
Cultist journey through madness

The devotee of Nyarlathotep, Lucas Blackwood starts an unstoppable chain of events, will the hidden guardians of earth be able to repel the ancient horrors or will they be plunged into insanity? This is basically a long collection of legends of the Earths strongest guardians and their stories trying to repel the eldritch horrors that plague their beloved world.

Dem0n_Ancestor · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 84: The Abyssal Revelation

Baal's relentless pursuit of power had led him down a path of relentless self-destruction and reconstruction. He had lost track of time as he swung his sword with unyielding determination, each strike pushing him beyond his limits. Months turned into years, and years into decades, as the field of white flowers became drenched in his own blood.

With every devastating blow, Baal's body shattered and was reformed, stronger and more resilient than before. He embraced the pain, relished in the challenge, and reveled in the intoxicating surge of power that coursed through his veins. The field became a testament to his unwavering resolve and insatiable thirst for strength.

As Baal gracefully landed, the field around him lay in ruins, the once pristine white flowers now stained crimson with his sacrifice. He gazed upon his blade, chipped and cracked, yet still pulsating with an undeniable power. A wicked smirk curled upon his lips as he lifted the weapon high above his head, its jagged edge gleaming with malevolence.

With a single swift motion, Baal brought the blade down, unleashing a cataclysmic force that rent the very fabric of the realm. The dimensions trembled under the weight of his newfound might, and the foundations of the library itself shook with the impact. Chaos erupted, devouring the peaceful atmosphere that had pervaded the realm for so long.

Maya, the overseer, and the countless other beings within the library were jolted from their study and rushed towards the source of the immense power. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they beheld Baal, his torn and blood-soaked clothes clinging to his body. He stood amidst the destruction, emanating an aura of overwhelming might that suffocated the air.

Maya's voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes reflecting a mix of awe and trepidation. "Baal... what have you done? How did you unleash such power?"

Baal's smirk widened, revealing a glimmer of madness in his eyes. "I have surpassed my own limits, Maya. I have shattered the boundaries of what is possible. This power... it is mine to command."

The overseer, shocked by Baal's transformation, tried to regain composure. "This power... it is beyond comprehension. You have ventured into realms untold and returned with an unimaginable strength."

Baal chuckled darkly, reveling in the awe and fear that radiated from those around him. "I am no longer bound by the constraints of this library or the limitations of my own being. I have become something greater, something formidable."

Maya took a step back, her voice tinged with concern. "Baal, this path you have chosen... it is perilous. You must be careful not to lose yourself in the pursuit of power."

Baal's smirk faltered for a moment, his eyes flickering with a hint of uncertainty. But then, with a resolute gaze, he met Maya's eyes. "Power is not meant to be tamed, Maya. It is meant to be wielded. And I shall wield it with unmatched mastery."

The library trembled once more as Baal's aura intensified, suffusing the space with an otherworldly presence. Maya and the overseer watched in both awe and unease as Baal's path diverged further from the realm they once knew.