
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 124: Youth Preserving Pill

"Menglong." Shao Meiyun picked up the chopsticks from the floor, had the servants replace them, and then dismissed them. Once the room contained only the three of them, she asked softly, "What exactly happened between you and Long Zongheng? Don't bear it alone; tell us. Your cousin and grandpa, the entire Liu family, are your support."

"That's right," Liu Taixiao said. "Even if he's the crown prince, if he dares to harm my grandson, I'll chop him up!"

A warm feeling spread through Li Nianlong's heart. Unknowingly, his sense of belonging to the Liu family grew stronger.

"Everything started when my mother passed away…" Li Nianlong didn't hide anything, recounting the events from start to finish, though he concealed the part about the Dream System. He instead said that he had awakened a special ability after being shot, which made him smarter and his strength increase rapidly.

After listening to Li Nianlong's story, even the well-informed Liu Taixiao and Shao Meiyun were stunned for a while. Li Nianlong's experiences were incredibly tumultuous, involving not only family feuds and fratricide but also fantastical elements. Ordinary people might not encounter such events in their entire lives, but Li Nianlong had experienced them all.

Was Li Nianlong lucky or unlucky?

"Don't worry, Menglong!" Understanding the situation, Liu Taixiao didn't hesitate. "It's just the Long family and Long Zongheng! I've never liked the Long family. If you want to kill Long Zongheng, no problem! Grandpa will help you."

"Grandpa…" This time, Li Nianlong called him grandpa from the bottom of his heart. His sincere emotion made Liu Taixiao very happy. "Good, good child. Just hearing you call me grandpa makes everything worth it."

Li Nianlong remained silent, feeling a bit awkward and embarrassed by this warm attitude.

Liu Taixiao was very pleased. Although he had been angry earlier, strengthening Li Nianlong's sense of belonging to the Liu family was more important than anything. He turned to say something to Shao Meiyun but noticed her frowning with a worried look.

"Meiyun?" Liu Taixiao was puzzled. "What are you thinking about?"

"Grandpa…" Shao Meiyun returned to her senses and looked at him. "I don't oppose killing Long Zongheng, but he absolutely cannot die in Tianfu."

"How could he die in Tianfu? He's clearly in Longcheng." Liu Taixiao stroked his beard and smiled. "You're overthinking it, Meiyun."

Shao Meiyun shook her head. "Grandpa, listen to my analysis. Menglong, you listen too. It may not be right, but it's possible."

Liu Taixiao and Li Nianlong looked at her, and Shao Meiyun spoke softly. "Today, Zhao Qingqing came to propose marriage, clearly intending to control the Liu family through marriage. But this plan is doomed to fail because they mistakenly believe Grandpa is seriously ill, while in fact, you're healthier than ever."

Hearing this, Liu Taixiao stroked his beard and smiled. "That's right. With me here and Menglong secretly helping, the Long family's little scheme is bound to fail."

"Exactly." Shao Meiyun smiled slightly, then her tone changed. "But because the Long family doesn't know this, even if I refuse Zhao Qingqing, Long Zongheng might not give up. To show sincerity, he might personally come to Tianfu to propose."

Faced with this possibility, Liu Taixiao frowned and thought for a moment before nodding. "Indeed, that's possible. But if he comes to Tianfu, he'll be a fish in a barrel. Isn't he afraid I'll attack him?"

"If the crown prince is killed while proposing in Tianfu, what would people say?"

Shao Meiyun's words left Liu Taixiao silent, while a cold light flashed in Li Nianlong's eyes. "No matter. I have a personal grudge against Long Zongheng. When the time comes, I'll handle it myself and publicly reveal what Long Zongheng has done. People won't blame the Liu family; instead, they'll criticize Long Zongheng for being ruthless enough to kill his own brother. The public opinion will turn against the Long family."

"But the Long family won't take it lying down. They will definitely retaliate in secret," Shao Meiyun said worriedly.

"So what if they retaliate? I'll bear the consequences alone. I'll just cut ties with the Liu family then," Li Nianlong said sternly.

"Don't be foolish," Shao Meiyun glared at him. "Even if you cut ties, the Liu family would still be implicated. What about Ruyue?"

"They wouldn't dare!" Li Nianlong bristled. "If the Long family dares to harm Ruyue, I'll make sure the entire Long family pays!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Shao Meiyun couldn't bear to listen anymore and slapped Li Nianlong on the forehead. "Such a smart kid, but you start spouting nonsense when you get angry."

After Shao Meiyun's slap, Li Nianlong calmed down a bit and frowned. "I'm not a child. Stop slapping me."

"To your cousin, you'll always be a child." Despite saying this, Shao Meiyun didn't slap him again. She rebuked him, "If you say you're not a child, then act maturely. Stop making your cousin worry."

Li Nianlong remained silent.

Shao Meiyun exhaled softly. "Although Huaxia is currently experiencing unprecedented prosperity despite having many families and sects, the American Empire still eyes Huaxia covetously. Although I dislike the Long family, they have made significant contributions to the country's development. These achievements can't be erased. If the Long family collapses, even if other families take over, who can guarantee they'll do better? Some families, especially the Xiang family, are always discontent and want to replace the Long family without understanding how difficult it is to lead a nation."

