
Crystal's Confessions

This is the original Fanfic before I wrote Scouts Academy. Its full of a lot of Cringe, but certain events that will be brought up in Scouts Academy.

Dashprincess11 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 28

It had been hours since Levi said those words. As Crystal dug up new farmland, she couldn't help but feel afraid of her titan form, according to Hanji she could form weapons out of Hardened Titan material. She puts the seeds into the ground and pats the dirt back in with her boot.

Soon the smell of food reached her nostrils and she looked at the cottage in confusion, perhaps Sasha got hungry? Grabbing her bucket she carries it over to the pond and scoops up water, carrying it back to the farmland. She repeats this process a few times and she sighs as she fills the bucket up one last time.

Suddenly a foot made impact with her back, shoving her head first into the cold pond water and she burst out of the surface of it and spun her head around.

"LEVI!" She shouts at him and Levi smirks.

"Now you're all filthy too, guess we'll have to take another shower tonight." Levi says teasingly and Crystal glares at him before struggling to climb out of the water, Levi offers her a hand with a small smile. Crystal smirks and yanks on it, pulling him into the water right next to her.

"That's what you get asshole." Crystal says playfully as he pops his head out of the cold water, his hair now soaked and slick against his face.

"Oh, yeah?!" Levi tackles her and wrestles with her, the two rolling around splashing each other every chance they got. Crystal's heart swelled as her laughter was accompanied by his own.

"Levi..." Crystal says as she pins him down on the bank of the pond, "Your laugh is so silky smooth to my ears..."

"Its... Been a while." Levi says simply, "Its kind of weird for me." Crystal looks up and smirks.

"Seems like its weird to the scouts too." Crystal gets up, ringing her shirt out before giving him a hand, revealing all the scouts came out at the sound of the commotion.

"Dinner is about ready." Hanji says happily, "I'm going to ask the question everyone else is wondering; when will you propose, Levi?" Levi tenses up and shoots a glare at Hanji.

"When the time is right I'll buy her the biggest ring." Levi says simply before walking off, "I need to change and take a shower."

Their days was spent like this, for an entire month the 9 of them bonding through various tasks, such as building a new cottage on the property as Crystal offered to house the three musketeers, but ordered that there be enough rooms for everyone.

"Sasha," Crystal says as Sasha watches her sewing a shirt, "You seem baffled."

"Oh-! I've always wondered how that's done... I may be good at hunting but I know next to nothing about Sewing."

"Shall I teach you then?" Crystal asks and Sasha gulps nervously, "I promise its not difficult, I'll have you taught before Levi and Hanji get back."

"Really?! You'd do that for me?" Sasha asks excitedly and Crystal nods.

"Levi," Hanji says softly, "You're struggling with picking out a ring?" She leans over to look at the three Levi had narrowed it down to on his own.

"Each one screams her personality, or at least  a part of it. But I'm not sure..."

"Hmm..." Hanji picks up the ring boxes one by one, "I think this ones gem is just a bit too big, so let's say no to that. Crystal wouldn't want anything extravagant..." Hanji looks at one that had a very simple gem on top and the band had engravings on it, "Could we get custom engravings on this one?" Hanji asks the jeweler who looks at her.

"Depends, what are you looking to get done?"

"Something simple, maybe their initials. So LA and CS." Hanji says as Levi stares at the ring, slightly grateful he brought a woman with him.

"I can do that here in a few seconds. Would you like to purchase it?"

"Yes." Levi says simply and puts his bag of money on the counter before counting it out, "Is that enough?"

"Yes. Let me just engrave those initals on it." Levi looks at Hanji who smiles in excitement.

"Can you go buy some flowers...?" Levi asks nervously, "I'm already changed into a suit... I just want flowers."

"Gotcha Levi! I'll get her favorites!" Hanji takes off and Levi shakes his head. Them two were like sisters, knowing everything about each other and being in sync most of the time.

As the jeweler comes back, he asks, "Would you like a matching band for yourself?" Levi tenses up and nods.

"No gem please." He asks and the jeweler nods before taking off with a simple band to engrave their initals on it. Levi puts more money on the counter when both rings were put in front of him.

