
Chapter 5: The Blood Moon Suicide. The END of the WORLD. Part 7

Part 7

Several voices could be heard conversing with each other in a large, empty white room that came from several people.

The room was damaged pretty heavily, with debris scattered about.

A young man looked around the room.

His name was Theo. He was something one would call a small-foot soldier in the grand scheme of things.

(So, this is where the founder of this city resides?)

He could see various rubble spread out across the floor, but the one thing that kept catching his attention was a huge puddle of blood at the center of the room. Within that large puddle were several destroyed internal organs.

The red liquid reflected off the bright white lights in the room overhead and on the walls.

(It is hard to believe that the founder of the city is gone. His majesty has been gone for some time, but-")

The man looked up to the ceiling to see a massive hole above.

(When he comes back and stands before us, he will do so with the power of a GOD ready to lead the new world)



The man paused at the thought.

(The new world, I...I wonder what that world will be like)

The man stood there as he pondered the thought.

(Would it be better than this one?)

The man glanced at the various people in the large white room.

(Are they thinking the same thing?)

They were all called by Nereus to gather and wait for his return in the building belonging to the now-deceased founder of this city.

A relic of the past.

Now this building stands as a testament to the throne of what will now be the new world.

(Would this new world be everything my parents and grandparents preached about? A world without war, a world with no conflict)

The young man smiled.

(A united world)

Alright, everybody, come together and listen up" an old man shouted out, alerting everybody to his presence. He was a weary old, bald man dressed in a black cloak.

The old man stood in the doorway as everybody started to gather before him.

"Elder" Theo said.

"His majesty gathered us here to wait for his return. When he comes back, he will have a power unlike any other—a power ready to lead the world. After 5000 years, after all this time, the moment of truth is upon us. Everything that we waited for will come to fruition"

"I see" a voice broke behind the man who had startled him. "So, you're not the only one waiting for something"

"Wha-" the man said as he turned around to the source of the voice behind him. Before he had a chance to comprehend what was happening, an arm impaled the old man from behind through his chest.

There were loud, audible gasps coming from the group.

Blood poured out onto the concrete floor.

The various people began to slowly back up as the scene they were witnessing horrified them.

The figure yanked its arm out of the elder's chest, letting his body fall to the floor with a loud thud.

"Elder" a voice yelled out.

There the figure stood.

His appearance was nothing more than that of an ordinary high school student. He was wearing a normal school uniform with a button-down shirt open, revealing a white t-shirt covered in a splatter of blood.

Alistair Michaels.

He shook his arm to get rid of any blood he could get off of it.

"Since we are waiting for various outcomes, let's say we wait together just to pass the time."

"You will pay for that dearly."

The group began pulling out various weapons, consisting of swords, spears, and knives.

Alistair put his hands in his pockets.

"So that is a no, I assume"

The group began to converge on the teen.

"Very well then"

His red eyes began to glow brightly as the group got closer.