
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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122 Chs

Chapter 39: Half-truths, Professionals

Listening to Louie's calm and flowing explanation, Nick Fury couldn't help frowning, because he always felt that it seemed a little too mysterious, so mysterious that he couldn't help but feel a little fake.But on second thought, isn't the thing about Cthulhu's sculpture even more mysterious? !

And the most surprising thing for Nick Fury is that Louie, the store owner in Hell's Kitchen, what kind of identity did he have to know about these things?

However, it seems that no one will answer this question for him, even if he asks it himself.

It is estimated that as long as a normal person will not answer this question.

After all, this kind of issue already involves some privacy.

Everyone in this world has their own secrets.

If the content of the question is to ask someone else's secret.

Then it is very likely that it will collapse in an instant, and then, it will be more than worth the loss.

He carefully observed Louis' micro-expression.

The result is still nothing.

This makes Nick Fury more sure...

Louis used to be...

Absolutely not easy!

The reason why this man opened an ordinary small shop in Hell's Kitchen, is there something to hide?Or he is hiding from some enemies here, or maybe he is tired of the world and hides here.

In Nick Fury's astonishment, Louie told a vital piece of information!

Only listening to Louis's calm voice, after a pause of less than a second, it continued to sound: "Among the [Ancient Gods], there is only that one who involves cats."

Gently stroked the black cat's head, Louis did not wake the black cat.

He looked down at the black cat, then looked up, looking directly at Nick Fury.

Louis said his existence: "One of the ancient gods, the goddess of cats, Bastet! This existence is also a rare ancient god who has ever contacted humans. When he was in ancient Egypt, he was usually called by various people. Various frescoes depicting a shield with a lion's head in the left hand, a cross bell in the right hand, and a small pocket over the left shoulder."

"Of course, no one really knows whether he is this image or not. Because the image of him in the fresco is only a one-sided understanding of human beings. Humans think that Bast, the goddess of cats, looks like this. "

"There may even be something about his existence, which is imagined by humans. Maybe he is illusory at all, it doesn't exist at all, it's just a spiritual sustenance imagined by humans."

"I want to use this spiritual sustenance to maintain what I call a belief in my heart."

"Oh yes! Forgot to mention, Buster is on Earth..."

"Or, right now, there are very few believers."

"Maybe there's not even a single one left."

Louis put down the right hand that was stroking the black cat, and the fingers of both hands were gently crossed, and his calm gaze looked directly at Nick Fury's one-eyed eye, as if he could see through all the secrets of Nick Fury. The eyes made Nick Furler quite heart palpitations!

"But he doesn't seem to care whether his followers are more or less."

"Because for that being, their followers..."

"Actually, it doesn't bring them much benefit."

"The so-called sacrifices, and sacrifices of human beings..."

"They may just take a few ants and deliver a grain of rice to them. They don't have much emotion for this picture, they just may find it very interesting."

"This is the [Ancient God], very similar to the old ruler!"

"If a human becomes a cat event..."

"It is related to the goddess Bastet."

Louis tapped the table of the cashier with a forefinger lightly, and then said expressionlessly: "Maybe it was his poor, poor believers. Maybe it was his believers. , want to use this absurd and uninhibited behavior to attract the attention of their admirers."

After listening, Agent Coulson couldn't help taking a breath, and exchanged glances with Nick Fury.

Because if this is the case, it will explain this incident and the previous Cthulhu incident.

Most likely it is the same type of event!There is a certain connection between the two.

Of course, the perpetrators of the two incidents must be two different groups of people.

Because the perpetrators of the previous incident may be Cthulhu believers.

Now the perpetrators of this together may be Bast believers.

Cthulhu and Bast are not the same existence, not the same belief.

Among them, one is the ruler of the old days!

The other one is an ancient god!

One is the Lord of Lalaiye!

One is the goddess of cats!

Nick Fury, who had been listening in silence for so long, after coming back to his senses in shock and abruptness, looked at Louis, and he asked, "May I ask, do you know how to make them change? back to human?"

At some point, Louis took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator behind him.

Unscrewed the cap and took a sip, it seemed to moisten his throat.

He answered Nick Fury's question with a smile: "Maybe it's time to wait for them, when there is no use value!"

"No use value?" Nick Fury didn't quite understand: "What does this mean?"

Louis tilted his head and explained: "If it was really done by Bast's believers, then they must have their purpose, but if the purpose cannot be achieved, they are worried that they will be exposed. They may Cats, become human. Because for them, there is no use value anymore."

In fact, what Louis said was half true and half false, half true and half false.

Seriously, when all those "cats" become useless...

These so-called "cats" do indeed turn back into people.

The fake ones are the so-called followers of Bastet, according to Louis.

Actually in this Marvel universe.

Buster has no followers at all.

Even Buster himself...

Not in the Marvel universe!

However, this half-truth explanation is the most reliable explanation in the eyes of this S.H.I.E.L.D. director!It can be said that Louie is now a professional in Nick Fury's eyes.Very professional kind. *