
Cry Or Beg, You're Mine

The man with the green eyes looked at her with a very deadly gaze and Melanie could not help but drool at the handsome sitting at alone. ''Hi handsome,'' Melanie said as he kissed his lips is softly. She was about to pull away when the man pulled her back and kissed her roughly. ''Oh boy, take it easy!'' Melanie screamed inwardly. Melanie was still fighting what she was feeling at the moment when she felt his hand inside her cloth. ''I am doomed!'' Melanie widened her eyes. *************************************************** She creased her forehead and wondered where she had seen those green eyes piercing dangerously into her blue eyes. ''I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going,'' she said nevertheless. “You should watch where you are going, Miss Melanie Tatum,'' Flynn smirked. This man in front of her even knew her name! She widened her eyes in utmost surprise. ''Do I know you?'' She asked, slowly. ''I see you had a very good life with my money, Melanie.'' The man said in an accent. ''W...which money?'' Melanie shuttered. ''The money you stole, Sweetheart.'' He smiled dangerously, tightening his grip on Melanie's arm. Melanie widened her eyes as she remembered the man in front of her. Damn! Her world will never remain the same.

Koore · Urban
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59 Chs

Chapter 37

He pulled the car in front of a huge building and press the horn of the car, the gate opened almost immediately and he drove in.

''What are we doing here?'' Kyle looked around and saw a few of Harlan's guards including Devon.

Flynn smiled and beckoned to Devon who walked swiftly towards him.

He handed two boxes to Flynn, bowed then walked back to where he was standing.

''I asked your mum what your dream was and she said your dream was to be a Jeweler. I thought about it and I think it will be nice if you become one. This building is one of my companies so I've made changes for you to be the owner. As you see, I have not done a thing there. I hope you be one of the best Jewelers in Los Angeles,'' Flynn ended his word with a smile.

''Wait... You mean... this huge building belongs... to me?'' Melanie whispered, unsurely.

''Yes, baby. It might not be up to your taste but I hope...''

''You hope what? Gosh, love, this is too much!'' Melanie started to cry.

''It is not, babe. You deserve more than this,'' Flynn said and Melanie rushed to hug him.

''Thank you so much!'' Melanie cried.

''And... I got this for you but these twins beat me to it,'' Flynn eyed Elle and Kyle who were still in shock, and opened one of the boxes.

''Over there...'' He held her head and moved it slowly to the left where four guards opened a black cloth and revealed the most beautiful car she'd ever seen.

''I got it shipped into Los Angeles two days ago,'' Flynn whispered in her ear.

''Gosh, Flynn... I can't handle this... I need to cry...'' Melanie whispered, hit her chest slightly, and started to cry.

''Why are you being so emotional?'' Flynn pulled her towards him and hugged her, stroking her hair.

''Gosh, you are bad, Flynn!'' Elle screamed.

''This birthday gift is top-notch...''

''Second to none!''

Elle and Kyle screamed in excitement.

''This is too much,'' Melanie whispered to Flynn.

''It is not. You deserve more,'' Flynn patted her back, raised her chin, and kissed her lips.

''Gosh, Flynn,'' Melanie hid her face on his chest.

''This is nothing, babe. Come on...'' Flynn pulled her away gently.

''I love you.''

''I love you more than you can ever imagine,'' Flynn smiled.

Melanie smiled back and hugged her husband tightly.

Her husband was one in a million.


"Boss, I gathered the information you have been waiting for. She is pregnant.''

''Camila Hayes is pregnant?'' The man dropped the bottle of wine he was holding and stood up.

''Yes, boss,''

''Wow, Finally! Do you think I should go to her now?'' He stared at his informant.

''I think you should exercise patient, boss. It seems like she is still obsessed with some man,'' the informant bowed a little.

''Okay. Get a bouquet and drop it in front of her house,'' he smiled heartily.

''From here to Los Angeles?''

''You can get it when you get to Los Angeles,'' He smiled.

''Sure, boss,'' the informant nodded his head and exit the room.

Reld Walton lives in Texas but came to Los Angeles to finalize a deal. His car got faulty in the middle of the road and he stood by his Car to see anyone pass by that could help.

Soon, a car drove past him, then splashed water at him. He cursed inwardly but when he saw the car reverse and pulled behind his car, his anger subdued.

A beautiful lady came out of the car and lashed him with words instead of apologizing. As if that was not enough, she'd said, ''Actually, you look like you need help. I don't mind giving you a ride.''

Well, it meant two things to him.

'I'll drive you and I'll ride you.

Somehow, he felt attracted to the woman and they both had copulated.

''A man with a body structure like you ought to be a good fvcker, but no one can be like him anyways... Remember this, we have never met. Don't go around telling people we fvcked.''

Well, he liked the woman already.

When he got back to Texas, he had his trusted man look into her since he had stolen a picture of her when she wasn't looking.

