
CHAPTER FIVE: Second mate

I packed up my stuff and got ready to leave, l said goodbye to Kate and my friends. Kate is going somewhere with Dave, her boyfriend so I'm heading to my store.

"Let's see how many orders we have today." I mumbled to my self while scrolling through my phone.

"Ouch!" I moaned in pain when l collided with something. I looked up and saw a man with brown hair, he was handsome for sure.

(Be careful, he's a werewolf, an alpha.) Emma warned me.

"Hello, are you okay?" He said and l snapped out of it.

"Umm yes, I'm sorry for bumping into you." I said, which pack is he from?.

"It's ok, I'm Jasper by the way." He said gesturing for a handshake. Wait a minute, where is that scent coming from?. It's like pinewood and dew.

(Mate!) Emma said and l widened my eyes in shock, he also seemed to have the same reaction as me.

"Mate!" He said the same thing.

"I'm sorry but l can't." I said and left running, tears falling from eyes. I went and called a taxi.

The taxi arrived in no time, l immediately hopped in. He knows where I'm going because he is the one who gives me a ride everytime.

"Are you okay Lia?" He asked looking through view mirror.

"I don't want to talk about it now." I said looking out the window, it started raining. I guess the weather knows how l feel right now.

"Ok but don't think too much dear, it's not good for your health." He said, he is like a grandfather to me.

"Thank you." I said in a low voice but he heard it.

I arrived at my store. "Thank you Mr Harris." I said after l got out of the car. "Take care dear." He said.

"I will." I said, l got in my shop and went to the bathroom.

'Not again, how can this be?' these thoughts kept screaming in my head. 'I have a second mate?'

I washed my face repeatedly as the tears won't stop flowing.

(Calm down Eme... I mean Lia, we are in this together.) Emily said, somehow it eased my mind a bit.

(will he be like Jake?) I asked them in my head.

(There's no way to find out than giving it a chance.) Emma said.

(So you are saying l should give it a chance?) l asked and they nodded.

(I'll think about it.) l said, there's a lot in my mind right now. I whipped my face and retied my hair because it was now messy. I went out of the bathroom to the storeroom.

I took my apron and watered the flowers that were in vases and took them out. My store is divided in two so that the flowers won't mess up with the fruits.

I went to my counter and started packing the ordered fruits in order because the owners might come soon. So people order and tell me the time they will come pick they up, since l go to school l won't be able to deliver them up.

I heard the bell ring indicating that someone entered. "Good evening Mrs Hannah." I kindly created her, she buys from here most of the time.

"How are you dear?" She asked politely.

"I'm doing great, here is your package." I said passing her the box.

"Thank you, your fruits are delicious." She says taking the box.

"Bye, travel safe and say hi to Rose for me." I said when she was about to leave.

"I will dear, bye." She said and left. Rose is her 6 year old daughter, she is very sweet. I usually spend time with her when her mom is busy, her mom could leave her with me, well she's my neighbor actually.

Many customers came, it was now time to close my shop. Today l finished late because it's now 10p.m , l usually close at 8p.m.

l was busy packing when l heard the bell, l went out of my storeroom to serve the customer but to my dismay. It was that guy called Jasper if l remember correctly, my mate.

"How may l serve you?" I said and continued carrying the flower pots to where they were supposed to be.

"I want to buy a rose." He said and and l went to the roses and took one and gave it to him. "That would be $5." I said. He paid for the rose.

"This is for you." He said giving me the rose. I raised my brow looking at the rose.

"Thank you but no thanks." I said.

"Why did you run from me earlier?" He asked.

"Because l wasn't ready to except the truth that you are my mate." I spoke the truth without beating around the bush.

"How did you know that l was your mate?" He asked again.

"I just know it because my sister was mated to a werewolf while she was human." I said the most cheapest lie ever but oh well it's not like l had a good lie at the moment.

"Ok l believe you, will you give me a chance to be your mate?" He said sincerely.

(huh, did he just believe me just like that. This is interesting.) l thought to my self.

I'm going say it, I'm really gonna say it. Taking a deep breath l gather up my courage.

"Ok I'm giving you a chance for you to prove to me that you are a good mate." I said and he hugged me unexpectedly.

"That's great." He said still hugging me.

"Ok ok now let go, l still haven't fully accepted you yet." I said and he let go.

"It's late so I'll drop you off." He said and l agreed. I finished packing my stuff and went to the car where he was waiting for me. He is actually handsome, he has short brown hair and black eyes, he is muscular and tall with tan skin.

I entered the car and put on the seatbelt. "You are finished?" I asked because earlier he went to the car because of some important stuff.

"Yes, by the way you are very beautiful." He said tucking the strands of hair behind my ear. I smiled feeling fluttered.

I gave him the directions to where l live and we drove off. "By the way which pack are you from?" I asked curiously.

"You know about packs." He asked and in my head l was like (duh why not) but l had to act normal.

"Yes l know a lot about werewolves because my sister told me." I said.