
Chapter 7 The Man Who Needs Tidying Up_1

Translator: 549690339

The dagger's cold glint brushed against her skin, sliding upward from the hem of her dress, splitting it in two as it passed, sending chills throughout her body.

Anning Wei was petrified, too terrified to move, afraid that the knife might not be selective in its path. In a burst of anger, she cursed loudly, "You sick pervert, what do you want, let me go!"

"Want to know?" the man leisurely savored her anger and fear, drawing closer to her with a voice that was almost tender, "The night is long, save your energy."

Enraged, Anning Wei struggled violently and by accident brushed against the blade, her snow-white tender skin immediately burst open, beading with bright blood, like a red plum blossom blooming on pure white snow.

The stark contrast between white and red tantalized the man's eyes.

The man's Adam's apple bobbed uncontrollably; he leaned down, licking away the blood, his demeanor demonically bloodthirsty, as if savoring the most delicious dish in the world.

Goosebumps erupted all over Anning Wei's body; her grape-black pupils were full of rage, "Let me go, you dead pervert, don't you touch me!"

"Not allowed?" the man raised an eyebrow slightly, his phoenix eyes full of disinterest, "Anjing Wei, what right do you have to object? You're on my turf, I'll do whatever I want to you, it's not up to you to resist!"

"I'm not Anjing Wei, you lunatic, how many times do I have to tell you before you'll believe me?" Anning Wei screamed furiously, her eyes bloodshot, her spirit having been greatly tormented over the past two days and nights, especially by the pressure from the masked man in front of her, which she could not bear.

She wasn't Anjing Wei; why should she suffer in her stead?

And, where did this pervert come from anyway? She had been too busy during the day trying to figure out where she was and how to get back, completely forgetting about this character.

The man's expression was sinister as he clenched Anning Wei's chin, his gaze piercing with obsession, "I say you are, so you are, dare to call me a lunatic again and see what happens!"


Anning Wei didn't finish her sentence when she heard a "hiss" by her ear, followed by a sudden coolness as her dress was instantly torn in two. Her eyes widened as she began to struggle fiercely.

The room was filled with the jingle of crisp sounds, full of malice.

"Curse, I'll allow you to keep cursing!"

Anning Wei struggled vehemently, her wrists and ankles were rubbed raw, the pain bringing tears to her eyes. She glared at the man through gritted teeth, unable to wipe away the tears that symbolized weakness, but her eyes showed an unyielding defiance to submit to him.

The man was slightly taken aback.

"Why do you hate that woman named Anjing Wei so much? Is it because she ran off with another man behind your back? You're such a pervert, if I were her, I'd run too."

Something she said must have struck a nerve in the man; his face twisted for an instant before returning to its ice-cold austerity.

All of a sudden, the man pounced on her, delighting in her pain-contorted face, and mocked, "Anjing Wei"

"You're shameless!"

Lowering his gaze to her, the man said with a wicked smile, "I'm shameless, well then let me show you what true shamelessness is!"