
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 102: Identity Exposed


"Little Liu?"

Li Nianlong and the old technician were stunned, then simultaneously said, "What a joke!"

The old technician was furious. "You girl, do you really want me to disown you as my granddaughter?"

"No, Grandpa, I'm not lying. It was Brother Liu who made me do it," Li Zao said, a bit scared but still insisting.

"You're still stubborn! I... I'll beat you to death!" The old technician raised his hand to strike her, but Li Nianlong quickly stopped him. "Master Li, don't get so angry. It's not worth harming your health."

"Little Liu, don't stop me. This girl is getting more and more out of hand. If we don't discipline her now, she'll cause the family to be ruined in the future!"

"Ruining the family is an exaggeration. Master Li, calm down. Since Li Zao says it's because of me, let's hear her out first. If she can't give a clear explanation, you can beat her, and I won't stop you." Li Nianlong didn't know if he was mediating or fanning the flames, maybe a bit of both. After all, he hadn't done anything but was being 'framed' by Li Zao, which was enough to make anyone angry.

With Li Nianlong's intervention, the old technician agreed, his voice stern: "Li Zao, what do you have to say?"

Li Zao lowered her head, feeling wronged. "This morning, he defended that woman and said I was a child. I just wanted to prove that I'm not a child, so I..."

"Foolish!" The old technician almost fainted from anger after hearing her reason. "You still say you're not a child? Would an adult do such a thing?"

"I... I know I was wrong," Li Zao admitted, regretting her actions. As the old technician said, an adult wouldn't do something so childish. Only a teenager with an immature mind and impulsive nature would act this way.

Rebellious behavior is a real headache, especially at this age when it's at its peak. Even though everything is for their good, they take it as a burden and think they know best.

Due to his upbringing, Li Nianlong never experienced rebelliousness. From the time he could remember, Li Ying always respected his decisions. However, he had to bear the consequences of his decisions, not hiding in his mother's arms to escape them.

Growing up, Li Nianlong learned from many mistakes, so by middle school, he began to listen to others' opinions and made fewer mistakes.

Rebelliousness often stems from adults not respecting children's wishes, imposing their will on them, especially when children in their teens have their own thoughts and dignity. This issue is particularly severe in traditional families. Li Nianlong was fortunate.

Li Ying was an open-minded mother and a skillful woman. She knew how to guide her son in a good direction and, most importantly, made him take responsibility for his decisions. Whether good or bad, she respected his choices but made him bear the consequences alone.

As a result, Li Nianlong learned what actions had benefits, what didn't, and how to handle things correctly. He reached a state of understanding right and wrong.

Li Zao wasn't as fortunate. Her grandfather was a very traditional parent. Under his strict upbringing, Li Zao didn't misbehave, but she accumulated a lot of negative emotions over the years, which exploded today.

But Li Zao was also lucky. When she acted out, Li Nianlong was there. Without him, that thug would have caused great trouble for her and her grandfather.

"Master Li, let it go." Li Zao's reason made Li Nianlong feel both amused and exasperated. He patted her head with a strong hand. "Li Zao, you need to grow up! You think you're all that, but you're just a little girl. Look at you!"

Li Zao's face turned ashen, while the old technician couldn't help but laugh, pointing at Li Nianlong. "Little Liu, you really are something... hahaha..."

Seeing the old technician laugh heartily, Li Zao felt relieved and even saw a fleeting smile on Li Nianlong's face.

Brother Liu, you...

A humorous remark resolved the remaining tension between the grandfather and granddaughter, and though unspoken, both the old technician and Li Zao deeply appreciated the gesture.

After work, Li Nianlong returned home to find Shao Meiyun's car parked outside. Inside, she was elegantly enjoying some refreshments. Seeing him, she smiled, "Menglong, you're back!"

"What brings you here?" Li Nianlong was surprised, handed his coat to Nalan Ruyue, and sat opposite Shao Meiyun. "No official business to handle?"

"It's much easier now." Shao Meiyun smiled. "I'm here to discuss something with you."

"Not about me taking the family head position again, right?" Li Nianlong shook his head. "I said it's not possible. Don't waste your efforts."

"No," Shao Meiyun chuckled. "The family's situation is improving, so there's no rush for the head position. I have other matters to discuss."

"That's good." Li Nianlong nodded and stood up. "Let's eat first. Ruyue's cooking is much better than the family's chef."

"You're very fortunate." Shao Meiyun smiled, looking at the beautiful and virtuous Nalan Ruyue. "Only a girl like her deserves my cousin."

"Ruyue deserves anyone."

Watching Li Nianlong head to the bathroom, Shao Meiyun smiled softly. "But the one who matches her best is Menglong."

Dinner was a feast of Sichuan dishes: fish-flavored pork, mapo tofu, kung pao chicken, and boiled fish. Shao Meiyun praised Nalan Ruyue's cooking, calling her the perfect wife for the Liu family, making Ruyue blush.

For some reason, although Li Nianlong and Nalan Ruyue weren't a couple, they didn't deny it when others assumed they were, perhaps to avoid trouble or out of laziness.

After dinner, Nalan Ruyue made a pot of hot tea and excused herself to take a bath, leaving Li Nianlong and Shao Meiyun alone in the living room. The TV was on, playing a talk show debating, "Is Kung Fu Panda a Hero or a Villain?"

Two guests were invited: a sociology professor from Tianfu University and a lawyer from Tianfu Law Firm. The female host moderated the heated debate.

The professor, animated and passionate, argued, "Kung Fu Panda is a necessary jolt to a decaying society. While economic development has improved lives, it has also corroded morals, conscience, and integrity, especially in Tianfu, where gangs and crime run rampant. Without Kung Fu Panda, society would collapse."

The lawyer, adjusting his glasses, countered, "While I don't deny Kung Fu Panda's contribution to public safety, his actions seriously violate the law. Assault and murder are not legally permissible, and he robs his victims, proving he's not a hero but a criminal with some sense of justice but no legal awareness."

"Nonsense! The biggest criminals are the privileged! If Kung Fu Panda is wrong, it's society's fault. Without him, society would be in chaos. And you lawyers, defending criminals for money, will be his next targets! Your good days are numbered! Hahaha..."

The professor's rant made the lawyer's face pale, unsure if he was angry or scared. The host quickly changed the topic as the scene became chaotic.

"..." Watching the debate turn into a brawl, Li Nianlong sighed. "The professor is quite passionate."

"Yes!" Shao Meiyun put down her teacup, smiling. "How does it feel to be defended by the professor?"

"Defended?" Li Nianlong looked puzzled.

Shao Meiyun smiled knowingly. "You have a noticeable quirk. When you're nervous, you subconsciously clench your fists."

"Really?" Looking at his fists, Li Nianlong smiled wryly and met Shao Meiyun's calm gaze. "How did you know it was me?"

Given their relationship, he didn't fear Shao Meiyun betraying him and admitted it directly.

"So it is you." Shao Meiyun's smile deepened. "Do you remember how you broke my guard's leg the first time we met?"

"That first time..." Li Nianlong recalled, shaking his head. "I thought punching from a prone position would go unnoticed."

"There's no impossible task, only those with determination." Shao Meiyun smiled, brushing her hair back. "Menglong, I knew you were capable, but not this capable. Should I have you arrested?"