
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 126: The World's Number One Martial Artist

"Could such a woman also feel inferior?" Long Zongheng felt a bit disappointed, realizing he didn't understand Shao Meiyun well. Her reason for rejecting made him think she was just an ordinary woman.

"Feeling inferior? I don't think so." Zhao Qingqing recalled Shao Meiyun's tone and demeanor when she refused and gently shook her head.

"What do you mean?" Long Zongheng looked at her, seeing her mischievous expression. He smiled wryly, "Aunt, don't keep me in suspense. What's the real reason?"

Zhao Qingqing chuckled, "Not fun. Your cousin is more fun than you."

Long Zongheng broke into a cold sweat and smiled wryly, "Aunt, I am, after all, a Crown Prince. I must maintain my decorum."

"Not fun." Zhao Qingqing pouted, "Alright, I'll stop teasing you. When Shao Meiyun refused, her tone and demeanor were very normal, with no signs of inferiority. So, I think she might have seen through your intentions and refused on purpose."

"Really..." Long Zongheng pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly. "That's possible."

With a light laugh, he said, "As expected of the woman I've taken a liking to—intelligent and perceptive."

"She is indeed very smart." Zhao Qingqing's eyes flashed with a trace of worry. "But she's too smart. Apart from being young and inexperienced, she's almost flawless. It's not easy to conquer such a woman. I'm afraid you might not be able to handle her."

"Doesn't that make it even more interesting?" Long Zongheng's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Conquering such a woman and making her my virtuous wife could be one of the most prideful achievements of my life."

"But she refused." Zhao Qingqing said, "What will you use to conquer her?"

Long Zongheng smiled faintly, "Of course, I will show my sincerity. Once I recover, I will go to Tianfu to propose."

"No!" A commanding voice came from outside the door. Long Zongheng and Zhao Qingqing looked over to see Long Jingtian walking in with Zhao Bingbing. The voice belonged to Long Jingtian.

"Grandfather (Uncle Long)," Long Zongheng and Zhao Qingqing greeted respectfully.

"Hmm." Long Jingtian nodded and sat down on the other side of the bed, while Zhao Bingbing sat next to Zhao Qingqing, smiling softly, "Zongheng, how are you feeling today?"

"Much better." Long Zongheng smiled, "Thank you for your concern, Mother."

Zhao Bingbing smiled and shook her head. Long Jingtian said, "Zongheng, you want to go to Tianfu to propose?"

"Yes." Long Zongheng responded respectfully, "Does Grandfather oppose?"

"Tianfu is not to be entered." Long Jingtian said, "The Liu family has always been unruly and has good relations with the Xiang family. If you go, they will not give you a good time."

"Grandfather is right." Long Zongheng responded respectfully, then smiled slightly, "But precisely because of this, I must go."

"Oh?" Long Jingtian looked at his grandson and asked, "Why?"

"To endure humiliation for the sake of a beauty is the only way to win her heart." Long Zongheng smiled confidently. "Once I marry Shao Meiyun, the relationship between the Liu family and the Xiang family will naturally become strained, and the Liu family will inevitably lean towards my Long family. If so, what harm is there in enduring some humiliation?"

Zhao Bingbing and Zhao Qingqing looked at Long Zongheng with admiration. Zhao Qingqing said, "Zongheng is truly mature—a real man."

Although Zhao Bingbing said nothing, she was also very pleased with Long Zongheng. This was the demeanor a Crown Prince should have.

"A real man knows when to bend and when to stretch." Long Jingtian looked pleased. "Zongheng, you are very good. You have not disgraced the Long family."

"Grandfather overpraises me." Long Zongheng smiled slightly, remaining composed and unruffled.

Long Jingtian was even more satisfied and asked, "When do you plan to set off?"

"Immediately after I recover," Long Zongheng said.

"Alright." Long Jingtian nodded, but then frowned slightly, "But you were just assassinated. If you leave Long City, I fear..."

"Grandfather can come with me." Long Zongheng smiled, "With your martial arts, who in the world could be a match for you?"

"Zongheng, do not be arrogant." Long Jingtian frowned. "Although my martial arts are high, I dare not claim to be the best in the world. The head of the Xiang family, Xiang Qiong, is the recognized number one martial artist in Huaxia."

"Why must Grandfather praise others and diminish our own prestige?" Long Zongheng said with a hint of disdain, "Xiang Qiong is only 66 years old this year, 22 years younger than you. No matter how powerful he is, how can he compare to you?"

"Precisely because he is 66 years old, Grandfather has three points of apprehension towards him." Long Jingtian stroked his white beard and sighed lightly, "Although my skills are deeper than Xiang Qiong's, I am old and frail. If it comes to a battle of endurance, I fear I will surely lose."

Long Zongheng's expression became serious, "Grandfather cannot defeat him?"

"The Xiang family's Overlord Technique is always fierce and domineering, while our Long family's Dragon Transformation Technique focuses more on balance. If it comes to a direct confrontation, I fear I will be defeated within a thousand moves," Long Jingtian said with a sigh.

"Is Xiang Qiong really that powerful?" Long Zongheng frowned, "He's 22 years younger than you. What about in 22 years?"

