
Crystal's Confessions

This is the original Fanfic before I wrote Scouts Academy. Its full of a lot of Cringe, but certain events that will be brought up in Scouts Academy.

Dashprincess11 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chaptet 10

Working on her field, she slung seeds throughout all the dirt, when someone grabbed a handful and started to mimick her.

"I thought I would help out somewhere." Eren said quietly, "Hope I'm doing it right."

"Yeah." Crystal nods, "I want the entire field to be covered in vegetables." Crystal watched the titan shifter as he sowed the land and suddenly felt herself getting tired as she slumped against the fence.

"Are you tired? Maybe you should go inside." Eren says softly, "If you tell me what to do next, I'll finish this up."

"After sowing the seeds, grab buckets of water from the lake and spread it generously over the field, don't add too much but water them. Then you'll be done." Eren nodded and Crystal started to head towards the house, grumbling to herself about having to cook dinner as she walked in.

Levi sat on the couch reading a book when he looked over at her, "Oi. You look like shit. Take a shower before you sit on anything." He said softly and Crystal nodded before walking towards the bathroom.

Turning on the water so it could get hot enough she stripped down out of her dirtied dress and pulled out a new one from the mini closet she had in the bathroom. Stepping into the shower she moans softly as the hot water borders on burning her skin.

Levi looked at the bathroom and sighed, trying to shake his naughty thoughts before standing up to walk into the kitchen for a cup of black tea. He felt his heart skip a beat when he found out from Armin that Crystal prepared the entire pot for him during breakfast.

He was, inevitably, falling in love with the short blonde. That's when he remembered telling her to marry him and he groaned. He didn't have a ring, and he didn't want to rush to buy one. Walking outside he spotted Eren and Mikasa laughing over something, but realized just how serene this property was.

If Crystal lived in fear of dying on this property, at least she had a beautiful view every morning, he thought. He smiled recalling one of their first interactions as he sat down on a rocking chair.


"Oi. Cadet Shigorati, I've been assigned to train you with guns. Are you ready?" Levi walked up to Crystal who was quietly sitting away from all the other cadets, eating her simple breakfast.

"Yes sir." Crystal responded flatly, and Levi scoffed. This was going to be absolute torture having to teach someone who didn't even grumble in annoyance, watching as she shoved the rest of her bread into her mouth she shot up and looked at Levi expectantly.

The two left the dining hall and headed towards the target practice area, Crystal followed behind him but sometimes he had to check because her feet emitted no sound. She would be a deadly assassin if she pursued that kind of lifestyle.

"We will have you timed, please kill all targets on the field as fast as you can." Levi pulled out a pocketwatch and looked at her, she grabbed one of the guns that was waiting for her. A single shot rifle that was popularly used by the MPs would normally never come in the hands of scouts.

Loading the gun, she sat into position and Levi clicked the pocketwatch. Suddenly she fired, and fired, her reloading speed was incredibly fast and he worried she would jam the rifle. But she ended up taking out all 34 targets within a minute and a half.

"Was that good?" Crystal asked, and Levi felt a little awkward since she used to not ask direct questions.

"That was exceptionally good. Honestly I didn't see much that you would need to improve on, just be careful with how fast you reload the gun, you could jam it."

"Blades are better in that sense..." Crystal said softly, "I could've killed those targets in less than a minute if I had my blades."

"The world outside of Paradis island has advanced past Blades, they now use mostly guns and canons. Going into a gunfight with a blade could end up with you dead." Levi scolded and Crystal put the gun back where it was.

"No offense, captain. But I'm more than capable of snuffing out 34 armed enemies without getting shot." Crystal stood up and looked at him, her face showing no signs of boasting or lying.

"Tsk. Whatever you say. Let's see you prove it, take out the next field of enemies in less than a minute and I'll believe you." Crystal blinked in surprise before she started to attach the Omni-directional gear onto her harness. Pulling out the first blades, she prepared to jump. With a click of the pocketwatch, Levi's eyes widened to the max as she shot off faster than a bullet. Her form was tight and before he knew it she was back in front of him as his thumb reflexively stopped the pocketwatch.

"What was my time, Captain?"

"34 seconds..." Levi mutters, that was next to impossible, she should've failed. He expected her to.

"Do you believe me now, sir?" Crystal asked gently, "If you ordered me to kill them in 20 seconds, I could. If you ordered me to kill them slowly, I would."

"Are you saying you'd follow my orders? No matter what they are?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Crystal said flatly and Levi huffed in annoyance, no single person was that devoted to the cause.

"Then I order you to knock out that guard, Cadet." Levi pointed to the soldier who was standing on guard and Crystal looked at him before she started to walk over to him.

Lifting her arm the man shouted, "What are you doing?!" Levi snatched her wrist and pulled her away from the man.

"Sorry. It was merely a loyalty test." Levi explained and the soldier glared at Crystal. Walking away, still holding her wrist he turned to her, "I get it. You'll follow orders."

"Till the end, Captain." Crystal said happily, Levi remembered being so confused by her attitude.


Levi chuckled quietly as he realized how dumb he truly was when it came to her in the beginning. She spoke more than he originally remembered too, maybe he just looked at it differently at the time.

"Hey." Crystal says softly, "Dinner is ready." Levi looks up at her and blinks in surprise.

"Wait you've been cooking? How long was I out here?"

"You've been asleep." Crystal giggles, "I decided to let you rest until dinner was done."

"Thank you..." Levi mutters, getting up from the rocking chair. Did he really dream that memory? As he followed her in he noticed that the three were already eating before him and Crystal sat down across from each other.

Crystal started to pick at her food though, and Levi started to worry for her. Was she starving herself? Or was her mind plagued by memories?

Lifting up with his plate he moved to the seat next to her, receiving concerned glances from the three across from him before he took her fork from her. Picking up part of the food, he lifted it to her mouth.

"Eat. Thats an order." Levi mumbled, and Crystal's face turned beat red before she opened her mouth and closed it around the food. Obviously uncomfortable, but following her orders.

As Crystal took the bite, she felt her head spinning. And someone crying out her name.