
Crystal's Confessions

This is the original Fanfic before I wrote Scouts Academy. Its full of a lot of Cringe, but certain events that will be brought up in Scouts Academy.

Dashprincess11 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Embracing a New Path

"Wait, you're planning on joining the Survey Corp?" A tall black haired man asks, looking down at the short blonde who simply nods, "They're going to eat you alive, quite literally! You're an exceptional soldier, you have some of the highest marks in the 105th cadet corps, but you won't last a day fighting Titans. Come join the Military Police with me, don't give up your position for Jerri."

The blonde shakes her head, and gives a salute, before turning to walk out of the broom closet they were in. She arrives at the graduation area, and looks around nervously before walking closer to the front. 

"Today you 27 cadets now stand before me as graduated soldiers. You all showed exceptional performance in training, and now I will go on to announce your class's top 10 students." Shadis walks to the side, "Number 1 was originally to go to Crystallina Shigorati, but due to complications, she offered up the spot to Hudik Sinkhuuld." 

A bunch of hushed whispers spread over the crowd as the man walked up to the stage, "Number 2 goes to Nonni Mov, Number 3 goes to Shei Huan." 

Crystal found herself tuning him out as he named off all the classmates who made it to the top 10, it wasn't as if she didn't care, it was just she knew who made it already. She had went to the commandant and requested that her spot be switched for a friend. The commandant first refused, but she had insisted that she was joining the Survey Corp, the privilege of joining the Military Police was wasted on her.

"Now those who will be leaving with the Military Police, please follow Commander Nile Dawk. Next up will be the Survey Corp Commander, Hange Zoe."

Crystal finally tuned back in, as the tall woman with brown hair, missing an eye with her glasses on came out onto the stage, Crystal felt a little disappointed. She had hoped her graduation would be with Erwin, but since he died in the battle against the Beast Titan. 

"Hello! Join the Survey Corp! It's an incredibly daring and perilous endeavor, filled with countless obstacles and a daunting 50% fatality rate. However, those who manage to survive this treacherous journey are transformed into extraordinary warriors, fearlessly battling against the malevolence that plagues our world. Are you prepared to embark on this extraordinary mission...?" Hange's voice slowly dies, "Who am I kidding? Everyone knows how dangerous the fight is getting, with the Scouts having been almost completely wiped out. I don't even know how Erwin would handle this." Hange sighs, "Join, but know you might die in the fight for us to find out the truth behind our walls. All who wish to join the Garrison, you may follow Pixis. Those who wish to join may remain."

"Crystal, please." The guy next to her whispers as he turns away, "For me."

Crystal lifts her foot, before stomping it down next to hers, forming a tight salute, "I'm joining the Scouts." The man's green orbs widen in shock, as this was the first time he had ever got to hear the mute girl's voice in the three years of training he endured with her.

"... Good luck." He says quietly before walking away. Crystal noticed how everyone around her had left, leaving just her standing close to the stage, still standing strong in her salute. 

"Welcome to the Scouts." Hange says, a slight shocked expression on her face, "Come on." Crystal released her salute and walked up the stage, as Hange eyes her. Stopping just a few feet from the commander, she spoke up, "Are you sure? This is your chance to join your friends."

Crystal nods, and Hange looks down for a second before nodding, Shadis walks up to them with a manilla folder, "Crystallina Shigorati would have received top of her class, but she surrendered the position to a friend because she wanted to join the Survey Corps." 

"What? She was top of her class?" Hange says with wide eyes.

"Almost like Ackerman from the 104th." Shadis says, "But she's mute. So I wouldn't expect her to talk much, but following orders? She'll listen."

"Mute?" Hange takes the folder and opens it, her eyes widen slightly, "Wow. She does have excellent marks."

"She behaves well with her comrades too. The only hurdle is not speaking."

"Well, hopefully we can fix that." Hange says looking at Crystal who smiles slightly, "Let's go."

The two walk off to the side of the stage, where 4 more scouts were waiting.

"Is that all?" A tall man with light ash-brown hair looks at Crystal who tenses up a little.

"Yeah. I'm not as good at this as Erwin was."

"And even he had his issues." A short, not much taller than Crystal, raven-haired man said as he walked up to the two, "What's your name?"

"Her name is Crystallina Shigorati." Hange says.

"What's wrong? Why did you answer for her? She's capable of answering herself."

"She's mute." Hange shrugs, "It's what Shadis said."

"Crystal." Crystal says softly, "My name is Crystal. Not Crystallina." Hange looks at her with wide eyes.

"Wait does Shadis have your name wrong then?"

"No, my full name is Crystallina, but I don't go by that anymore." Crystal's voice was so quiet Hange found it hard to hear her.

"I see. And it says you're 26. Oldest in your class too." Hange eyes her, "Shadis said you were mute, how come you're talking?"

"I wasn't... Mute. I just... didn't like talking." Crystal says simply, "I responded when asked direct questions. But only to higher ups."

"Well, as it is in the Survey Corp, our higher ups are me and Levi." 

"You can call me Captain Levi. Nothing more, and only less I'll allow is Captain." Levi says harshly.

"Understood." Crystal nods.

"Let's get going then," Hange says as they climb up onto the carriage that brought them there, the other 4 scouts along with Crystal climb up into it.

"Hello. I'm Armin." A blonde boy with blue eyes says, "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Armin."

"Your voice sounds so weird." The same tall man from before said, "I'm Jean."


"Sounds almost like a titan speaking." A black haired woman says, "It's not an insult, but you sound like you don't use your voice a lot."

"I don't. So it makes sense..." Crystal nods.