
Part #2: Hard Slap

Dream: Chris was strolling inside the room without understanding what he was doing there. Unexpectedly the floor under him transformed into a heap of bones and he started to crack and began yelling for help, subsequent to strolling for a while once more, the floor under him turned bloody and he began to run in alarm. He saw a splendid blazing light and he ran into it and when he arrived there, he saw various individuals eating leafy foods in the city joyfully with no trepidation. Chris felt entertaining and continued standing and feeling the spot, unexpectedly a person strolled towards him and says,

"You are our legend." Everybody started to accumulate around him and yell, "You are our legend, you liberated us."

Chris awakened from his fantasy in a room where an individual was watching television. The individual saw him awakened and says,

"Thanks to God! You are finally awake at long last, I thought you were out for eternity. My name's Zak yet some of my friends call me skull healer."

Chris asked him in broken voice,

"How long have I been out?"

"Not long, I mean you were out for only 2 days since you fell in the domain." Chris got up and inquired, "I want to meet Phoenix!"

"Unfortunately, you can't meet him for the present, he's out for some business that he wants to take care of. He asked me to take Care of you."

"Why you?"

"The fact that nobody wanted to aid you due to your record against us, I mean, you killed half of our siblings. Everybody was so prepared to kill and vindicate their sibling yet not me."

"Why not you then, at that point? I'm certain, I have killed your companion or sibling too."

"Definitely! You have killed my siblings and two sisters however that doesn't mean, I disdain you other than they were all presumptuous and didn't need me around. It wasn't your issue, you were simply following orders, you are very much like us, you follow your boss."

"I'm not the same as you."

" Well that is the attitude I like about you, I heard your stories, you once killed a whole squad of exceptional cops with a belt? "

"No doubt! I did, I was fortunate that the belt didn't break, I actually wore it's actually hanging on well."

"That is cool, perhaps you could get me one as well."

"Sure however I don't have the foggiest idea where to find it, it was gifted to me by my dad."

"Gracious day break! That is okay, you can show me your abilities then."

"For what? To experience like me?"

"No! To turn out to be better than you. I generally respected you, The entire mafia organisations fear you."

"I don't accept that as a compliment, it's more similar to a revile yet I'm fine with it."

6 criminal with blades and firearms arrived into the room and says,

"Dark needs to meet him. We are here to take him."

Zak answered, "No wait! Dark didn't say anything about taking him."

Chris said,"Zak! You would want to remain back. "

One of the hooligans went after Chris and Chris counter him, choked his neck and tossed him on the ground. Different hooligans with firearms started to take shots at him. Zak sought cover and tossed his firearm towards Chris and yells,

"Chris here! Kick some asses now."

Chris pushed the bed to the sides and hid behind it and started to fire back with his weapons, Chris shot down 2 hooligans yet ran out of shots, he then hurried towards the remaining evildoers and got his neck with his leg and punched him. The other one snatched Chris from the back where his injuries were and he punched him in those injuries, Chris got his arms and bent it. The leftover last hoodlum took off in dread. Chris joints were opened and he was losing a great deal of blood. He fell on the floor, Zak got him and hauled him on the bed where he halted his blood and sewed his injuries. Few moments later, Dark strolls into the room. He was stunned that most of his men had been laying on the floor, some of them were killed and some were unconscious.

Dark asked, "Wait, what just happened here?"

Zak answered, "They have attacked us. Chris has suffered serious injuries, and his sutures have come undone, but he will recover; he just passed out."

"Bring him to my room, and have two of your best men stand watch at the doors. Bring everyone into the pit for the time being, I need to speak with them."

"As you desire."

Chris was approached by Black, who said, "I care about his life. He will be essential to sprucing up our city."

Chris was searching around for water when he woke up in Black's room. A short while later, Black enters the room holding a bottle of water and extends an offer to the man. Chris drank it without comment.

Black said, "I apologise for what happened. I can promise you that I did not give such an order to have you killed, and besides you would already be dead if I had."

"I suppose what you're saying is true, then your men are no longer under your control, right?"

"If you want to think that way, by all means, but I'm aware of what my men think of me. In every way, they respect me."

"Respect and obedience are two distinct concepts that cannot be combined."

"You're not aware of the reality, and everyone wants you dead due to your past."

"Then I suppose you should kill me."

"I don't want to, and you know Chris, I need you more than anything."

"For what purpose, do you need me?"

"I need you to do me a favour. You must eliminate the ghouls."

Chris started to chuckle and glanced down on Black. "Are you kidding? Are you asking me to murder the most powerful mafia organisation in the entire city of New York? only so you may take over."

"Chris! You are aware of our lengthy history of fighting the Ghouls solely to maintain dominance. So what did we accomplish in the end? Nothing except blood shed."

"You currently only have 10% of the city's streets, which makes up 80% of the total. The remaining 10% belong to low level gangs. I understand your desire to take action against some of the most organised mafia organisations."

"Listen up! I just want to clean up this mess, I don't want to be in charge. I want you to sweep these city streets so that we can get everything back to normal and orderly."

"I don't understand what you're saying, Black."

Black got out of the chair and said, "I need to show you something that will change your perspective, so please come with me. "

Chris followed Black as he climbed onto the roof of a building and pointed his finger in the general direction of a community. When Chris looked, he was horrified to see the terrible things happening all around the neighbourhood. Women were brutally slain, children were cruelly tossed into trucks like toys, and old people were brutally murdered.

Chris yelled indignantly, "What did they do to get this punishment? Why not put a halt to them?"

"Let me to ask you this? Why didn't you put a stop to all of this when you had the chance? I am aware of what you did, Chris, you intended to assassinate Joseph but decided to work with them to subdue the mobs and gain control instead. "

"My past is irrelevant, who are these mobs, I want to know."

"These are the men of Morrice Fred, he wanted them to give him protection money, but since the residents of this area were in debt and couldn't afford to give him so much money, they decided not to. And the result of their bravery is this. Oh no, how sad? It's because of you that Ghoul's are in such power."

"I did it only to keep one guy safe."

"And what did you receive in return?"

Chris didn't respond and remained silent for a while. Dark said, "Thought so. Since the police are powerless to stop their shipments, which won't stop their trafficking, we are depending on you to direct us on how to get rid of them. In order to make this city better."

"Why did you choose me?"

"You've been around a while, you know how they work, Chris!"

"Okay! Not for the benefit of this city, but rather for my own interests, I will assist you in eliminating Ghoul. I desired exact justice. "

"Don't take it that way, seeking revenge will only result in empty satisfaction."

"There ain't much for me in this world after I lost my loved one."

"I can feel your pain, I lost countless family members too, including my father and my brother. They were murdered by you."

"I can't fix the past and sorry won't fix anything for you so I wanna look forward to fixing those mistakes."

"Alright! I hope we will see New York City free from these infections."

"I hope so."

1 year later, on December 1st, 1930,

The cold December winters have arrived, and New York City has begun to receive snowfall. During the night, people seek warmth and shelter in various locations. The virus breeze of winds, freezes all that comes in touch. In the evening when everybody needs to rest, the evil spirits run their work. Twelve seasoned mobsters, an armoured van, two cars, and tons of cocaine were ready to leave the Cadman Plaza. Morrice Fred owned the convoy, which was going to be delivered to his customers. At the point when they were en route to their objective. They observed a crowd obstructing their path to their destination. After two men got out of the car and started to clear the roadblock, the crowd again pulled out knives and stabbed both guards, killing them instantly. when the convoy commander saw it. He was terrified and yelled, " WE HAVE BEEN Trapped! "

To safeguard the driver and the cargo, everyone pulled out their guns and erected a perimeter around the van. The driver of the van yelled, "OPEN FIRE AT THAT MOB! "

Every one of the 10 men opened fire at them and the crowd dissipated and at last took off. The cold breeze took on the appearance of a storm and the snowfall suddenly intensified. Three men wearing hoods abruptly began to casually approach the van from the front. When he saw them approaching, the driver of the van ordered his men to shoot them down. Before they could shoot. They were attacked from nearby buildings, and all ten mobsters were ultimately killed. The entire group of hooded men left the buildings and walked toward the convoy. The hooded man began to throw petrol on the van. Van driver, who was also the commander of the convoy, got frightened and he dropped his weapon and gave himself up. When three hooded individuals approached him, he inquired, "Who are you people?"

One of the hooded men unfold his hood and replied back, "It's been too long, Imprint!"

Mark was shocked to see his face, so he asked, "Chris! What are you doing here?"

" Long story old friend, however at this moment, I really want you to come with me. I had some work for you."