He got to find out that she was Camila. Camila Hayes.

Well, no matter whom she was obsessed with, he was going to make her fall for him. At all cost.

''You have cancer, Mr. Harlan. Brain cancer,'' Doctor Hudson breathed out nervously.

Flynn clenched his teeth and tried to maintain his balance.

Brain cancer?

How the hell was that possible?

''Why?'' He glared at the doctor.

Doctor Hudson sighed nervously, this tycoon was not going to make it easy either.

''I just asked a question,'' Flynn said, ever gently.

''I'm sure you must have been having some symptoms, headache especially,'' Doctor Hudson played with the stethoscope around his uncomfortably.

''So? Can't I have a headache?'' Flynn smiled.

''Mr. Harlan, the cancer is spreading rapidly. It is spreading over to your lung and in no time it will get there."

''Wow,'' Flynn smirked.

What is 'wow' in this matter?

Doctor Hudson wondered, his head lowered.

''We need to conduct a surgery as soon as possible,'' Doctor Hudson suggested and Flynn furrowed his brow.

''You think I will let you touch my brain?''

''It is not what you think, Mr. Harlan. It is compulsory you...''

''What is the survival rate?'' Flynn interrupted him.

''Fifty percent,'' the doctor whispered.

''Wow. Fifty percent? Okay, if I survived it, what is the possibility that my brain will still be normal?'' Flynn smirked coldly.

''T...thirty percent,'' doctor Hudson stammered.

''Wow! Thirty out of hundred. Doctor, do you think I have a death wish?'' Flynn asked with an unreasonable expression.

''N...no. But, Mr. Harlan, you need to have surgery else you...''

''I will d!e,'' Flynn finished with a smile on his face while doctor Hudson swallowed hard.

Why must Flynn Harlan of all people be sick?

This man is making him sick also.

The glares.

The smirks.

And the unreadable, cold smile.

Like, who smiles in a situation like this?

On top of it, he does not want surgery.

''That is not how I was going to put it,'' Doctor Hudson whispered.

''Then how? Look, Doctor, I don't want surgery, and that is it.''

''You are not going to think about your sister and your brother? Most importantly, are you not going to think about the woman you just married. I know how it feels to lose someone you love dearly. Think about it, please.''

Flynn closed his eyes, he knew how Melanie was going to feel if he died. And the thing he would not want is to see her cry.

''What if I undergo the surgery and lose my memory or become an imbecile, how do you think my wife will handle it? I don't want surgery, Melanie will be fine,'' Flynn nodded his head.


''Prepare drugs to reduce the headaches, vomiting, and others. It will be very bad if my wife sees me vomiting.''

''Y...yes sir, I'll get it before...''

''I want it now,'' Flynn interrupted and glared at him.

''Okay Sir,'' Doctor Hudson breathed out.

Flynn swallowed hardly after the doctor had left him in the office to get drugs for him.

A few months ago, his sister was diagnosed with a disease.

The poor girl finally had a hope of living again.

She left Los Angeles for Germany two days after his wife's birthday.

When things were going very smoothly, when there was no villain in their love life, this damn disease decided to come and play games with him.

He had brain cancer that was already spreading over to his lungs.

Even the doctor was not sure if the surgery was going to be a success.

How the hell was he going to lay in the operating room and have some damn surgeon open his brain or wherever they were going to open.

Nah... That is not going to happen. Never.

He creased his brow as he massaged his temple, thinking about everything he could think of.

Should he divorce Melanie so that she will not be bound by him after his d£ath?

Flynn hit his head with his palm and sat up.

''Divorce who? I think the cancer is affecting my brain already,'' he shook his head.

Doctor Hudson entered a few minutes later and handed nylon that had the hospital name imprinted on it over to Flynn.

''You should follow the description given to use the drug. Mr. Harlan, I hope you have a change of mind,'' Doctor Hudson sighed.

Flynn twitched his mouth and scratched the back of his neck. ''That is not going to happen.''

''Look deeply at your wife's face when you get home.''

''Old age is already affecting you, doctor,'' Flynn laughed and stood up.

''Mr. Harlan...''

''I drove here my self, Doctor. That is because I don't want anyone to know I came here. I don't want you to offend me by telling anybody. This stays between you and me I. I've never threatened you and I don't want to. Don't let me do what I don't want to do to you, please. I beg of you,'' Flynn smiled and turned to leave.

''Mr. Harlan. Please, think about it very well,'' the doctor stood up and bowed.

''I will try,'' Flynn smiled and wore the nose mask, he turned the knob of the door and walked out of the doctor's office.

Doctor Hudson shook his head and sighed again. It will be for the best if this man drops his ego and undergo surgery.

It will be for the best.


