
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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Chapter 99: The ancient god Buster and the "Book of Traveling in the Spiritual World"! SHIELD? Snake Shield!

Louis's mentality is still the same as usual, there is not much fluctuation, there is not much turbulence.

It seems that what happened today is of no use to him. It seems that the arrival of the ancient master has no effect on him.

In fact, the same is true. The arrival of the ancient master and the information revealed by the ancient master have basically no effect on him.

On the contrary, it was able to make Master Gu Yi completely shift his attention to the direction that Louis wanted her to pay attention to.

On the contrary, it can completely make Shuma Godzilla, the native old ruler of the Marvel world... become a cheap, easy-to-use shield for Louis.

All in all, it's still a little good for him.

And Master Gu Yi didn't think that Louis was the so-called man behind the scenes.

She never thought Louie was in control.

The reason for not thinking so is simple.

Because Louie's strength is in her eyes...not qualified to be the mastermind behind all these events, even if Louie's strength is placed in Kama Taj, except...her... Except for the Supreme Master, almost no one can suppress it.

But this is still not qualified to be the mastermind behind the scenes. Master Gu Yi doesn't even know that there is a system in this world.

Louis took out the book "The Book of Traveling in the Spiritual World", which was given to him by the ancient master.

Putting this thick book on the cashier counter, his calm gaze finally made waves.

Opened the first page, that is... a few lines, written in strange words, the index of the previous text.

Louis obviously couldn't understand what these words were.

It is even highly possible that it is not written on Earth.

But the strange thing is... he understands it! It is estimated that this "Book of Traveling in the Spiritual World" should be a spell that can be understood by any intelligent creature, and all the strange aliens on it. Word,.

"Wandering beyond reality, walking through the dimensional gap, walking through the mysterious method of the spiritual world - Dakrasni Boyle Hernasiftalos!"

Louis read out the words above, word by word, these... odd words seemed to be able to be translated in real-time autonomously in his mind.

He remembered that the system mall also had a similar technique, which was a zero-order seven-star technique.

It allows an intelligent creature to understand the words written by other intelligent creatures.

Dakrasni Boyle Hernasiftaros, should be the one mentioned by the Ancient One Mage before he gave Louis this book... an elder Mage from other planets.

The reason why the other party gave this book to Gu Yi is that the relationship with Gu Yi is not bad.

Those who can have a good relationship with the ancient one may also be the number one person in the universe.

But Louis had apparently never heard of the name.

Of course, this is also very normal, after all, there are many low-key old monsters in the Marvel world.

Maybe someday an old monster will appear on earth.

Maybe the strength can be on par with the ancient master.

That is also an indeterminate thing.

"The Book of Traveling in the Spirit World", as Master Gu Yi said at the beginning, as well as the index preface on the first page, records a very special space shuttle magic, in which the number of space shuttle magic is Reached 30! The thickness of the whole book is not inferior to a dictionary at all, and the paper of the book is made of a special material, even if it is torn hard, it is difficult to tear.

Even if Louis tried to tear it, it is estimated that it would take at least 5% of the force to tear it apart.

To know the strength of Louis 5 now, it is not a problem to tear the steel plate.

Pay attention to the material of this book, which is very special.

And it doesn't feel heavy at all.

Instead, it's like very light and fragile paper.

"It looks complicated...but it's not as complicated as I imagined, but it can be used as a kind of pastime to learn a little bit."

If this makes those from Kama Taj...I guess those mages would like to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Because "The Book of Traveling in the Spirit World" in Kamatay is second only to the learning difficulty of the white magic "The Book of Weishan Emperor"! On the difficulty of learning "Weishan", the first word... "The Book of Traveling in the Spiritual World" "Book" is definitely ranked second! However, such a magic book with a very high degree of difficulty, Louis actually said "it is not as complicated as he imagined"

, "It can be used as a pastime to learn a little bit"

If this sentence was heard by the monks and mages above Kama Taj.

That is definitely full of hatred, making people jealous to the extent that they can't help but feel jealous.

While Louis was looking at this magic book... a small black cat jumped up.

