
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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122 Chs

Chapter 75: Escape from Heaven, Purple Mountains

Coulson's iron-blooded command fell like a roar, coupled with the anxiety and horror in his tone, and the... if there is nothing... The strange flute tone that seems to be endlessly approaching, then "1,1"

The flute tone of the voice is wide and full of distortion and evil! It seems to be a blasphemous sound from the abyss and hell, and Coulson swears that if there are some fanatical believers, he will never care....

What is the monster behind it?

This kind of crazy guy will definitely be annoyed when he hears this blasphemous sound.

Then, without saying a word, he turned his head and fought with the monster behind him.

For .. that kind of..., very fanatical believers... blasphemy may be... the only taboo scale in their life! S.H.I.E.L.D.


These agents of .... are not believers, even if some people believe in God or something, they are only regarded as spiritual sustenance, not the kind of... fanatics.

So even if I hear this blasphemous sound, I don't feel very comfortable.

But they still obeyed Coulson's iron-blooded orders.

No turning back! No turning back, and no turning back! Because of Coulson's tone of voice, it can be concluded that it would be miserable to turn back.

If you see something like that... you shouldn't see it.

It is very possible to fall into endless madness.

Coulson can barely maintain his sanity to this day, and he is already different from ordinary people.

Already outrageous for his value.

Instead, be an ordinary agent.

It is estimated that he will be frightened and stunned.

Then it was crushed by the monster behind... directly! After Coulson issued an order of iron and blood, he ran straight forward without looking back. He was already exhausted and out of breath. At this time, I don't know where a kind of strength has arisen. This strength allows him to run at full speed. In this extremely depressing and very terrifying atmosphere, it is the easiest to stimulate a person's physical potential.

He didn't know if the hideous monster behind him was the one that Louis mentioned... Shoggoth, although this possibility is very high, but it is not known for the time being.

If Louie is here, maybe he will give himself an answer. Unfortunately, Louie is far away in New York's Hell's Kitchen.

I don't know how many kilometers away from here.

Under the light of the previous flashlight, it was obvious that this monster reflected a red color black, and its body with a faint stench was clinging to the rock wall of the passage, surging at a terrifying speed, with white on its body. The fog lingers and rolls.

Looking at it again, it's like sitting in a white fog... a lump of disgusting rotten meat.

Yes! To Coulson, that looked like a piece of rotten meat.

It's the kind of...I don't know how many thousands of times I've been chopped with a knife.

And it's also put in the blender, the kind that has been blended several times... rotten meat.

It gave him a very disgusting feeling.

This monster looks bigger than a train, and this passage is like a train tunnel.

The ground beneath your feet is like the tracks of a train.

This monster is like a rushing train.

And you and others are... people on the rails.

There is no way to escape from left and right, only with this "train"

, racing on the rails.

If you can run, you can save your life.

If you can't run, you will die here.

This is the brutal truth.

This monster is like a protoplasmic foam-like amorphous aggregate. It seems to emit a faint light on its body. It fills the front end of the entire passage. It seems that there are many things similar to eyes, which are constantly being destroyed it generates.

That kind of eye-like thing also exudes a faint green light, but the next moment this eye-like thing disintegrates, and then another eye emerges.

It's as if this kind of eyes were deliberately imitated, the kind that looks very deliberate...

I don't know if Coulson had some hallucinations before.

He actually faintly felt that some of his eyes were similar to those of the ancients.

The other part of the eyes is similar to human eyes.

This monster seems to be able to imitate everything.

That... terrifying, mocking voice continued.

That one is... a flute with a wide range.


It's still blasphemous! It's disgusting.

How nauseating! This may be what... Louis said, they were given life by the ancients, and finally betrayed the ancients hundreds of millions of years ago.

They do not have their own thoughts, their own language, and even communication is done with patterns.

In fact, all the characteristics of the various intelligent creatures of Shoggoth belong to their former owners.

I don't know how long I ran, how far I ran, or even where I ran.

The agents felt that their potential was being exhausted, and they encountered many strange things on the way.

For example, the well-carved large pillars, such as those...continuous, epic-level wall sculptures.

This kind of wall sculpture is like a suicide note left by an ancient who has degenerated to a certain extent.

If it was in normal times, they might even watch it with an expression of admiration.

But now I don't have that kind of... mind at all, because even if you slow down a little... you may put yourself in some kind of doom.

Right in front of you! A scene suddenly appeared, like the redemption from the gods.

It's as if some god found them not subject to such blasphemers.

So in a very appreciative situation... I gave them a blessing and a redemption.

It was a huge hole, with blue sky and white clouds outside, and a howling cold wind blew in.

That's why inside the mountain cave...the air is always so fresh.

Because the caves here extend in all directions.

Entrance:, Exit: everywhere.

Fresh air comes in and out.

There won't be any sign of lack of oxygen at all, there won't be any sign of excess carbon dioxide, at most... some altitude sickness, after all, the altitude here is not ordinary.

