
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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122 Chs

Chapter 102: Do you feel like someone is watching? The forbidden zone of Innsmouth

Sometimes human curiosity can indeed promote the evolution of human civilization, but more often, human curiosity will bring terrifying destruction and crisis to human beings.

Most human beings also know this, but if they know it, they can suppress their curiosity. If there are a few people who can control the curiosity that springs up in their hearts, they are not called human beings.

Even though the ancient master has lived for hundreds of years, even if he is no longer the same as normal human beings, he is still human in the final analysis.

In this small town of Innsmouth, which is similar to a small fishing village, the Ancient One Mage did not know how much...gaze, these...gazes contain with various emotions.

Some people's eyes are with some curiosity, and some people's eyes are with some vigilance.

Some people even have some hostility in their eyes, and there are not a few such people.

Innsmouth doesn't seem to be very welcoming of out-of-towners.

Otherwise, the development here would not be so bad.

It is estimated that even if the American government comes to develop, it will be scared away by the customs here.

Even if a senior town planner comes here.

It may also be scared away by the people here. Of course, as far as the ancient masters know, similar to Innsmouth, very backward towns are not rare in the United States.

But those... towns are not as special as Innsmouth, at least those... towns do not contain the descendants of the hybrid of deep diver and human.

The swirling haze in the sky cast a little shadow on this small town invisibly, and when I looked up, I couldn't see the sun in the sky at all.

If it is at night, it is estimated that the place cannot even see the stars.

It is estimated that the night in Innsmouth is absolutely dark.

After all, there is not even a single street light in this place, and the smog on the top is enough to block all kinds of stars.

"I always feel like an eye is staring at me..."

Master Gu Yi suddenly frowned.

But she didn't know who was staring at her, just... had such a feeling.

Of course, it could also be an illusion.

Even if she is the supreme mage.

Sometimes there are delusions.

After all, she once absorbed the dark power of the dark dimension, perhaps the ones in her body... The dark power is at work, could it be Dormammu's gaze that Dormammu can pass through the dark power in his body, and then Look at yourself in the dark dimension! It shouldn't be possible, after all, the former Dormammu could never do this. If the other party could do it, they would have done it long ago.

So why do you need to wait until now to stare at yourself on the earth in this dark dimension in this way? But there is also a special possibility, that is... The power of Dormammu happened. A qualitative change! If this possibility is true....it is not an ordinary trouble.

Is Dormammu strong? Very strong! Although it is of the same rank... but even the same rank.... there is a huge gap.

When Master Gu Yi could not help but fall into contemplation, in a relatively dilapidated small hotel in Innsmouth, a young white man with a nervous expression, carrying a not very large suitcase, hesitated, and walked in. .

This is the young man on the old bus that Master Gu Yi saw when he was in Zhenkou before, which is what Master Gu Yi called "the descendant of the hybrid of human and deep diver"

!And has a very strong breath of the deep diver, there is a great possibility that it will evolve back to the ancestors.

That is to say, with just one chance, he can become a deep diver! Just like the old scholar in the Trident Building.

Become that kind of... a very ugly evil monster.

The young man is not very old, he can be regarded as an explorer, and he originally wanted to take advantage of the recent vacation to visit his grandmother's house and see his grandmother whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

As a result, he didn't expect that his wallet was stolen on the way, but fortunately, important items such as driver's license were put in other pockets.

Otherwise, he might not even be able to live in a hotel.

An American driver's license is actually equivalent to an ID card.

With no money left, he naturally couldn't afford expensive train tickets, so he could only take that... old bus, and wanted to use Innsmouth as a transfer station, and then go to Arkham, which is him The big city where my grandmother lives.

Of course, the Arkham here is not the Arkham, the Arkham here is a city, a city that exists in reality.

It is a well-developed city.

I don't know how many times better than Innsmouth.

When recalling the strange appearance of the... old bus driver, the young man couldn't help shivering, walked into this small hotel, and said, "The people here include that... bus driver. , are very strange."

He remembered that it was a middle-aged man in his thirties, about six feet tall, but his back was very hunched, as if he was hunched over.

Dressed in very shabby civilian attire, Han looks like a miner in the sewer, with a slightly worn peaked cap on his head.

The pair of eyes seemed exaggerated and along the way, he had never blinked once.

Although he is Caucasian, his nose is very flat and his forehead and jaw are retracted.

All in all, looks very strange, if this is in a TV series.

That's right... a freak, or an actor who specializes in freaks.

Maybe this driver should go to Hollywood to hang out.

Maybe you can really be a successful person.

It was said that what Innsmouth looked like, at least that's what the travel agent told him.

Yes, this young man didn't know that he had a very strong aura of a deep diver, and he didn't even know that he was a person created by Louis.

His past life, past experiences, and even his education were all created by Louis.

Including everyone in Innsmouth in the whole town, all are the same.

