
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 199: The Geological Model

"I'm thinking about how to repay the boss," Zhang Zhenghao stared at the ceiling. "If it weren't for him, my life would have been over. He gave me a second chance, but I don't know how to repay such a big favor."

"Yes, we must repay the boss's kindness," Xiaoyue, resting her head on Zhang Zhenghao's arm, said. "But the boss is the head of the Liu family; he lacks nothing. To repay him, you might have to repay with your life."

"With my life?" Zhang Zhenghao turned to look at Xiaoyue. Their eyes met, and after a long pause, Zhang Zhenghao nodded. "You're right. There's nothing else to give, only my life."

"Yes," Xiaoyue said. "Zhenghao, you studied geology in university. Tianfu is mountainous and prone to geological changes. You can use your skills to help the Liu family deal with natural disasters. If you can help even once, it would be a great merit and a way to repay the favor."

"Yes!" Zhang Zhenghao sat up suddenly, excitement showing on his face. "I can repay the boss. I definitely can!"

"Zhenghao, what's going on?" Xiaoyue sat up as well. "What did you think of?"

"I thought of a way to repay the boss, and it will settle the debt in one go." Zhang Zhenghao was thrilled. "Xiaoyue, give me your phone. I need to call the boss."

"It's so late; he's probably asleep." Xiaoyue said with a mix of exasperation and amusement. "Call him tomorrow!"

"Alright... that's better." Zhang Zhenghao calmed down, lay back down, and held his wife. "Xiaoyue, sleep now. You've suffered a lot this past year. I'll make sure to take care of you from now on."

"Okay," Xiaoyue, full of happiness, rested her head on Zhang Zhenghao's shoulder and slowly fell asleep.

In the morning, Li Nianlong was planning to take the Yue sisters to Emei Mountain to see the nuns when he received a call from Zhang Zhenghao. Zhang Zhenghao's first words shocked Li Nianlong: "Boss, Tianfu is going to have an earthquake."

"What did you say!?" Li Nianlong's voice rose sharply, surprising the girls around him.

"It's true, boss, you have to believe me. You know I studied geology in university, and I have a natural sensitivity to geological movements. Even though I've been in prison for over a year, I've been observing the local geological activity. Based on my calculations and feelings, Tianfu will experience a major earthquake of over magnitude 8 in the next fifteen to twenty days. If we don't prepare in advance, many people will die."

Li Nianlong frowned, "Old Fourth, it's hard to explain over the phone. I'll send someone to pick you up immediately. We can talk in person."

"I understand, boss. It's hard to accept at first. Let's discuss it when we meet."

"Alright, stay at home and don't move. I'll contact the local government to pick you up."

After hanging up, Yuexi quickly asked, "Big brother, who called?"

Li Nianlong, with a hint of apology, looked at her, "Xi Xi, I'm sorry, but I have to break my promise again. Something serious might happen."

"It's okay, big brother. You handle your important matters first. I'll be fine." Yuexi replied understandingly.

Li Nianlong nodded and then turned to the old lady, "Master, I may need your help this time."

The old lady's face was solemn, and seeing her reaction, the Yue sisters became worried. "Master..."

The old lady sighed softly, "I have a feeling, but I cannot say it clearly."

Her words increased the sisters' anxiety, while Li Nianlong seemed thoughtful, reinforcing his determination.

Nalan Ruyue blinked, completely confused by the situation.

Seeing Nalan Ruyue's gestures, Li Nianlong shook his head lightly, "It's something troublesome."

I see...

Two hours later, a government car escorted by traffic police arrived at the Liu manor. Zhang Zhenghao, feeling a bit nervous, stepped out of the car.

"Old Fourth!" Li Nianlong stepped forward.

"Boss!" Zhang Zhenghao hugged Li Nianlong briefly and quickly said, "Boss, I'm ready. Find an open space, and I'll prove it to you."

"Okay." Li Nianlong nodded. "Follow me to the back garden."

In the back garden, the old master Liu, Shao Meiyun, the old lady, and the Yue sisters were all present. Seeing Li Nianlong bring a young man who looked ordinary, they knew this must be Zhang Zhenghao.

Li Nianlong introduced, "Grandpa, cousin, this is my brother Zhang Zhenghao."

Old Master Liu and Shao Meiyun were influential figures in Tianfu, and Zhang Zhenghao recognized them immediately, having only seen them on television before. Meeting them in person, his nervousness was indescribable.


Seeing Zhang Zhenghao's honest and nervous expression, Old Master Liu smiled slightly, "Young man, don't be nervous. I heard from Nianlong that you say Tianfu will have an earthquake?"

"Yes... yes," Zhang Zhenghao's expression became serious as he spoke about the earthquake. "It will happen in about half a month."

