
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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122 Chs

Chapter 54: The Old Ones! ! !

After David Sparona took the notebook and a pen, he opened his mouth and hesitated...

Although the FBI agent had told him to stop talking, he insisted on saying: "I...I have one last thing to say, before we fled Antarctica in embarrassment, I seem to see they!"

"I was very embarrassed to climb on the plane, and I didn't even have time to pack any documents. When I got on the plane, I saw through the window of the plane..."

"I saw a fossil of an unknown life form and stood alive in the distance!"

"It! It is definitely, definitely a living thing!"

"And it feels very strange to me!" David Sparona's fingers trembled while holding the pen, and his spirit was obviously a little abnormal.

"It...it's like...like I've hired a non-staff before. They look very different, but they feel familiar to me! "

"This familiar feeling made me think that the dead non-staff are actually unknown beings themselves! It's just that they pretend to be human beings!"

"Or those non-staff who have died, living in another life form!"

"It's also possible that after eating people, they gained human consciousness!"

David Spanrona stammered for a while, his expression half rational, half mad, and spit out a word that even he didn't know why he spit it out, this is a completely unfamiliar term: "They are some very ancient beings! They are [the ancients]!"

Coulson's pupils shrank slightly, and the other party's reaction gave him a strong sense of sight.

It's better to feel like it's tainted by something indescribable.

It's like what [Cthulhu Sculpture] can do!

But this weird reaction seems to be different from those who were influenced by Cthulhu's sculpture.

What's more, Coulson learned from the other party's words...

Got a very new vocabulary.

It is different from the word [Cthulhu].

This, very new vocabulary...

Named——[Ancient One]!

After talking with these explorers who have some mental problems for a long time, I got a lot of crazy words, or real strange events and important information... .

Coulson breathed a sigh of relief, intuitively telling him that this mission was not easy.

Because from this person's explanation, it can be heard that the world is very strange.

Especially those unknown beings that David Sparona called the "Old Ones".

This unknown life form is what Coulson values ​​most.

It is also what makes him the most fearful and most vigilant!

As long as people who are not deaf can hear it, the reason why such a strange event occurs.

It is because of this unknown life form!

It is because of the existence of this life form.

This bizarre event happened!

And killed several people.

After saying goodbye to the private exploration team, Coulson eventually left the place with a paper notebook, and a mini voice recorder, along with Agent May.

Because everything you want to know is known, and other things are estimated that the members of these exploration teams can't explain exactly what is going on.

So continue to ask questions here, but to no avail.

What can be heard, it may be these people, who are not in a normal state of mind.

This kind of crazy talk, just listen to a few sentences, if you continue to listen.

There is a great possibility that it will affect their judgment.

I went outside and saw the sun outside.

Agent May looked up and squinted, as if pierced by the dazzling sun.

She blinked, shook her head, then looked at Coulson with a worried expression next to her, and asked, "Send this information to the Trident Building, should we go to Antarctica? That place is still the first. next time."

However, Coulson shook his head and said, "Before returning to the Trident Building, we have to go somewhere."

Agent May froze for a while, frowning: "Going to a place? Where?"

"Go to a friend of mine." Coulson's tone paused and explained: "That friend of mine has done a lot of research on this kind of event, and it's because of him that we know the name of the Cthulhu sculpture. It's also because of him, We only know why those humans turned into cats."

"This strange incident in Antarctica this time, I feel that it is similar to the Cthulhu sculpture incident, and maybe there is something really related to it."

"Before you go back, ask my friend first. After all, it's not wrong."

"Maybe I can get some important clues from him."

Coulson looked at Agent May with a suspicious face, he smiled helplessly, and said, "You don't need to doubt him, even Director Fury has met with him. Director Fury also took the initiative to win him over, but he It doesn't seem like he has any interest in being an agent. It's a bit like the kind of special person who is hidden in the city."

Even with Coulson's explanation, Agent May was still suspicious.

Does Coulson's so-called friend really know everything?

How do you feel, a bit like bragging?

But Director Fury has drawn each other over...

That means that the other party is really not easy.

Agent May thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay, no problem, let's go!"

In her heart, because of Coulson's words, some interest and curiosity arose.

Is it because of Coulson's friend that S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about [Cthulhu sculpture]?

Apparently, Coulson's, unknown friend.

It seems, really, very simple.

After all, as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent May is very clear.

Sculpture of Cthulhu put them these people...

It can be said to be playing in groups!

Before driving, Coulson suddenly thought of something, and quickly reminded: "Don't talk nonsense when you get there. According to Director Fury, don't let S.H.I.E.L.D. add another mysterious person for no reason. Enemy. Louie is very mysterious, so mysterious that Chief Fury doesn't dare to ask him about his roots easily."

Agent May opened the car door, got in, and rolled his eyes: "I'm not low on emotional intelligence!"*