
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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122 Chs

Chapter 19: The great Cthulhu, waiting for you to dream

This inexplicable word popped into his mind, and even Nick Fury himself didn't know what it meant. Deep diver is a very remote word in English, or it was made up of two words.

Or the pronunciation of a word is not like this, as a human he may not be able to pronounce that pronunciation.

Perhaps, the word "deep diver" is just an alternative homonym.

But why did this term suddenly appear?

Why does it pop up in my mind?

Nick Fury just couldn't understand it, and this indescribable feeling.

Let him not feel the slightest sense of security.

There is always a sense of danger.

It feels like an abyss all around!

The abyss is all around!

"Phew..." After exhaling heavily, Nick Fury's mood was unprecedentedly heavy, and he stared at the old scholar, or the monster, the deep diver.

I don't know when, I took out a black pistol from my waist.

The pistol, the dark muzzle, is aimed at each other...

That old scholar is the old man of S.H.I.E.L.D.

He has been in the bureau for over twenty years.

And it's also more respectable.

But since the other party has become such a person, a monster that is neither a ghost nor a ghost.

Well, as the director, he...

Don't mind pulling the trigger!

Send each other a ride!

However, just when Nick Fury just opened the safety of the pistol, the old scholar who had completely turned into a monster turned his head as if he had noticed something strange. On the head like a deep-sea angler fish, there were two Huge raised eyes.

The huge eyes stared at Nick Fury blankly, making Nick Fury breathless!

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, a hoarse voice suddenly came out of the deep diver's mouth.

Although the voice sounds very strange, because the vocal cords of the other party are completely different from those of human beings, but barely, he can still hear him clearly...what it is saying: "F...French Chief Rui."

Nick Fury's fingers snapped and stopped moving, a bit unbelievable.

This old scholar who has turned into a monster actually recognizes himself?

However, the other party's tone seemed very wrong.

In the rationality, it seems to be mixed with madness.

In the madness, there is also the color of fanaticism.

and the inevitable madness.

And the horror, the fear!

"Director Fury, what are you doing with a gun at me? I... I seem to have had a dream just now, I seem to have had a terrible nightmare, I dreamed that I was in the bottom of the sea, where I met Got to my father, met my mother, grandpa, grandma, grandfather, grandmother...I dreamed of them!"

The old scholar's tone became incomparably hoarse and deep, and the strange tone was as if he had just learned English, filled with all kinds of strange accents.

Obviously he has lived in this country for decades, and was born in this country.

It turned out to be such a very broken English.

This weird tone made Nick Fury sound very uncomfortable.

I can't wait to correct the pronunciation of the other party immediately.

At this time, the old scholar's voice sounded again: "I saw that they all lived in a palace under the sea. The palace was like a phosphorescent fairy palace, and there were many strange colonnades in it. ."

"There are also weird and weird gardens. Instead of green tender grass, there are all kinds of scaly corals and bizarre wrist-shaped flowering plants in the garden."

"I saw them, they saw me, and they welcomed me, but they welcomed me with a little sarcasm. I think they've changed, I don't know, it makes me feel Very strange."

The old scholar's tone paused, and the ferocious angler fish opened its mouth wide.

A pair of huge raised fish eyes turned.

In the tone, there is yearning and fanaticism: "They said that they have become immortal now. This is a gift from that great existence, a gift from the Lord of Lalaiye!"

"They say this is where our family should come, a country full of wonders."

"They said there was no way I could escape this fate."

"I'll be like all of them..."

"I will become immortal! I will walk with those creatures that have appeared long before the birth of mankind! With them, with them..."

"Become His servants together!"

"Become his people!"

The huge raised eyes are full of fanaticism and madness, at least Nick Fury can't see any rationality in the eyes of the other party.Only listening to the voice of the old scholar, it began to sound again: "Director Fury! The deep diver cannot be destroyed. Even the magic of the third era can only suppress them occasionally. They are currently recuperating."

"But! But sooner or later! Sooner or later! As long as they do not slumber for a long time and lose their memory. Then they will come to the surface again, and they will hunt and sacrifice to the great Lord of Lalei. sacrifice!"

"Next time! Next time... it will be a bigger city than Innsmouth!"

"There! God of Sleep, Cthulhu, Lord of Lalaye!"

"I will get the sacrifices he needs!"

"When the stars return to their places! The ancient Undersea Asgard will float to the surface!"

"The great Cthulhu..."

"Waiting for your dream!"

The huge eyeballs were about to fall off, and the ugly big face of the anglerfish was full of madness and madness!

It is like a prayer from beyond the long river of time! With endless madness, endless temptation, and endless obsession, the vocal chords spit out from its mouth one by one: "Ia! Ia! Cthulhufhtagn! Ph'ngluimglw'nafhCthulhuR'lyehwgah-naglfhtagn. …"

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Three extremely crisp and harsh gunshots interrupted the crazy prayer.

Dark muzzle, light blue smoke, floating.

In Research Institute No. [-], there was silence.

no more, any one...

utter any words. *