
Chapter 3: Help Me_Help You_To Save You. A Heaven Without A GOD. Part 7

Part 7

".... And that's the story so far," Haruko's voice spoke out.

The feeling was thick in the room.

Both Haruko and the general director were in his office.

"I see," Antonio said as he leaned back in his chair.

It was a large office with multiple bookshelves lined against the walls and filled with books. From where he was sitting, he could see that they were medical books. There was a large glass window to his right.

The chair in which he was sitting was cushy and comfortable to sit in, with cushioned armrests and head rests. Despite how comfortable the chair was, Haruko was not using it to its full capabilities at the moment. He sat forward in the chair; his arms were in his lap with his fingers crossed.

He had his head down, unable to look at the man sitting at the large desk across from him; he had fully understood the situation he was in.

"Please, please don't punish Reiko for my actions; she only did it because I asked after I got roped into something big."

He was pleading with the director.

"Relax, Mr. Matsumoto; she will not be punished; helping the injured and sick is what we do." He said it in a reassuring tone.

Haruko raised his head.


"You have my word."

There was a feeling of relief that washed over Haruko.

"It seems that most of her wounds have healed, but then the main question now is what to do with her?"

Haruko's attention was now focused.

"What do you mean? "What's going to happen to her?" There was a concern in his voice.

The man took off his glasses and placed them on the table.

"Maybe it is because of my job, but I will not give you any false hope, not now. All I ask is that you listen."

Haruko's heart sank; he knew that nothing good was going to come from what was about to be said.

But still, he listened.

The man placed his elbows on the desk and crossed his fingers.

"If what you said about your story is true, then the best option would be to place her in the care of the city."


Haruko shot up out of the chair.

"Wait, you can't".

The medical director's calm expression never changed.

"I know what I'm saying is hard to accept right now, but you have to understand that it is no longer an option going forward. The girl has no family or next of kin within the city; there is no one here who could look after her. Under the protection of the city, she can be safe from those who are after her. If what you said about her power is to be taken with a grain of salt, then her power is far too great for her to wander around aimlessly with so many people after her. She would be a danger to others, if not herself."

The man stood up from his chair and walked over to the large glass window overlooking the entrance and courtyard of the hospital.

Haruko did not move.

The man glanced over at Haruko.

"Because it is late, I can allow her to stay the night and let her get checked up, but in the morning, I will have to call the proper authorities. I know the situation is not ideal, but this might be the only way she will be safe. I'm pretty sure this is something we both want."

Haruko just stood there.

That's what he wanted, right?

Antonio continued to stare at Haruko, gauging his reaction.

"I think I can take a guess at what is going through your head; you can't protect her forever, and you can't protect her as, how do you say, unsure of yourself?" You will only doom yourself to ruin like this and protect no one."

Antonio began walking to his chair.

"Well, I believe that answers all my questions that I have at the moment. I think that Ms. Matsumoto has the girl in question set up in the room, so you're free to go see her if you want. Try not to run around the hospital too much; visiting hours end soon, and I can't have people asking questions.

Haruko slowly lifted his head.

"Thank you," he said in a soft voice.

He turned around to leave the office. Each step was heavy as he walked toward the door. He was feeling depressed.

This is what he wanted, right? For her to be safe, for her not to be hunted like a wild animal.

So why did he feel like this—so lost and defeated?

Haruko grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it open to reveal a bright white hallway.

"While you are here, if possible, you should have your injuries looked at."

Haruko turned back to the man at the desk and nodded his head, and with one step, he was out of the office and into the hallway.

As the door closed behind him, only one thought could escape his mind: How was he going to explain this to Aoi?