If it weren't for the fact that they are all well-trained and physically strong S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Agent, it is estimated that this kind of altitude sickness will be able to toss them to death.

After breaking through this exit, Coulson's eyes suddenly became brighter.

Shoggoth behind him didn't know if he was chasing the wrong way.

Although I can still hear that...weird evil voice.

But it seems that the sound has become: farther and farther away.

Does this mean the monsters behind him... Indeed, it seems that the only explanation is that they have been lost, otherwise, it is impossible for the other party not to follow.

Unless the other party is afraid of the sun outside, it is impossible! This is not some kind of vampire, and it is just the layer of white fog lingering on the other party's body, not to mention the light of the sun, it is estimated that it is the light of flash bombs. It is difficult to penetrate the thick layer of white fog.

Coulson didn't know what kind of place he ran to, he looked around here and looked down.

He saw something very familiar, it was an airplane of a decent size.

That...unique look, obviously...is...S.H.I.E.L.D.


...the Quinjet! They don't know what language to use to describe their mood.

Carefully searched all the words in my mind.

It seems that there is only "after the catastrophe"

This idiom... can express all the current situation.

"May! Can you see us? We're on a mountain right behind the plane! I don't dare to make too much noise, because I'm worried that it will attract the attention of the monster. Be careful to let the monster know that we are here. There is no way for the flare. Called out.

Can you see us here?"

Coulson tapped the ear... a small button on the headset.

Outside the mountain, the signal was much better, and Agent May could hear his voice very clearly inside the plane.

After hearing about Coxon's players, Agent May said: "I'll take a look..."

After more than ten seconds, her voice sounded again: "I see! Wait a moment for me, I will come right away.

How does it feel to be inside"

After listening to Coulson, he showed a wry smile and panted, "That's not so great."

While waiting for Agent May to come over, Coulson looked around.

In the distance, there seems to be a purple mountain in a dream, the top of the mountain like the tip of a needle, faintly and looming in the pale red sky.

The river below has been dry for a long time, and the river that I don't know how long is like a black ribbon.

It separates everything and seems to connect everything.

And behind them, it seems like a dark underground world, an ancient abyss of hell.

This kind of scene seems to be extraordinary and magnificent.

But there is still an indescribable fear that occupies most of people's hearts.

Because this is the most taboo place in Antarctica.

It is also the most terrifying forbidden area on earth.

At least Coulson... thinks so.

Most of the places he has been to are not as dangerous or as evil as this.

Like dangers in other places, he can rely on superb fighting skills, can rely on the firearms in his hands, and a flexible mind to deal with it.

But the danger here is completely different.

Whether it's melee combat skills, guns in hand, or flexible minds.

Here, everything seems to be useless.

The only thing that seems to work is luck.

Of course, there is also the most important thing...that is-sanity!! Even the previous private exploration team did not have a deep understanding of the contents of the cave.

In other words, they are... SHIELD.


The agents of .... on Earth, all of humanity! The first people ever to see those...weird things with their own eyes.

Oh yes, except...Louis.

Except for a special person like Louis, among all ordinary people, Coulson very much hopes that he is the first to see these... People who are weird and want to be the last to see them.

Because once these things spread to the public, even just a photo, even just a video, is enough to cause mass panic.

This indescribable existence, although not Cthulhu, is so terrifying.

But for... ordinary people, this indescribable horror.

It will continue to torment their minds, minds! Just like the one before... Ed Dalson.

Just because I saw the ancients, I haven't even seen Shoggoth.

The other party couldn't help but take his own life.

Because I can't bear that kind of... horror.

That kind of...the horror implanted in the soul! The purple mountain in the distance, through the wall carvings in the rock wall, Coleson can roughly guess that it should be the most central part of the Crazy Mountain Range, and it is also the craziest place. The most dangerous and most taboo existence.

Their danger here, compared with that over there, may be just a little witch, see a big witch.

Even if he has never been there, even if he does not want to go there.

But a feeling in his heart told him... the danger there is a hundred times more exaggerated than here! Those... The purple peaks look very blurry, as if they are demons General outline.

The highest peak is absolutely high.

Probably already second only to Mount Everest.

As if to pierce through the upper layers of the atmosphere.

There can be no living creatures there! Of course, this is the perception of normal people.

Maybe there are things that normal people can't imagine living there.

Maybe not the old one! The ghost is possible! Shoggoth is the most likely! Coulson felt that even if he drove a plane over there, there was a high probability that the plane would crash.

And possibly S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... everyone discussed together, and did not know what the cause of the crash was.

That may be the most forbidden existence on earth! The most indescribable existence.

Until the noise of the Quinjet got louder and louder.

When I saw that familiar plane approaching.

Coulson finally woke up like a dream, as if he had a big dream.

Everything, full of unreality.

Everything is like a dream.

Yet it feels incredibly real.