"Are these to your liking? You will have to tighten them once they are on your finger to make sure they fit, then with a little bit of heat melt the metal, or keep them clasped shut."

"Gotcha." Levi stuffs his ring box in his blazer pocket and Crystal's in his pant pocket. Walking out he finds Hanji holding a bouquet of wild blue flowers and frowns, "Hanji those aren't good-"

"These are the best ones. You want Crystal to enjoy everything guilt free right? These will make her redder than a tomato, and they were cheaper."


"Why again am I changing into this getup?" Crystal asks as she spins in the light blue spring dress Mikasa brought her.

"I want to go on a stroll, wanted to doll up and didn't want to be left out." Mikasa smiles, she was rather dressed up, also in a simple spring dress but hers was pink. The two walk out of the cottage, and Crystal felt weird that no one was inside.

As they walked down a freshly packed path, Crystal felt her body getting goosebumps, what was this? Where were they going? There was nothing in the forest if she recalled correctly.

But suddenly the trees started to part and the sunlight beaming down blinded her momentarily. As her eyes adjusted, she felt her entire body freeze, Mikasa had left her side to join Eren and Armin who stood opposite of Sasha, Jean, and Connie.

Behind them was a small white gozebo that had been extensively decorated with pink wild flowers, in the center of the gozebo was Hanji with a camera they got from the Marleians.

In front of her stood Crystal's entire world, Levi stood proudly in a dark blue suit, his hair combed back on one side, his Cravat a light blue like her spring dress. In his hand sat a small brown box.

Crystal's feet began to move on their own as tears form in her eyes, this was more than she ever deserved, did Levi really plan all of this...?

Crystal stops across from Levi who smiles, no longer a ghost of one, not a small one. But one wider than hers, which made her grin widely.

"Levi..." She breathes softly, and Levi offers his hand to her, leading her to be beside him before they face each other.

"If I could be honest, here in this moment, I've been so nervous to stand here with you they're all here for us and I feel their aura. But just for a moment, I'll pretend its just you. Yes they can hear us but they don't understand I have said all of my vows behind the curtain. I know they see us but they don't stand a chance I have kissed those lips a thousand times before this. Tomorrow I'll open my eues and I'll whisper to my wife, I belong to you... And I will wait to hear you say as a tear rolls down your face, I belong to you..." Levi says softly before getting down on one knee and opening the small brown box, "Crystallina Shigorati... I may not be the richest man and I may not have a past you may be proud of, but I love you with every inch of my being. It would make me the happiest man in the world... If you will marry me?" He holds up the opened box, revealing the ring that held a small crystal gem on top and on the side held their initials. Crystal wanted a picture of this moment...


Crystal looks with her eyes to find that Hanji had taken a photo and Crystal smiles sweetly before looking back at Levi, "You idiot..." She mutters, the wall that kept her tears back crumbling as they cascade down her cheeks, "Yes. I will."

Cheers erupt from the six that was watching  with anticipation and Crystal wraps her arms around Levi's neck as he stands up. Kissing him deeply, she felt it becoming impossible to suppress her joy, as she pulls away from him he smiles sweetly at her.

"You're so beautiful." Levi says, followed by Hanji sniffling as she starts to cry and that made the both of them snicker, "I won't be able to afford a big wedding... But I want you. I want this..."

"I don't need a big wedding. I don't even need a wedding..." Crystal says sweetly, smiling widely at him, "My love for you isn't conditional, it doesn't need big fancy things to be happy..." Crystal gives him a small kiss, before looking out at the kids, "This is good enough for me."

"You really got lucky with that, Levi!" Jean smiles widely, "Most women are harder to please."

"Yeah I know I got lucky." Levi smirks before lifting her hand and slipping the ring on, tightening it until it fit just right, "I'm sorry, Ms. Shigorati, but it appears you've stolen something of mine... My last name."

"Hehe... That was way too cheesy!" Crystal pushes him on his face playfully, making him chuckle into her hand before biting down playfully and licking, "Ewww! Levi!" She cried out, ripping her hand away from him and the two share a laugh.

"Its so cute..." Hanji cries, "I can't believe that I'll be alive to see it happen!" She suddenly jumps onto Crystal in a hug and cries against her head, "You finally get to be happy!"

