
Crystal's Confessions

This is the original Fanfic before I wrote Scouts Academy. Its full of a lot of Cringe, but certain events that will be brought up in Scouts Academy.

Dashprincess11 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 27

Hate to bother my favorite lovebirds, but I need Crystal. We're preparing to head next to the trees for the experiments to begin." Crystal pouts before getting up and pecking Levi on the cheek.

"Coming Hanji!" Crystal hops out of the shower and uses a towel to quickly dry herself off, getting dressed into her simple outfit, "Join us when you're done?" She asks back to Levi who frowns a little at her having to leave.

"Yeah I'll come see how your Titan form looks." Crystal smiles before shutting the curtain and leaving out the bathroom door where Hanji was waiting with Eren.

"I'm guessing Levi thought you were too dirty?" Eren asks innocently and Crystal snickers.

"Oh yeah he said straight to my face that he doubts I do it correctly!" Crystal jokes, making all three of them laugh as they head into the Kitchen. Crystal grabs a knife real quickly, "Didn't Ymir and Annie both use something metal to do the self harm?" Crystal asks and Eren nods his head.

"Yes. But you could just bite your skin by your thumb."

"That hurts." Crystal says with a deadpan expression, "I tried it out once in secret after I watched you do it. Like hell am I going to bite hard enough to draw blood." Eren starts to laugh hysterically as they head out and walk around the cabin.

"We equipped Eren with the ODM gear so that he can help remove you if necessary. We are unsure of if you will try to hurt us or not so he will be on stand by. It'll be safe for you too, since Levi's tactic of removing Eren will be used on you."

"Okay..." Crystal mutters as she looks back to see that they were a good distance away from her cottage, "I want to go into the trees alone and transform, so no one gets blasted by me."

"That sounds like a safer idea, go ahead." Hanji says and Crystal walks into the forest when Eren shouts.

"You have to keep your conscious focused on what you want to do! Then you'll transform!" Crystal nods and looks back to determine she was far enough away. Taking the knife she slices the palm of her hand, as power started to erupt through her body.

Hanji's eyes widen in excitement as the green light glowed through the trees, "I wonder how tall she will be! Oh and if she's going to have complete control or be on a mindless rampage!"

"I was lost in a rampage my first time..." Eren says softly, just as two very large hands wrapped around the tree. A moderately large head sticks out and looks around.

"Whoa!!! She's at least 30 meters tall!" Hanji shouts, "Crystal! Can you hear me?!" She asks and Crystal's now enlarged eyes shift to look at her, before nodding.

"She has full consciousness?" Eren asks curiously, holding his position.

"Okay Crystal. Let's see just how in control you are. Can you throw up a thumbs up for me?" Hanji holds out her hand with a thumbs up and Crystal moves out of the trees, kneeling down in front of Hanji before lifting her hand. It seemed awkward at first, her fingers flexing before she relaxed them and held her thumb up. Causing Hanji to cheer out in excitement, "It appears that you can understand my every word. That's amazing, with this you'll-"

"So that's Crystal's titan form?" Levi asks from behind Hanji, who snapped her head back to him.

"Ah! Yes. She appears to be in full control, but I would maintain your distance." Hanji warns as Crystal fully steps out of the forest, standing at full height for a moment, she was at least 30 meters tall, her body was as if someone carved skin off of certain parts of her body to reveal her muscle underneath. She looks around and her blue eyes lock onto Levi, she starts to bend down to get on one knee, "Huh? Are you excited to see Levi?" Hanji questions as Crystal gets closer to him with her face.

"Tsk. You look a little ugly and dirty in this form, Crystal. You really should learn how to bathe yourself properly." Levi scolds, and Eren tensed up.

"Captain! Don't antagonize-" Eren went to shout before Crystal used her hand to pick Levi up by the back of his shirt, he glares at her.

"Put me down." He orders, and Hanji stared in concern, what was Crystal going to do? Suddenly she opened her mouth, dropping Levi in before closing it.

"AHHH! CRYSTAL! SPIT HIM OUT!!!" Hanji shouts pathetically, as Eren latches onto her, swinging around to aim slicing at her mouth, but her hand goes up and gently grabs him, not enough to hurt but enough to stop him in his tracks, "Oh no-" Hanji starts to panic when she realized something, Crystal may have put him in her mouth but Hanji did not watch her swallow.

Crystal places Eren on the ground and shakes a finger at him, before tapping her cheek. Eren looks on with a confused stare when he suddenly heard Levi on the inside shouting about letting him out, then Crystal let out a series of grunts.

"Its like she's laughing." Armin says beside Hanji, who had come in time to watch the entire fiasco, "I think she's... Just messing with him?" Crystal points to Armin and nods before opening her mouth to reveal a saliva soaked Levi.

"You bitch! I just took a shower now you made me all filthy!!" Levi shouts as she pulls him out the same way she put him in, "I'll make you pay for that!"

"I guess you shouldn't tell a Lady that they look ugly." Armin teases as Levi gets put down, as Hanji walks up to him.

"You normally would react too quickly, were you not afraid?"

