carry the surname Liu. Without the surname Liu, they aren't part of our Liu family."

The atmosphere in the ward fell silent once more. After a while, Old Master Liu said bitterly, "How can I not know that... But if by some chance... Their bloodline would still be nobler than any other collateral branches. For that slim chance, it's worth seeking them out. Besides..." He grew even more bitter, "Who else would dare to take on the role if not them?"

"Grandfather..." Shao Meiyun fell silent. Yes! Currently, no collateral descendant of the Liu family dared to assume the position of the family head, for doing so meant courting death. Without being the head, they could still enjoy wealth and luxury; becoming the head meant a death sentence. It was simple math that everyone understood, and who would willingly sacrifice themselves?

Seeking out the old master's grandson was also a quest for hope for the Liu family. If... If by some chance the grandson wasn't of another surname, wouldn't that preserve a spark for the Liu family!

"I understand." Shao Meiyun, a resolute woman, stood up. "I will immediately begin investigating the circumstances of that time." Pausing, she asked, "Grandfather, what were the names of that woman and your daughter?"

"That woman was named Qin Yu, and my daughter was called..."


Under the scorching sun, Tianfu was abnormally hot. Despite the intense heat, construction workers continued to labor tirelessly. However, when they saw the figure working like an indefatigable ox on the site, they all wore expressions of无奈 and numbness.

For more than ten days, since this person arrived at the site, he had constantly challenged their work capacity. It was bizarre – this young man owned a house and a car, living a comfortable life, yet he came to the construction site merely to experience life.

Initially, such a pampered young master was unlikely to have the patience or stamina to endure. Everyone thought so, but this person defied all expectations.

For over ten days, he was the one who worked the most, and his workload only increased, from handling the work of four or five people at first to that of twenty now. His dedication earned the respect of everyone, even though he left them all exhausted.

One person doing the work of twenty – everyone thought he must be a reincarnated ox, too abnormal.

At 10:30 am, after delivering a load of bricks to the designated spot, a heavenly voice sounded in Li Nianlong's mind, "Host, through relentless efforts, your Architect level has risen once more. You are now a Grandmaster Architect. Your life profession has advanced, rewarding you with +5 Strength, +5 Intelligence, 5000 Experience Points, and 25,000 Currency. Your level experience is full; you have leveled up!"

Golden light enveloped him as Li Nianlong let out a contented groan. However, his hands didn't pause in their work. Multitasking, he continued to work while allocating all remaining points to his True Qi, discovering that he seemed to have become quite formidable.

Li Nianlong:

Level 14: (4690/21000)

Strength: 100

Speed: 80

True Qi: 181

Intelligence: 105

Remaining Points: 0

Talent: Auspicious Avoidance: Innately possesses the power to sense fortune and misfortune, easily avoiding calamity and embracing good fortune.


- Frenzied Fists (Intermediate Level 3%): The unorthodox strikes confuse even seasoned masters, enhancing strength by 20% and speed by 20% for 30 seconds. No cooldown, costs 10 True Qi per use.

- Stealth (Basic Level 93%): Renders user invisible, reducing speed by 50%. Automatically cancels upon disturbance. Lasts for 1 minute, 10-minute cooldown, costs 20 True Qi per use.

Currency: 27,405

Equipment: Omitted...

Special Items: Golden Bell Cover (7th Layer)

Life Professions:

- Architect (Grandmaster Level 0%): Master of all buildings below 100 stories, unparalleled in architectural prowess.

- Pressure Point Specialist (Basic Level 0%): Relaxes and heals through precise acupoint manipulation, akin to a top-tier masseuse.

Permissions: Level 1 - Access to Shop.

Strength and Intelligence have surpassed 100 due to advancements in both career levels and combat proficiency, with True Qi reaching an impressive 181 points. The only lagging attribute is Speed, at 80, significantly lower compared to the other three.

Frenzied Fists, having upgraded to the Intermediate Level, and with no major opportunities for its application lately, has only seen a 3% increase. Conversely, Stealth is at Basic Level 93%, poised to advance to Intermediate by tomorrow morning.

While 25,000 currency was recently added, substantial expenditures for purchasing an identity for Lan Ruyue left only a meager amount above 2,000 prior to today. Li Nianlong was feeling the pinch when this timely influx arrived.

Previous upgrades from Basic to Intermediate and Intermediate to Advanced required 1,000 experience points and 5,000 currency, but advancing to Grandmaster level skyrocketed these requirements to 5,000 and 25,000 respectively, a fivefold increase. This financial boost was indeed a godsend.

The attributes unlocked by reaching Grandmaster Architect are astonishing, enabling effortless creation of any building below 100 stories. It's a game-changing milestone! If Grandmaster level is this extraordinary, would achieving Perfection allow him to build homes on Mars? The mere thought was exhilarating.

However, as the morning's work concluded, Li Nianlong's expression soured. By the end of the afternoon, seeing the proficiency of his Grandmaster Architect skill, his face turned grim.

Architect (Grandmaster Level 1%)...