The black cat squatted beside the "Book of Traveling in the Spiritual World", with a pair of big eyes, curiously looking at the contents of the book.

It seems to have a certain interest in the native magic of the Marvel universe.

In its pair of big eyes, there is a very strong curiosity.

The pair of eyes without pupils looked quite cute.

Before leaving the store, the ancient master was completely attracted by the words Louis said and the golden crown that Louis took out. Although she noticed that there was another aura in the store, she did not pay too much attention to it. .

If she pays a little attention, she can find that something is not right with the black cat, or compared with the normal cat, it is very wrong.

"you can understand"

Louis poked the black cat's little head and asked with a helpless smile.

The aggrieved "meow" of the black cat

With a sound, her lovely paws brushed the hair on her head.

"Really understandable"

Louis asked in surprise.

The black cat nodded very humanely.

After listening, Louis smiled and said, "Then you want to learn about these... Space shuttle magic"

The black cat shook his head and barked again.

After listening, Louis nodded suddenly: "Are you saying that this is not suitable for cat practice?"

The black cat nodded seriously.

One person and one cat communicated tacitly.

This is quite an unbelievable and funny scene, which made Mindy, who was burying her head in her homework not far away, bewildered.

The boss was talking to the strange pet black cat, and the black cat kept shaking his head and nodding.

It's as if you can understand what the boss is saying.

And every time the black cat made a meow, the boss seemed to be able to understand what the black cat was saying.

Could this be the boss's special ability! Mindy heard that there are some people in the world with special abilities, but there are not many such people.

Mindy was only seen on the Internet and on TV news, but never in reality.

However, the boss is so special and has a special status, so...it seems reasonable to have some strange and special abilities...a trident that is completely opposite to the warm atmosphere of this small shop in Hell's Kitchen Inside the Halberd Building, the entire Trident Building is in a state of high tension at this moment.

Every S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... agents or staff members, or security personnel, their expressions are all tense, for fear of being harmed by disasters.

Because Nick Fury, director of the Homeland Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support Agency, had a fight with Pierce Alexander of the World International Security Council, the former director of the Trident Building.

The reason for the quarrel is also very simple, because Pierce Alexander is... SHIELD.


The former director of .... who is currently a member of the World International Security Council.

This guy was ahead, bypassed Nick Fury and took the... deep diver.

Even if Nick Fury was promoted by Pierce, but such a move.

Make Nick Fury feel like he's in S.H.I.E.L.D.


..., without a shred of power.

Make him feel like a puppet.

As a result, he directly passed Pierce... and reported Pierce's actions to the five directors of the World Security Council.

Then, Pierce almost didn't get fired.

If it wasn't for Pierce's activation of Hydra's network power, it is estimated that he would have been slapped down, after all, he passed Nick Fury to control S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s actions made the five directors extremely dissatisfied.

And the five members of the World Security Council represent the five members of the Earth! It is conceivable how much the Hydra paid to keep the black hat....

It is because of this reason, or these two reasons...the fuse of the quarrel between the two.

Half an hour ago, two people had a big fight in the Trident Building.

That stance seemed to turn against each other, let S.H.I.E.L.D.


The agents of .... were nervous.

On one side is S.H.I.E.L.D.


....the former director, with S.H.I.E.L.D. on one side.


The current director of ....

The two giant Buddhas quarreled at the Trident Building headquarters.

This means that Nick Fury, the new director, may have to completely eliminate Pierce from S.H.I.E.L.D.


The influence of ....

Then really control the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.


....! And Nick Fury really wanted to do the same.



...In the director's office, Nick Fury rubbed his aching temples and muttered to himself with an extremely complicated expression: "Pierce has already worked in the World International Security Council, why not give up S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... this guy in power, always feels a bit out of place, very wrong"

What's wrong is wrong, but what kind of wrong method is, Nick Fury doesn't know.

He didn't know, that S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s former director, Pierce Alexander.

In fact, it is a high-level core figure of Hydra! The so-called S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., in a sense...should be renamed: Snake Shield! Because in the whole S.H.I.E.L.D.

Except...undercover or undercover.