
Free spies everywhere

P.O.V of the head of the Anti-Magician Association branch in the Holy Kingdom

Recently, I have received a request from my good friend, Malcium. A high tier mage appeared in the Kingdom of Dusk, a lower tier kingdom. According to him, that mage had killed angels sent by his god and disrupted his summoning ritual. So it would be beneficial for them if they get rid of that mage. Such a powerful mage appearing in such a barren area sure give me some suspicions.

You must be curious why our association hates magicians so much that we named ourselves the Anti-Magician Association. Magicians are often people who lack faith in gods. They think very highly of themselves, such that look down on the lives of others. Unafraid of being hunted by temples, some of them even wreak havoc and do human experiments just for the sake of looking into the endless abyss of magic.

The goddess of magic condones such behaviours, however, those wild magicians do not care and continue to cause destruction among the commoners. We believe that if magic does not exist, the world would be a much more peaceful place. So, we are tasked with hunting magician and spreading the belief of the god of protection supporting us. Magic causes people's faith in God to diminish. Thus it is our duty to prevent that.

The members of the Anti-Magician Association are trained to deal with mages. We were trained to bait out their spells and to attack them at their most vulnerable state, especially when they do not have enough mana or when they are chanting. We even have anti-magic weapons, such as anti-magic swords or armour. However, these good stuff are extremely expensive and rare. They are impossible to replicate even by genius chemist or magicians themselves. They were designed to dissipate the mana in spells so that they do not come into full effect or be cast.

Since there is a high tier magician in Entropy, I will be bringing my full set of anti-magic gear. From here to Entropy will take about one and a half week even for a tier 13 being like me. With this, I set off to a mere tier 0 kingdom.

Back in Entropy Dan's side,

"Am I so popular that people can't stand not stalking me?" Dan laughed to himself while walking to the bathroom.

The light figure beside him nodded happily to Dan's talking, seemingly agreeing to whatever he says.

"Well I am starting to like you, so I will name you Aurora," Dan said in joyful mode.

"I wonder what they are feeling right now after I dealt with their angels, must be scary for something so convenient to go against them," Dan said in deep thought.

"Aurora what did you do to the angels the paladin summoned?" Dan asked.

The light avatar turned towards and write out its thoughts on air.

"Wait... the second feeling of being watch comes from angels summoned by the saintess of peace. And you evolve them and made them fight her?" Dan did not know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this.

The avatar of light thought it was not ruthless enough after seeing it's master's complicated expressions.

The avatar continues writing in the air, leading to Dan having more complicated expressions.

"So you sensed that the servant of the god of justice tried to summon more angels to spy on me so you stopped the angels from accepting their request. I see, good job..." Dan was thinking about how this would benefit him until the angel wrote something that made him speechless.

The angel continues to write [do you want me to command all angels to stop working for all gods?]

"Uhh, that's enough for now, just stop angels from spying on me and that would be enough." Since they had suspicions that I am a god, it would be better to stop here. If I go overboard, they might band together to eliminate me.

"Oh, I almost forget, this is important!" Dan said with a brightened expression.

[?] Aurora wrote.

"Tell the angels to continue their normal jobs and secretly spy on those gods and tell me if anything important happens, "Dan said happily. Having spies planted in every god's fraction allows Dan to know everything that happens around the world. With this, he was notified of the hero summoning, wars and monster waves.

Now that I think about it... if I did not kill the angel, wouldn't the others have not cared much about me. After a few seconds, he understood that they would have paid a large amount of attention to him even if he did not kill the angel. This is because being a high tier mage alone is enough to give suspicions on why he is in a tier 0 kingdom. They would have sent forces to combat me. If I did not make such an action, the gods were most likely to think me as a high tier mage only and send more and more beings to kill me.

Killing off their methods of spying on me has led them to believe that I am a god and not a high tier mage holding a legendary artefact. This would prevent them from mindlessly attacking me if they thought much about this situation. Offending a true god is not something they would like to do. This would effectively save me from being attacked all the time. They would probably send someone to test me out before confirming their thoughts. After all, the most dangerous enemies are those that are hidden.

Which means that instead of facing many powerful individuals all the time, I can just face them one time. Looks like I will need to power up as fast as possible. But seriously, avatars are overpowered... the things I summoned are much more powerful than me myself.

If they fully believe that I am a true god here, they wouldn't send troops here to disturb this land as it will belong to me. Since a true god appeared in an uncontested land. But I would have to finish off that demigod of Dusk before I can start my own religion.

Looks like I will have to thank the system for thinking this far for me, Dan thought to himself.

Nerfs are needed!

Afternoonecreators' thoughts