"Heh..." Crystal mutters, trying to hold herself back from sobbing herself. It was true, she was finally on a one way path to being finally happy, but as she remembered all the hell she went through she sobbed hard against Hanji, holding her in a hug.

Levi looks at her with a concerned look but smiles as he realizes she's just happy, he walks over to the kids and they all smile at him.

"Did you guys get everything for dinner?" Levi asks and they nod.

"We're putting Sasha and Armin in charge of cooking." Connie says simply and Levi nods.

"Could you guys get started?"

"Yeah!" Sasha shouts before running off with the group.

"Hanji." Levi says a little sharply to catch her attention and then jabs his finger towards the path, motioning for her to leave.

"I'll see you later. Spend time with your husband..." Hanji wipes Crystal's tears away before kissing her on the forehead, and skipping away towards the cottage. Levi walks up to Crystal and looks at her beaming face, soaked in tears but her smile as wide as it could physically be.


"Crystal." Levi pulls her against him and holds her in his arms, "I love you."

"I love you too." Crystal mutters, "Let's get the church to approve our I dos." Crystal says suddenly and Levi tenses up, "Let's go now." She looks up at him and his eyes widen.

"What's with the rush?" Levi smirks and Crystal reaches down and touches her stomach, making Levi's eyes widen.

"I want... To have a family with you. I don't want to risk waiting around." Levi smiles and leans down to her.

"You know Hanji will be upset." Levi kisses her nose, "If she's not there."

"As far as I'm concerned..." Crystal looks around the Gozebo, "This was my wedding. Hell I can't even imagine more than this."

"You deserve more..." Levi mumbles as Crystal looks up at him with wide eyes, "You deserve a husband who can give you everything you want."

"Levi..." Crystal reaches up as if she was going to cup his cheek but she grabs his earlobe and pulls him down to be below her.

"OW OW OW!" Levi whines out as he looks up at her in confusion.

"Levi. My mother and father gave me scraps of fabric to make my clothes after my first sister was born. My mother starved me for months at a time to try to make me lose weight for a husband. My family abandoned me in Wall Maria and I struggled to survive in my cottage, I never had anything fancy. I don't expect fancy." Crystal says softly, releasing his earlobe, keeping him on his knee though she held his face in her hands, "Levi. I want you. I want a family with you. I want you to come home at the end of the day. That would be enough. We don't need money, you don't need a legacy..." Levi closes his eyes and leans into her touch, "I fell in love with you thinking I would die before getting the chance to tell you how I felt. I never even had a chance to imagine our future."

"So what you're trying to say is... All of this is more than you wanted?" Levi asks and Crystal kisses his nose with a smile and a nod, "Heh... So, about that church?"

"I can't believe Levi and Crystal are going to be married." Eren says as he fixes up the new dining table Jean bought with a table cloth, "I never would have thought she liked him."

"Seriously?" Mikasa looks up at Eren with wide eyes as she starts to set up the plates and cups that she got from the shops, "It was so obvious."

"Oh yeah." Sasha smirks widely from her spot at the stove, "Crystal would blush bright red whenever Levi walked past her or whenever he was giving her orders she had that look in her eyes like she wanted him to take her."

"Ew Sasha!" Connie exclaims, making grossed out sounds.

"Its true though," Armin says softly, "Crystal was obedient to all commanding officers, but the one her ears were fully open to was Levi. She was never afraid of him either and saw him differently than us."

"Oh I remember that at Dance rehearsal." Jean says as he relaxes on the couch, "I guess it was more obvious than I originally thought."

"I noticed it shortly after she started to talk more. The things she practiced talking about always revolved around Levi." Hanji smiles sweetly, remembering those conversations, when the front door swung open and she looks at the two curiously, "What did you two do that took so long?"

"We had the local priest officiate the marriage." Crystal says simply, "I had my wedding already." Hanji smiles at her and nods.

"Welcome back home, Mrs. Ackerman." Hanji teases, but instead of Crystal getting playfully upset she grins widely, ear to ear. Hanji froze in place, an image of how she looked that dreadful day when she joined the scouts fazed over her like some bad memory.

"Crystal's officially a married woman!" Connie says excitedly, "Let's pop open one of the fancier wines!" He goes towards the alcohol cabinet.