"Mm." Old Master Liu nodded and suddenly exuded a fierce aura that pressed down on Zhang Zhenghao, making him tremble. His muscles twitched involuntarily, and he wanted to run but found he couldn't move his feet.

Old Master Liu's voice was cold, "Do you know the penalty for spreading rumors?"

"I... I'm not..." Zhang Zhenghao's teeth chattered, but he refused to admit he was spreading rumors. Only in geology would he not compromise: "I'm not spreading... rumors..."

"You say you're not spreading rumors, then what do you call predicting an earthquake in half a month?" Old Master Liu's killing intent remained, and Zhang Zhenghao seemed to see the Grim Reaper raising his scythe.


I am not spreading rumors.

"I'm not..."

What I say is true.

"It's real..."

I am not lying.

"There really will be an earthquake in Tianfu!" Zhang Zhenghao took a deep breath and shouted, "In half a month! Tianfu will have an earthquake!"

His shout shattered Old Master Liu's killing intent, and the nearby servants started whispering and discussing.

Li Nianlong looked at Zhang Zhenghao, drenched in sweat, and smiled slightly, "Zhenghao, well done. You passed the test."

"Test?" Zhang Zhenghao was stunned and turned to Li Nianlong. "Boss, what do you mean?"

"It means what you just experienced was a test," Shao Meiyun smiled. "Although you are Nianlong's brother, predicting a future earthquake is not child's play. If you were just making it up and we acted on it, who would bear the consequences?"

Zhang Zhenghao's expression changed, "I wasn't making it up. It's true. Tianfu will really have an earthquake."

"You have earned the right to continue explaining," Old Master Liu said calmly. "Now, young man, explain to me. If it makes sense, I might choose to believe you."

Just 'might.'

That was enough.

Ignoring the sweat on his forehead, Zhang Zhenghao said, "Old Master, I need a circular platform with a diameter of two meters, a ton of yellow clay, and a bunch of bamboo sticks."

Old Master Liu instructed a servant, "Quickly, go get them."

"Yes, sir!"

The Liu family's efficiency was impressive. In just an hour, a circular platform with a diameter of two meters was delivered, along with a ton of yellow clay and a bunch of skewers.

During this time, Zhang Zhenghao directed the Liu family servants to dig a half-meter-deep circular pit. When the platform arrived, they placed it in the pit and smeared yellow clay around the edges. Zhang Zhenghao personally molded the yellow clay into a basin shape on the circular platform. Those familiar with Tianfu's terrain could see that it was a scaled-down model of Tianfu.

Li Nianlong, Shao Meiyun, Nalan Ruyue, and the Yue sisters recognized it, and Old Master Liu and the old lady's eyes sparkled with interest: What was this young man planning to do?

Making a model with yellow clay was time-consuming. Before they knew it, it was already evening. Zhang Zhenghao hadn't eaten all day, only drinking some water to stay hydrated.

After crafting the last mountain peak, Zhang Zhenghao looked at the Tianfu model with satisfaction. Then he poured clear water into the riverbeds, bringing the model to life.

Li Nianlong was amazed, "Old Fourth, I didn't know you had this skill."

Zhang Zhenghao shook his head, "It's not done yet. The water needs to settle. Boss, help me stick the bamboo skewers into different terrains, no more than ten centimeters apart."

"Alright." It was Li Nianlong's first time doing something like this. He obediently stuck the bamboo skewers into different parts of the model, keeping each one less than ten centimeters apart. After he finished, another ten minutes passed. By then, Zhang Zhenghao was eating the snacks brought by the servants and drinking hot tea to replenish his energy.

"Zhenghao, what's next?" Li Nianlong walked over, popping a piece of mung bean cake into his mouth. He hadn't left all day and was hungry too.

"When I was in prison, I would wait until the yellow clay was about seventy percent dry before proceeding to the next step. Now, I'll light a fire around the clay to accelerate the drying process."

"Alright." Li Nianlong didn't ask whether this was a good idea or not, but since Zhang Zhenghao had put in so much effort, he, as the elder brother, would go along with it.

Shortly after, a fire was lit around the circular pit, causing the yellow clay to dry rapidly.

Zhang Zhenghao supervised the fire, and when he felt it was almost done, he said, "Alright, slowly put out the fire and let the residual heat smoke the clay a bit more."

The servants of the Liu Manor immediately covered the fire with wood shavings, allowing the residual heat to smoke the clay of the model.

After half an hour or so, Zhang Zhenghao said, "Alright, remove the fire."

A few minutes later, all the ashes around the model were cleaned up by the servants. Zhang Zhenghao waited for a while longer, and when the temperature had returned to normal, he took a long willow branch and began to whip the ground around the model incessantly.