
Cry Or Beg, You're Mine

The man with the green eyes looked at her with a very deadly gaze and Melanie could not help but drool at the handsome sitting at alone. ''Hi handsome,'' Melanie said as he kissed his lips is softly. She was about to pull away when the man pulled her back and kissed her roughly. ''Oh boy, take it easy!'' Melanie screamed inwardly. Melanie was still fighting what she was feeling at the moment when she felt his hand inside her cloth. ''I am doomed!'' Melanie widened her eyes. *************************************************** She creased her forehead and wondered where she had seen those green eyes piercing dangerously into her blue eyes. ''I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going,'' she said nevertheless. “You should watch where you are going, Miss Melanie Tatum,'' Flynn smirked. This man in front of her even knew her name! She widened her eyes in utmost surprise. ''Do I know you?'' She asked, slowly. ''I see you had a very good life with my money, Melanie.'' The man said in an accent. ''W...which money?'' