

Meteors fell to the earth, each of them contained a big crystal with different colors. It was a beautiful sight. But then the sight turned 180 degrees from beautiful to pitch black, a nightmare for humanity. The starting line where mankind wasn't on the top of the food chains anymore. Arthur Adler, lived for over 200 years because of the superhuman power he got after the meteors fell to the earth. He managed to survive with the help of his friends that he met in the depth of the abyss called reality. But then he died trying to save people he cared about in that cold world. Strangely, when he opened his eyes, he did not die but instead he went back to the past, just 24 hours before the apocalypse begun. Would he be able to protect those that he loved in this second chance? Join his story and sail to the world full of dangerous creatures! ___ I do not own the cover, just a temporary one.

livereMaestro · Action
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8 Chs


It was the end of May. And in two months, it would be the day his mother died. And it also marked a year since her passing. 

Arthur was now in his second year of high school while Velvet had turned five years old. Currently, the two of them always spent most of their days with their grandfather, who lived in a two-storey house with a mini market on the ground floor. 

It was the season of spring where the weather was calm and soothing and the scenery was beautiful. There were cherry blossom trees growing in the area where their petals dance in the air, making such a photogenic scene. 

However, to Arthur, the beautiful imagery means nothing to him. He could not see the world as he used to. 

Spring used to be his favourite season. But now, even the season itself lost its color, dwindling into a monochrome reality. 

A spring without his mother was coming to an end.

Summer would soon come. The last season on earth that had witnessed the end of the most lovely and gentle woman.

Though, with Velvet by his side, he vowed that he will protect her. Not just for his mother but for him as well. The world was colorful everytime he looked at his little sister. 

He has a purpose in life.


A boy was attentively listening to his teacher in class. He was oblivious to the soft murmurs around him as he concentrated on taking notes, diligently listening to his teacher. 

On his table, there were many different colored pens which he used for note-taking. His notes were neatly written, not a cross or mistakes in sight. 

The look in his eyes was fierce. It was like his gaze could see through anything in the world.

His determination could be seen in his eyes, it was so sharp that one could tell in a glance that this boy had his future planned ahead and knew what he wanted in life. Unlike any other children his age.

"Arthur, can you please answer this question?" His English teacher asked, pointing at the sentence written on the board with a chalk. 


Arthur stood up and walked towards the blackboard. He picked up a chalk and started writing his answers. 

"He's so good."

"Yeah, if only he's a bit friendlier."

"Well, people are different, after all."

The chatter of students in low voices could be heard. Though Arthur ignored them and kept writing.

Ever since he started high-school, he never played with the children his age. He doesn't even get in touch with his friends from junior high either. He would only greet them with a nod as an acknowledgement. 

Arthur usually spent his time, helping his grandfather at the mini market after school or babysitting Velvet. And at night, he would study and do his homework. 

He never cared about his appearance too. He still wore his dark blue hoodie and always kept his wavy black hair messy and pretty long. 

One time, he had helped his grandfather by carrying some boxes at the mini market. It was then he accidentally dropped his glasses and broke it. Now, his glasses have a white tape to hold the two frames together. His grandfather always nagged and told him to buy new glasses. Even scolded him to take care of his appearance more. But Arthur just ignored him. 

As for Velvet, she was quite the opposite. She was sweet, friendly and cheerful. At the age of five, Velvet was quite smart as well. She can speak fluently, without stuttering and could already understand her surroundings. She was also a dutiful child, who listened to her grandfather and brother. She liked to play and draw hence she was also quite playful. 

Arthur was glad that back then, she was still too young to understand what had happened. He did not want to expose her to the sadness and the heartbreak that he had experienced.


One evening, Arthur was helping his grandfather, carrying some boxes to the storage room. 

As he was carrying a box, his grandfather appeared, standing on the stairs. "Arthur, come over here!" 

"Okay! Give me a few minutes to finish moving these boxes," he answered. 

He quickly moved the boxes and when he was done, he went to the restroom and washed his hands. 

(A/n: Wash your hands properly!)

(E/n: *insert Baby Shark's Wash your hands - Do do do do*)

(A/n: No, I've had enough of that song.)

He then went up the stairs to the second floor. The second floor was where his Grandfather stayed. His grandfather's house wasn't that big. But it was a comfortable size for a single man. 

On the right was the kitchen where they cook and also eat their meals. On the left was the TV room. And at the back were his bedroom and bathroom. 

He opened the door and saw his grandfather setting the dining table in the kitchen. 

Just as he walked in, he heard a cute voice calling him. 

"Brother!" A girl jumped and hugged him from behind. 

Arthur carried the little girl in his arms and patted her on the head. "Hey Velvet. Now, don't run inside the house. We wouldn't want grandpa to get mad at us for making a mess." 

His grandfather was a strict and disciplined man. He liked to keep things neat and tidy. But he was a good man, who takes good care of his grandchildren. 