"Of course not. You said she seemed to have consciousness, even if its just a little, Crystal would never willingly hurt me." Levi says wiping his face off furiously, "But she would willingly piss me off!" He shouts up at her and she grunts out another laugh.

"Alright then! Since you're in full control, let's see if you can harden!" Hanji instructs and explains how its done. Crystal nods and Hanji blushes before cheering out how cool this was. Flipping over her hand, Crystal focuses on her fingers, imagining them being covered in crystals when they suddenly start to appear, forming a large rock of it in her hand, not on her fingers.

"That's new." Armin says simply, "Crystal, can you put that down for me?" Crystal nods before placing it down on the ground, it was no longer attached to her hand the moment she stopped focusing on it, "Were you unable to grow the crystals over your skin?" Crystal nods, "I see..."

"Its quite useful that you're able to fully communicate with us in Titan form, with Eren we had to remove him whenever there was a big development." Hanji walks over to the crystallized ball, touching it, "It may be that you are unable to harden your skin but perhaps you can create this hardened material into weapons."

Crystal seems to catch interest and tried it again, this time imagining the details of the ODM blades. Soon enough the handle was forming, and sharp shards of it shot out before molding and flattening together to form the blade.

"WHOA!" Hanji jumps excitedly, "I was right! This could be really useful in battle! If you need to transform you can quite literally go in with your usual weapons."

"Can we pull her out already...?" Levi asks, "For her first time being transformed, I don't think you should push her past an hour or two of staying like this... Eren was rendered completely unconscious for hours after his first transformation."

"That's true..." Armin says softly, "But I think we should see how Crystal's body is. Is it armored? Tough to cut through? Or is it soft like a regular titan."

"And who the hell is going to test it out?" Levi asks harshly and Eren drops down next to him.

"Obviously its my chance to get payback. Although I won't slice her up as much as she did me and I'll avoid her nape."

"Yeah, Eren is the only one equipped." Hanji looks up at Crystal, "You hear that?! He's going to attack you so try not to hurt him!" Crystal gives her a curt nod and Eren latches onto her arm.

"Tsk..." Levi frowns in anger, he didn't like this. He didn't want to put her through any pain, she didn't even like being a titan, let alone being cut up by Eren. But soon a chunk shot from her arm and she looks over at her arm.

"That was really tough!" Eren shouts, "It took a lot of strength to cut!" He reports and as they all look at the wound Hanji's eyes widen.

"Its... Already healed." She mutters, "That's impossible, it should take a few minutes at least..." Eren looks at her, "Cut her again, I'm going to time it." Hanji pulls out her pocketwatch and Eren slashes into her arm again. No sooner than he finished the cut it started to heal.

"Super Healing..." Armin mutters, "That is incredibly unnatural, even for a Titan Shifter."

"It usually takes a while and a lot of energy for my body to heal." Eren says, "I think we should remove her now."

"Yes. Go ahead Eren, please try not to cut her arms off." Hanji instructs and Eren jumps onto her neck, but he doesn't cut, "What's wrong Eren?"

"Her nape... Is completely hardened. She will have to remove herself..." Eren says as he pops his head out of her mane of hair, "Its like the Armored Titan."

"We could use a thunder spear to loosen the armor..." Hanji says softly before looking at Levi, "But we don't have any... Crystal!" Hanji looks up at her, "You have to try focusing on waking your real human body to get out. Your nape is covered in hardened material."

Crystal looks down at her before leaning over, pressing into the ground with both her knuckles before closinf her eyes. Eren stands on her nape as it starts to burst with steam.

"She's doing it." Armin says happily, as Eren could be seen pulling her from the steam and flying down to the ground. Her coughs filled the air, and Levi goes to her side before her eyes open to look at her titan form.

"Holy shit my titan form is huge!" Crystal shouts suddenly, making herself go into another coughing fit and Hanji laughs as she walks up to her.

"Do you remember much?"

"Not exactly... I remember playing a joke on Levi. But after that its a blur." Crystal says simply and Levi pinches her side harshly.

"Yeah about that, I'll make you pay big time."

"Well, we learned that your titan has incredibly fast healing." Hanji says, interrupting their bickering, "No sooner than Eren finished a cut, your wounds were healing."

"I see. That would be useful." Crystal says, reaching up to rub the back of her neck, "Oh I remember... Eren saying my neck was impossible to cut?"

"Yes." Eren says simply, "It seemed to be made of the same material the Armored Titan has."

"So you weren't able to cut me out?" Eren shakes his head and Crystal hums, "What if I rampage? Are you guys fucked or do you have some kind of contigency plan?" Crystal asks up to Hanji who just looks down.

"The only way I can think of is using a thunder spear to loosen the material... Then cutting. But if someone were to aim the thunder spear wrong, it could kill you."

"That's a fair amount of risk." Crystal says simply, "My Titan is 30 meters tall, and quite frankly you guys don't use the Blade ODM gear as much anymore. Its practically been discontinued. We'll teach someone and try to have them focus on getting me out."

"I'll do it." Levi says sharply, "I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from killing someone if they killed you due to arrogance..."