

The night air was still. Not a sound to be heard, not a stir to be seen below the waning moon. Well, except for the soaring Pegasi gliding across the sky.

Eight-year-old Crystal was sound asleep. Her dirty blonde bangs lay askew, and would flip upwards with each exhale. Although she was fast asleep, she heard her father rush up the stairs and into her room.

He carried her down the stairs with rapid footsteps and shoved her outside under the single tree near the front of their house.

Crystal began to wake up. As her weary eyes drifted into focus, she could see it - A blinding orange light engulfed her house. She then realized that her house was on fire.

Her mother then ran out of the house with Crystal's younger sister River, coughing for air. Between panicked gasps, she tried to reassure her; although Crystal could only see the exact opposite.

Confused and terrified, Crystal stumbled over to her sister, who was watching the scene in horror, as she too, tried to comprehend what was going on.

Together they sat on the park bench, huddled together in their pajamas as they watched their parents try to fight off the fire with their magic. The raging flames in front of them roared and licked at the roof, and they were frozen on the spot - watching helplessly as the fire continued to devour their house.

Crystal's mother was a Water Mage, she had the ability to conjure, shape and manipulate water at will. She snapped out of her shock and fought the roaring flames with all her might. Jets of water shot out of the palms of her hand and were able to extinguish the flames little by little - but not quite fast enough. Crystal's father, an Earth Mage, rushed to her aid, heaving rocks and dirt into the fire. He saw the fire creeping closer to his shivering daughters and grabbed them by the arms. He took them to the clearing a little farther away, then handed Crystal his amethyst necklace and closed her hand around it tightly. "Hold on to this for me." he told her. Crystal nodded and closed her eyes. When she opened them, there was a rock barrier around them; high enough so the flames wouldn't reach them.

Crystal looked at River who pulled her closer to her body. Crystal's eyes filled with tears.

The sisters wrapped their arms around each other, crying with grief.

River's eyes then began to glow a bright blue. It was normal for this to happen when River was in the dark. Water mages usually stayed in the dark depths of the sea, and over time their eyes adapted to glow like a flashlight.

Crystal and River finally let go of each other and tried to break free of the stone wall.

"Daddy!" River screamed.

From what Crystal could see, River was crying too, but it was hard to seàe because of how bright River's eyes were shining. Crystal summoned all of her strength as an Earth Mage to use her powers to move the stones aside.

As the dust cleared, they opened their eyes to devastation. The fire was gone, and so were her parents. Trembling, Crystal ran out of the stone barrier. "Father? Mother?" Crystal cried out. She then saw her mother's limp body lying in the dirt. She rushed over only to find her covered in ashes. Her bloodshot eyes seemed to stare into Crystal's soul, making her flinch. There was no sign of her father however.

Crystal fell to her knees sobbing.

River came next to her and hugged Crystal. "What are we going to do now?" she whimpered with despair.

They sat next to their mother's body in silence. Both huddled together like the Ice mages do to keep warm in the wintery Snow Realm.

After several hours passed, Crystal was determined to go find help. But who would help an Earth Mage? Earth Mages were known for bad luck. Crystal decided that it was best to go look for help anyways. After all, someone will have to want to help them? She and River left their crumbling house in ruins and decided where to go next.

River knew that the Aqua Realm was nearby, but Crystal could not swim.

They both decided to travel to the Mossy Grotto at the border of the Earth realm, one of the most dangerous places on the planet. They had traveled there before so the townspeople would know who they were.

Using River's eyes as a lantern, they traveled past Unicorns, Gryphons, Dragons, Trolls and Goblins. The Trolls and Goblinsstayed far away from the two; they knew that Crystal was an Earth Mage and if they came close, it risked the chance that their home would be destroyed. The Gryphons ignored them. The Dragons were curious and swooped down to see what was going on.

River would scream and shoot a small jet of water which startled the dragons.

The Unicorns came close and allowed the girls to get on their backs. They took them to the outskirts of the Earth Realm.

"Thank you." Crystal said.

The unicorns nodded and galloped away.

The girls went into the closest village.

Everyone pointed and stared.

"Aren't those Topaz's girls?" one of the Villagers asked.

"It is." Another responded.

A young woman walked towards them. "What are you doing here, where are your parents?"

"Our house was set on fire, our parents are dead."

The entire village gasped.

"What should we do with them?" A villager asked.

"We should give the Water Mage to her people." Another said.

River squeezed Crystal so hard that she could not breath.

"You monsters, they're sisters, they can't be separated." The woman snapped.

The villager backed away looking ashamed.

"They can stay with me." The woman said, "I will take care of them until they are given a proper home.

River loosened her grip on Crystal's waist.

"What's your name young girl?" The woman asked. "I'm Amber."

Crystal and River looked at Amber with longing eyes.

"Hah, they're parents never taught them to speak!" A villager laughed even though he had just heard Crystal speak.

Everyone around him gave him dirty looks.

Amber took the two by the arms and they walked off into the distance.

Crystal looked up and thought of the day before. Things were so much easier.

They're parents were still alive and she had absolutely nothing to worry about.