Velvet giggled. "Okay, brother!"

She then wriggled out of his arms and jumped down. She pulled on his hand, trying to drag him closer into the kitchen. "Come on! Let's go eat, brother! Grandfather had cooked a lot!" 

"Haha, sure, sure."

His grandfather smiled at the sight of the smiling Arthur and the giggling Velvet. It was this kind of sight that brought warmth all over his body. 

He beckoned them closer and said, "Come come. Let's eat." 

The dinner was great. The food was delicious and warm. His grandfather was a good cook. Ever since his wife, who was Arthur and Velvet's grandmother, passed away, he usually cooked for himself. Now, he has two people joining him. So, dinner no longer felt lonely as before. 

Despite the delicious food, Arthur could not help missing his mother's cooking. 

Once they were done with dinner, he helped Velvet clean up, wiping her mouth. "Alright, Velvet. Let's go and wash the dishes." 

"Okay, brother!"

His grandfather stood up and said, "No, no. Let grandfather wash the dishes. You two should go home now before it's late." 

Like any other grandparents, his grandfather was also a doting grandparent. 

Arthur shook his head. "It's alright, grandfather. I should teach Velvet to be more independent. It's good to teach her at an early stage about chores. You should rest, instead. You already cooked a delicious meal for us, anyway."

His grandfather chuckled. "Haha, okay then."

"Brother, what does independent mean?" Velvet tilted her head to the side, looking cute with her confused look.

"It means to be strong, you have to rely on yourself first before asking others for help."

"Eh? Velvet doesn't understand."

Arthur patted her head. "It's alright, you will understand in the future. Let's go."

"Hmm, okay!"


Both Arthur and Velvet still lived in their old apartment. Because they have so many things in their apartment, it would be difficult to move everything to their grandfather's house. There wouldn't be enough space for their things. 

His grandfather has already talked to Arthur's father and knocked some sense into him. The latter already agreed to leave the apartment to them and he would send rent and allowance money every month to them. But whether they would use it or not, depends on Arthur. 

His grandfather would not touch the money and would take care of them with his own money.

For him, Arthur and Velvet were still too young. Arthur may hate his father now but in the end, he was still his father. 

And even if he does not want to touch his father's money now, he probably might use them when emergency calls for it. 


After they were done washing the dishes, the two of them walked back to their apartment. They waved their grandfather goodbye and left his house. 

Velvet was wearing a cute red jacket while holding Arthur's hand. She was happy as she swung both of their hands, giggling. 

"Brother, look! The sky is full of stars!"

"Yeah, it is. Do You like it?"

"Yes! They are beautiful!"

Arthur laughed lightly. 

Velvet then began to talk about what she has been doing with their grandfather. How she also helped him at the mini market and sweep the floors. 

Few minutes later, they arrived at their apartment. They continued to go up to their floor, still chatting with each other. 

As they walked, Arthur noticed a man standing near their door, as if he was waiting for someone. 

Arthur knitted his brows and went quiet.

"Brother? What's wrong?"

For a brief moment, Arthur was silent. "Nothing, Velvet."

The man looked like he was in his late thirties. He looked dispirited as if his life had crumbled all over him. 

He was wearing an office suit with black leather shoes and tie. Even though he looked smart but the aura around him seems dead. 

He called out Arthur and Velvet's names but in a low voice. 

"A-arthur... Velvet, hello..." he stammered nervously as if he wasn't sure he should call them or not. 

Arthur ignored him as he went to unlock their door. He then said softly at Velvet, who has a confused look on her face. 

"Go and wash your hands and feet. Change your clothes and wait for me in your room. I will be there later. Okay?"

"Oh, it's Uncle! But, brother, why is he always waiting for us outside?"

Arthur gently pushed her inside and patted her head. "Don't mind him. It's nothing. Just wait for me inside, alright?" 

"Hmm... okay, then! Bye Uncle!"

Velvet went inside and Arthur closed the door.

The man who was waiting for them was actually their father. 

Although she had met her father before but she didn't know he was her father. Back then, their father hardly comes home so she doesn't remember him very well. 

"Why are you always here?"

"Uhm... Arthur... I-i just want to know how the both of you are doing. Are the both of you well?"

"I don't need to answer your question. Now, excuse me." Arthur opened the door again and went inside without looking back.

His father looked very sad as he watched Arthur close the door behind him. 

But he felt powerless. He had done something terrible that it left a big hole in his children's hearts.

"I-i'm so sorry..." he wiped the tears from his eyes and walked away reluctantly.

Arthur locked the door and headed towards Velvet's room.

"I don't have the time for him." Thought Arthur in his mind.

"Velvet, are you done changing your clothes?" 

"Yes, brother!" Her cute voice rang from inside her room. Shortly after, and the door was opened. "Let's go, brother! Velvet is waiting for you to read her a bedtime story!"

"Okay, okay." Arthur smiled as he patted her head.

Happy reading!

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