
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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122 Chs

Chapter 57: The Necronomicon!

S.H.I.E.L.D. does control the personal information of various street heroes around the world. Although it is impossible to control all the information of street heroes, it can at least control 60%, which means that there are 60% of street heroes in this world. Their personal information, S.H.I.E.L.D. is well aware of it.

Of course, all of this personal information is confidential, and if Mindy wasn't the "Super Killer" deity, Agent May wouldn't say that in this situation.

Generally speaking, this kind of personal information, S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been kept secret.

Because once it leaks out, it will kill these street heroes.

After all, these street heroes feel that they have many enemies.

These enemies can't wait to kill them all.

If all this information leaks out...

Well, it's very troublesome.

The reason why Mindy breathed a sigh of relief was naturally because she was in the store and had no other purpose.If the boss knew her identity, it would not be a good thing.

What she didn't know was that it was actually a long time ago, when they first met.

Louis already knew her identity, even her father's identity.

Louis, the transmigrator, also knows it very well.

It's just that Louis didn't expose it.

Since it was not good for him to expose it, there was an extra free laborer in the store.

Or a cheap worker.

Then why is he not happy?

Just when Agent May was a little curious, why the "Super Killer", a street hero who had recently emerged, was in this store opened by Coulson's friend, when a door inside the store was blocked by someone. Open.

What came into view was a young Asian, and Agent May couldn't tell which country it was.

But she could see that the other party was very young, probably in his 20s.

With a slight smile on his face, he seemed very kind.

In the dark pupils, there is a dull look.

This feeling of incomparable calm, very inexplicable... There is a sense of mystery.

Who is this?Also a store employee?

Or is it that Louis?

That friend of Colson's?

When Agent May was puzzled, Coulson took a step forward, a little embarrassed and embarrassed, and said to Louis: "Louis! This time I might trouble you again. Encountered a strange incident similar to the Cthulhu sculpture and the cat goddess Bastet."

Louie!This young Asian who looks very young is actually that friend of Coulson?

Even Director Fury, a mysterious person who is unwilling to offend and investigate too deeply?

Agent May was a little surprised, very surprised, even a little unbelievable.

If she saw an old scholar with gray hair.

Then she will think that this is the most normal!

But it doesn't seem to be what she imagined.

The gray-haired old scholar did not appear, but a young man took his place.

At most young people in their 20s.

Is this the Louie that Coulson was talking about?

It was completely beyond her expectations!

"By the way!" Coulson seemed to have thought of something, and introduced to Louis: "Louis, this is my partner, since the agents in our bureau generally don't disclose their real names, so you can call her For May, or Agent May. She's actually of Chinese descent just like you."

"May, this is Louie! This is the friend I mentioned to you on the way. Although Louie and I have known each other for less than a year, we are very good friends."

With a smile on his face, Coulson introduced each other to each other.

Louis looked at Agent May. At first glance, Agent May seemed to be only about 30 years old, but Louis could see that the other party was not too young.

The appearance is exactly the same as the actor in the American drama "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." that he watched.

Louis stretched out a hand and smiled politely: "Hello!"

Agent May also stretched out his hand: "Hello!"

As soon as the two hands touched each other, they held it gently and then separated.

Louie looked at Coulson, smiled, and said helplessly, "Do you really think of me as an encyclopedia?"

Although there were some complaints in the words, Louis still said: "What did you encounter this time?"

"I seriously suspect that there is something wrong with your fate now. Why do you encounter this kind of miscellaneous things every time? Either Cthulhu or Buster."

In this regard, Coulson can only smile bitterly, and he does not know why he often encounters these things.

He didn't know why, all these unfortunate things happened to him.

So he once thought he might be a protagonist.

After all, the protagonist is always in trouble.

Of course this is just Coulson's self-deprecation.

After Coulson took a deep breath, he found a chair and sat down, while Louie was sitting at the cashier.

Coulson's expression became a little more serious, and he asked Louis tentatively, "Louis, do you know [The Old Ones]?!"

Louis raised his brows slightly, but his expression remained calm: "Old man..."

He smiled lightly: "I haven't heard this word for a long time."

He asked, "Where did you find out?"

After hearing what Louis said, Coulson concluded!The ancients are either related to Cthulhu or Buster!Because Louis's words have shown that he knows!

Coulson didn't hide anything, even if it was a top secret from S.H.I.E.L.D.: "There is a private exploration team, on the Antarctic continent, that discovered..."

Coulson is gradually describing, trying to restore the original words of Ed Dalson and David Sparona.

Even some of the crazy words of the two men, Coulson expounded.

Talking, ten minutes have passed.

After talking for ten minutes.

Coulson then stopped: "The specific situation is probably like this."

After listening to his explanation, Louis nodded: "You wait here a moment.

After that, without waiting for Coulson to ask, Louis left.

When he came back, he was holding a wooden box.

The size of the box is very intriguing, it seems to be just enough to put down a human head!

Put the wooden box on top of the cashier.

Louis' eyes were still calm, and he seemed to be calm about everything Coulson said. He asked with a smile: "I wonder if you have heard of the Necronomicon?"

Louis opened the wooden box, and what lay inside was not a human head.

Rather, a few pages of parchment!

Ancient parchment!

On a few pages of very old parchment... there seems to be something ominous about it.

This kind of breath is very unknown and very evil.

Just a little glance, Coulson hurriedly looked away!

Because of this evil feeling, it seems to give people a sense of temptation.

This inexplicable sense of temptation is also filled with a little unknown.

People have a kind of inexplicable, creepy emotion!

He was shocked with doubts: "What is this?"

"This is the only copy of the Necronomicon." Louis replied with a smile: "It's a pity that there are only a few fragments."