
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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122 Chs

Chapter 107: SHIELD's Concern, Coulson's Silence

A large mountain has appeared in that place in Antarctica, and it may even make S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s response is a bit slow, after all, who has nothing to eat and keeps paying attention to Antarctica... a place where birds don't shit.


....before the incident in Antarctica, little attention was paid to that place, after all, there was not even a human city there.

But Innsmouth, a small town sandwiched between two big cities, a small inhabited town, is obviously more attractive to S.H.I.E.L.D.



In fact, Nick Fury is still a little puzzled. He always feels that this small town has suddenly appeared... But... all kinds of information show that this small town is in the United States, and it was a long time ago. There is.

It's just that because it's very low-key, it doesn't have much reputation so far.

This formed a very contradictory feeling, very contradictory... But Nick Fury didn't think deeply. After all, a town with living people suddenly popped up, which is obviously impossible. matter.

And various sources also show that Innsmouth did not appear out of nowhere.

Nick Fury can only dismiss this feeling as an illusion.

"Innsmouth... Deep Dive..."

He rubbed his brows with a headache, and always felt that there were more and more things happening recently, so much that it was difficult for him to deal with them.

All kinds of pressures are blowing on the face, and the whole person is a little tired physically and mentally.

If conditions permit, he can't wait to take a month off on the spot.

But obviously the conditions do not allow him to take a month off.

After all, after all, he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.



Although S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... big and small matters, do not need him to look over them all.

But some very critical things and official business.

These......, all need to be solved by him personally.

And need to personally monitor progress.

And recently broke up with Pierce Alexander, and now the Innsmouth town incident, vaguely points to the deep diver.

As for why he knew that Innsmouth pointed to the deep diver, it was naturally because of Wilmarsh's alarm, and he described in great detail what he had experienced.

Through what happened to Wilmarsh, Nick Fury can analyze that the local people in Innsmouth, even if they are not deep-divers, may be related to deep-divers. .

As for what kind of connection there is, it is still unclear, and further investigation is needed to find out.

"Louis may know Innsmouth, but isn't it a little bad to go to him so often?"

If other people kept coming to bother him, Nick Fury would be very tired.

Not to mention Louie, so Nick Fury hesitated for a while.

In the end he gave up the idea of ​​going to Louis again.

After all, I had disturbed people once a few days ago.

Now, if you disturb others once in the past... it is estimated that the other party will be disgusted.

For.. Louis, who is full of mystery all over his body, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....generally do not take...tough measures and actions, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Generally, I will try my best to win over this kind of existence, and even if there is no way to win over, I will try my best not to become the enemy of this mysterious existence.

All in all, everything is for the sake of strength. If Louie's strength is relatively weak, for example, it is similar to Mindy, or at best... similar to the initial spider.



.... people probably won't be so polite, and Nick Fury probably won't think so much.

Because of Louie's strength and mystery, Nick Fury is very polite.

When you are smart enough, you can talk to someone calmly.

When you are strong enough, you can make people talk to you calmly.

Obviously Louis is the latter, because he is so powerful.



....just be calm and polite...talk, flow, and touch with him.

In fact, Louis knew about Coulson's return to New York.

After all, as soon as Coulson went out to the third floor, he called Louie.

In this place in New York, Coulson had few friends.

Or not many friends anywhere.

Although Coulson's popularity is very good, there are not many people who can be called friends, and Louis is one of them.

It is precisely because of this that Coulson called to inform Louis.

In Hell's Kitchen, in a small shop, Louis held the receiver of a landline phone in his hand, with a slight smile on his face, he said to Coulson on the other side of the phone: "As soon as I get back, I have to go on a mission, look. It looks like Nick Fury, the director, has few people around him who can be trusted!"

After listening to Coulson on the other end of the phone, he couldn't help showing a bit of a wry smile. He had to admit that what Louis said was very bold.

If Chief Fury hears these words... um..., it doesn't seem to matter.

Because of Louis' special status and strong strength, there are two reasons.



....it's impossible to fall out with Louis at all.

But Coulson suddenly thought of something, he reacted instantly, couldn't help frowning, opened the door of the black commercial car, sat in the driver's seat, and said to the mobile phone in his hand: "Louis, you Do you know about the conflict between Director Fury and former Director Pierce? If you don't know, it's impossible to say this."

Soon, Louis' very flat, without any turbulent voice, entered Coulson's ears: "The two are so arguing, how could they not know?"


After hearing this, Coulson couldn't help it, and took a slight breath.

From so far away from Hell's Kitchen, it is possible to know what happened to the Trident Building.

The power and mystery of Louis seems to have exceeded his expectations.

Wouldn't that mean, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....in Louie's eyes...Is there no secret at all! After all, even the conflict between Director Fury and former Director Pierce can be clearly known.

There's no reason other things would be unclear.

Sometimes Coulson even thinks...is Louie all-knowing and omnipotent as if he knows everything.

It seems that as long as there is any doubt or confusion, the most accurate answer can be obtained from him.

It's as if Louis once described one of the Old Ones that he had described.

But I don't know the reason, I can't seem to remember the name of the old ruler.

Well... maybe that's not a name, because Coulson remembers Louis once saying that any name for that existence is made up by humans, not because they're really called that, or name.

After hesitating for a while, Coulson started the car and said to Louis: "My mission this time is related to a small town, that town is Innsmouth, I remember you mentioned it to me once. through this town."

Louis on the other end of the phone nodded and said, "Well, I did mention it."

Immediately afterwards, Louis asked in a strange tone: "So are you going to investigate Innsmouth this time?"

Coulson didn't hide it, even if it was S.H.I.E.L.D.


... secret mission, he still did not hide it.

Because Louie is for... S.H.I.E.L.D.


....very special.

Special to this kind of task, even telling Louis... Basically, nothing will happen.

So Coulson replied directly: "Yes! Chief Fury asked me to investigate that town, because a young man named Willmarsh encountered a supernatural attack in that town.

And the young man called the police."

"I think you should know Innsmouth better, at least definitely better than our S.H.I.E.L.D.


....to know more.

Does that town really have a special power?"

Louie in the store, after listening to Coulson's answer, had a strange smile on his face, but he quickly covered it up. He smiled and said, "Innsmouth! It's really special there. , and it does have some special powers."

After listening to this sentence, Coulson immediately cheered up: "What kind of special power?"

Louis said in a very calm tone: "It's more complicated to say, anyway... you just need to know that there are a lot of deep divers there."

"In addition to... Deep Divers, there are also various hybrids of humans and Deep Divers."

"If I remember correctly, there is also a Dagon secret sect there."

"Well, it's a religion that believes in Dagon."

"Dagon is a servant of Cthulhu."

Louis's calm and unwavering words seemed to explain this very common thing, but the content of these words made Coulson's pupils shrink.

Deep diver! Cthulhu!! What Dagon, what Servant, Coleson may not understand.

But the deep diver, Cthulhu, he could still understand.

Director Fury's previous guess was not wrong! Innsmouth really has a certain relationship with the deep diver... But obviously, the connection between Innsmouth and the deep diver is more Director Fury's imagination was even more exaggerated.

In this moment...Colson's heart is heavy.

There was silence for a while.

There are no words.