As long as there are enough fear points, let alone one Innsmouth, let alone thousands of living people with very logical life trajectories.

If you give him [-] million fear points, Louis can even create a kingdom.

After all, the main ability of the system is - creation! As long as there are enough fear points, there is almost nothing... that the fear descending system cannot create.

Young people who know nothing about all this are actually full of infinite curiosity about this small town of Innsmouth.

Because he once saw a golden crown in a museum, it is said that this golden crown is... from Innsmouth.

And the nearby towns are also full of legends and secrets about Innsmouth, most of which of course sound like feudal superstitions.

The young man doesn't believe in these things, he doesn't even have any religious beliefs, maybe he only believes in science. There are two main reasons for coming to Innsmouth, one is... not enough money.

Another reason...is curious about Innsmouth.

It is precisely because of this, very fatal curiosity.

Let him come to this rather strange town, which seems to have been abandoned by history.

Even the various local historical documents.

The small town of Innsmouth is rarely mentioned.

Even if there is, it is only a few words.

As if Innsmouth were something taboo, there is very little information about the town.

And those so-called historical data.

Full of mystical superstitions.

It looks very confusing.

After booking a room in this very old little hotel, this... white young man walked out, because the front desk in the hotel also had a standard Innsmouth face, just Like the one...the bus driver I met before.

At last the young man came to a shop in Innsmouth, where he wanted to inquire about the situation.

Because he discovered that a clerk in this store actually looked like a normal person.

In other words, the store clerk is a few normal people in this place.

"This gentleman."

After hesitating for a while, the young man asked the clerk of the store: "Can you ask what kind of place Innsmouth is and why...you and the people here look alike not the same"

After asking this sentence, as if afraid of offending the other party, the young man hurriedly added: "I'm just a little curious, and there's no harm in asking this way."

However, the clerk of this store looked very open-minded and didn't care about the impolite inquiry of the young man.

The clerk smiled and replied: "Many foreigners who come to Innsmouth have asked me these questions.

The reason I don't look like the people from Innsmouth is because I'm not from here.

I live in Arkham, but was transferred here for work reasons."

It proves that the clerk is not very old, it is estimated that he is in his 20s... but it can be heard from his tone that he knows Innsmouth relatively well.

That is to say, he has been working in Innsmouth for many years, at least two or three years.

The clerk sighed lightly, and then said: "Innsmouth has many unpleasant customs, especially at night, it is very dangerous, I suggest you don't come out at night."

"If conditions permit, I don't even want you to stay here overnight.

Otherwise, there is a high possibility of danger, a danger that cannot be explained."

When talking about this place, the clerk still reminded kindly: "There are many places in Innsmouth that outsiders cannot go to, and that is a forbidden place here.

The difference is,,,... These places you'd better not get close to, so as not to cause some trouble."

After listening to the clerk's...simple description, the young man nodded thoughtfully.

Just when he was about to thank the clerk for his explanation.

Suddenly, the person in the store was pushed away by another person, and a woman walked in.

This is a woman who looks very strange.

It seems to have a unique aura.

From the appearance of the appearance....the other party seems to be not a native of Innsmouth.

After seeing the visitor, the store clerk mumbled a little puzzledly: "Why haven't so many outsiders heard that Innsmouth is dangerous?"

However, his murmur, which only he could hear, seemed to be heard by the woman who pushed the door and walked in.

With a slight smile on his face, Master Gu Yi asked the clerk who was muttering to himself, "Is that so, can you ask what is more dangerous in Innsmouth?"

"Is there anything more dangerous? Of course it's... um"

The clerk wanted to answer Gu Yi's question instinctively, but he reacted in an instant, something was not right.

The sound of his muttering was so small before, how did this strange woman hear the other's ordinary ears? Could it be the wolf's ears? Retells Innsmouth, some of the more taboo places.

After listening to the clerk's retelling, Master Gu Yi sighed with emotion: "Then this place seems to be nowhere safe!"

She looked at the clerk and asked again, "Then why do you stay here to work? Are you not afraid of danger? After working here for so long, has no one troubled you?"

The clerk scratched his head, and he was also a little puzzled: "I don't know the specific reason, maybe because I'm more disciplined and can hold back my curiosity."

"Can restrain curiosity"

Gu Yi was stunned, and immediately praised: "This is amazing!"

Her words were not compliments, but sincere.

A human who can hold back the curiosity in his heart.

It is absolutely rare on this earth.

Even she, the supreme mage of Kama Taj, dare not say that she can suppress the curiosity in her heart.

After all, she couldn't hold back anymore.

Otherwise it wouldn't be here.

......: What is the name of the protagonist of "The Haze of Innsmouth" I have searched the information for a long time, but I don't know what his name is. "The original work, did not find the protagonist's name.

Did I miss it or it doesn't have a name at all