"How hard can it be?" Li Nianlong said disdainfully. "Isn't it just giving orders and having people carry them out?"

"Easy to say when you're not in that position," Shao Meiyun rolled her eyes. "Managing the Liu family alone is incredibly difficult, let alone a country. If you think managing a family is easy, try it yourself."

"Don't try to provoke me. I won't fall for it." Li Nianlong glanced at her. "I won't take over the Liu family."

"So you're just talking without understanding the difficulty," Shao Meiyun sighed, feeling a bit disappointed but knowing she couldn't rush things. She would have to gradually influence him.

Liu Taixiao thought it was a pity, coughed, and said, "I don't think Long Zongheng will come to Tianfu. Even if he does, it's fine if he dies there. Everyone knows there have been many murders in Tianfu these past months. We can just blame it on Kung Fu Panda, and the Liu family will be clear of any responsibility."

"Grandpa, that would make other families laugh at us for being incompetent," Shao Meiyun said helplessly.

"I'd like to see who dares to laugh at the Liu family!" Liu Taixiao snorted, then turned to Li Nianlong. "Menglong, if they laugh, you go to their territories and kill a hundred of their important people. Let's see who dares laugh then."

Li Nianlong and Shao Meiyun broke into a cold sweat, realizing Liu Taixiao was a radical hawk.

"In any case, the Long family's marriage proposal must be rejected!" Li Nianlong looked at Shao Meiyun and said seriously, "Cousin, I don't want your future husband to be someone I have to kill with my own hands."

Shao Meiyun smiled helplessly. "My perfect match in all aspects was ruined by your words. How will you compensate me?"

After a moment of silence, Li Nianlong reached into his pocket and took out a small porcelain bottle.

"You actually have something?" Shao Meiyun was surprised and laughed. "I was joking! I didn't expect you to give me anything."

"Take it." Li Nianlong shook his head. "Inside are three Youth Preserving Pills. Taking one will keep your appearance youthful for ten years."

"Really!?" Shao Meiyun snatched the small bottle, holding it protectively like a mother hen, her eyes sparkling. "Mine, all mine."

Li Nianlong and Liu Taixiao exchanged glances, unable to reconcile this side of Shao Meiyun with her usual self.

Shao Meiyun took out a green pill, enjoying its fragrance, and then swallowed it. A warm sensation flowed into her abdomen, and then... nothing happened.

"Why don't I feel anything?" Shao Meiyun touched her face. "Do I look younger?"

Li Nianlong rolled his eyes. "This is a Youth Preserving Pill, meant to maintain your current appearance, not a Rejuvenation Pill."

"Ah... hehe, a Youth Preserving Pill is fine! I look no different from a woman in her twenties anyway," Shao Meiyun said, a bit narcissistically.

Li Nianlong wanted to say: Do your family members know how vain you are?

Two Beautifying Pills were left. Shao Meiyun didn't hesitate at all and immediately swallowed them. She then licked her lips and said, "Quite sweet, like candy, just not enough."

Seeing Shao Meiyun looking at him with shining eyes, Li Nianlong waved his hand, "Don't look at me. This kind of pill can only be taken three times in a lifetime. Taking more won't have any effect."

"Only three?" Shao Meiyun was very disappointed.

"Three is plenty." Li Nianlong had three lines of black frustration on his forehead. "Thirty years of youthful looks. What more do you want?"

"When it comes to beauty, women can't resist." Shao Meiyun chuckled, "My cousin is the same."

"I can tell." Just a moment ago, she was like an old mother hen. Women losing their sanity is really scary.

Old Master Liu coughed, "Menglong, you mentioned a Rejuvenation Pill earlier. Does such a pill really exist?"

Old Master Liu's expectant eyes made Li Nianlong feel a mountain of pressure. He quickly shook his head, "No, I was just speaking off the cuff."

"No, huh..." Old Master Liu was very disappointed. He sighed deeply, "Forget it. Everyone has to die eventually. To have such an outstanding grandson like you and such an excellent granddaughter like Meiyun before I die, I'm already very content."

Are you deliberately trying to be pitiful? You must be deliberately trying to be pitiful!

Li Nianlong said helplessly, "With my current abilities, I indeed can't make a Rejuvenation Pill. Besides, the ingredients are hard to find, and it requires a lot of time and effort... Just wait a few years and see."

Seeing Old Master Liu's eyes light up, Li Nianlong hurriedly set a precaution, "I'm just saying there's a possibility. Don't get your hopes too high. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. You should understand this principle."

Old Master Liu's eyes dimmed, but then he laughed, "Of course, I understand. Don't worry! I've lived over seventy years and have experienced all sorts of ups and downs. I'm already content with this life. How could I care about a few more decades of youth?"

"I hope that's your true sentiment," Li Nianlong thought to himself, "Otherwise, you'll be the one crying later."