Camila was in her office with her secretary who was explaining some things about the meeting they were going to have with some investors in a few hours when a knock interrupted them and her security man entered with a bouquet.

She creased her brow and stood up,

''What the hell is that thing you are bringing into my office!''

''Ma'am, someone dropped this and insisted I bring it to you.''

''And you have the nerves to bring it to me?'' Camila raised her brow.

''Actually, I...''

''Get out,'' she glared at him.

''I am sorry. I'm so sorry...''

''Get out!''

She yelled and the security man turned to leave.

''Drop that flower,'' she ordered.

The man hurriedly dropped the flower on the couch near him and ran out of the office.

''Bring that thing to me,'' Camila pointed at the flower and her secretary rushed to take it.

''Prepare a sack letter for that a$$hole,'' she said and snatched the flower from the young lady who bowed and hurriedly walked out of her office.

She sat down and inhaled the fresh scent of the flower with a smile on her face.

The only person that knew she liked to receive Flowers was Flynn and that arrogant tycoon will never send her a petal not to talk of a rose.

She creased her brow when she saw the letter that was inside the flower and she pulled it out then dropped the flower on the table.

''Beauty, can you smile more often? Your condition doesn't want that frowny face at all. Babe, don't scream too much, the baby will always get scared. From your love, Reld.''

Camila smiled unconsciously then furrowed her brow again.

What the hell was that?

Who else knew about her pregnancy?


Whoever that person was, she couldn't help but wonder how he knew she was carrying a baby.


Zach Tordoff inhaled the cigarette deeply and threw the stick in the plate on the table then blew the smoke in his mouth out gently.

He drank the alcohol from the bottle directly then grabbed his phone that was lying on the couch beside him.

He dialed a number and the receiver picked the call almost immediately and the word he had always heard when he called greeted him immediately.

''Pronto!'' (Hello)

''Hey, G,'' Zach groaned.

''What's up with the G you call me all the time?'' The receiver chuckled.

''Nevermind, when are you coming to Los Angeles? Are you planning on staying there for the rest of your life?'' Zach licked his lower lip.

''You can say that but you see... I would love to come over there to cause a few problems then flee back to my country,'' the receiver said and Zach could already imagine a deadly smirk forming on the receiver's face.

''You've always said that. When the hell are you coming back!'' Zach yelled.

''Rest, Old man. Don't yell at me, you're not my boss.''

Zach swallowed deeply, trying not to get mad.

''Okay, when are you coming to Los Angeles?''

''Soon. Very soon.''


''I said soon, old man, I'll be there soon,'' the receiver said and ended the call.

Zach closed his eyes as he grunted then clenched his fist.

''Ingrate!'' He spat and grabbed the bottle of alcohol and started to drink from it.


Melanie picked on her finger nervously as Flynn led her to their bedroom after he had finished eating his dinner.

She helped him unbutton his shirt but she didn't notice the worry that was on Flynn's face himself.

When Flynn had entered the bathroom, she opened her closet and took the pregnancy kit that was lying on one side of the closet.

She imagined how happy Flynn was going to be if he saw the two lines on the pregnancy kit.

After a few seconds, she breathed out as she saw Flynn step out of the bathroom.

''Babe, is anything wrong? You look kinda worried,'' Flynn walked towards her and Melanie hid the pregnancy kit behind her.

''Flynn...'' She called out almost in a whisper.


''When you left for work this morning, I threw up,'' she bit her lower lips.

''What? Why? Did you eat something you're not supposed to eat? How are you feeling? Should we go to the hospital?'' Flynn panicked.

''That is not it...'' She whispered.

''I felt dizzy too and I couldn't eat properly. I called the head of the maids and explained to her. She smiled when I told her and asked when I did my menstruation last. You know I haven't done it this month?'' Melanie looked at him with a fragile look.

''Yeah, I remember asking you when you were supposed to see it again,'' Flynn nodded his head.

''Huh. She went to get something for me and taught me how to use it. W...when I used it... Flynn, it was positive,'' Melanie bit her lips and showed Flynn the pregnancy result.

''I think I am pregnant, Flynn. I am carrying our baby,'' Melanie said slowly and closed her eyes.

Flynn stepped backward and shook his head. Melanie opened her eyes and creased her brow with the reaction Flynn was showing.

Shouldn't he be happy?

Should he not have swept her off her feet thanking her for getting pregnant?

Why was the man that had claimed to love her have that kind of reaction on his face?

Wait... Did he not want a baby.

On the other hand, Flynn was very happy but with the news he had received earlier the day, he was sad too. Why did his beautiful wife have to get pregnant when his d£ath was near?

Wasn't this a totally cruel fate?

''Flynn!'' Melanie half yelled.

''Babe, why?'' He creased his brow and Melanie gasped.

Why what?

Why was she pregnant or what?

Didn't they both want the baby!?

What the hell is wrong with her husband!?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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