"Don't worry." Long Jingtian waved his hand. "The Overlord Technique, though fierce and domineering, does not focus on nourishing the meridians. He might be invincible before seventy, but after seventy, he will decline rapidly. Xiang Qiong, though powerful, will fall from the top in a few years."

"Will Grandfather then be the world's number one martial artist?" Long Zongheng asked with a bit of joy.

"It's not that simple." Long Jingtian waved his hand. "When Xiang Qiong is old, his son, Xiang Cang Tian, will rise to the challenge. This is why the Xiang family is unruly. Without overwhelming them with martial force, they will always be ungovernable."

After a pause, Long Jingtian seemed to think of something. "Speaking of the Xiang family, Xiang Cang Tian's eldest daughter, Xiang Youyou, is twenty this year. She is said to be stunningly beautiful and would make a good match for you, Zongheng."

Hearing the name Xiang Youyou, Long Zongheng immediately shook his head, "I've heard of Xiang Youyou. I don't think she's a good match. It's said that she's a natural martial arts genius, possessing great skills at a young age. She joined Interpol two years ago. Such a woman does not meet the standards for a daughter-in-law of the Long family."

"That is true." Long Jingtian pondered for a moment and nodded. "The Xiang family is a group of unruly barbarians. The only way to subdue them is through martial force. But their Overlord Technique, with its superior combat ability, can only be matched by our Dragon Transformation Technique. For a century, the Xiang family has always wanted to replace the Long family. Our descendants must not be complacent, lest we lose our empire."

"Yes, Grandfather." Long Zongheng agreed respectfully, "Will you accompany me to Tianfu?"

Long Jingtian nodded, "Very well. The assassin last time was very skilled, likely using supernatural abilities. The Liu family was attacked months ago, and now you have been targeted. Could some family be secretly plotting against us?"

"No." Long Zongheng shook his head. "Grandfather, don't overthink. Actually, the assassination of the Liu family head was my doing."

"What!?" Long Jingtian, Zhao Bingbing, and Zhao Qingqing were all shocked. Zhao Bingbing immediately showed an expression of anger, "Zongheng, you caused the Liu family massacre?"

"Yes." Long Zongheng confessed, gritting his teeth.

"You..." Zhao Bingbing trembled with anger, "As a descendant of the Long family, how could you commit such a despicable act? No wonder you were targeted. You must have been found out when you hired the assassin, and now they are retaliating!"

"I..." Long Zongheng's expression changed: Could it really be so?

Long Jingtian frowned and reprimanded, "Zongheng, the descendants of the Long family act openly and with honor. How could you resort to such despicable methods? If word of this spreads... If not for the fact that you are the only one of your generation in the Long family, your position as Crown Prince would surely be taken!"

"Mother and Grandfather are right. I made a mistake and let you down." Long Zongheng lowered his head and admitted his fault.

In Long Jingtian's view, the esper who attempted to assassinate Long Zongheng a few days ago was incredibly powerful. If he hadn't appeared in time, Long Zongheng would undoubtedly have died. The thought of the sword energy net that filled the sky made Long Jingtian apprehensive.

Seeing Long Jingtian so worried, Long Zongheng's expression turned uncertain. Although Zhao Bingbing was furious, as a mother, how could she not be concerned when her child's life was threatened?

"Father, are those espers really that terrifying?" Zhao Bingbing asked.

"They're more terrifying than you can imagine," Long Jingtian sighed lightly and said, "Although the Liu family's martial strength is relatively weak, they have developed into a colossal entity over more than two thousand years, with defenses that cannot be said to be anything but stringent. Even so, they were still wiped out, and Liu Tianming was seriously injured. Such strength is extraordinary. Not to mention the person who assassinated the Liu family, just the one who tried to assassinate Zongheng... if I hadn't arrived in time, Zongheng would have died many days ago. Although the subsequent assassination attempts have failed, they have also caused great losses to our Long family. Isn't that enough?"

Zhao Bingbing's face turned pale. "Is there no way out?"

Long Jingtian looked at Long Zongheng with a mix of anger and disappointment. "Let's hope that this matter is not a case of 'an eye for an eye.'" He paused and continued, "Zongheng, have you made any enemies?"

Long Zongheng shook his head repeatedly. "Grandfather, I have always followed the Long family rules, been kind to others, and neither envied nor fought with anyone. I haven't made any enemies. Even if there are conflicts, they are only with small families that do not obey the Long family's discipline. With their financial resources, it's impossible for them to hire an esper."

"That's strange," Long Jingtian frowned deeply. "With no grievances or enmities, who would hire someone to assassinate you?"

"Uncle Long, this might not be a case of hired assassination," Zhao Qingqing, who had been silent, spoke up.

"What makes you say that?" The three of them looked at her simultaneously.

"If it were a hired assassination, the esper would be relentless. How could there be no activity for so many days? By the same logic, this is also not a case of 'an eye for an eye,' so it's likely a personal act." Zhao Qingqing looked at Long Zongheng. "Zongheng, think carefully again. Have you really not offended anyone? Or perhaps left someone unchecked?"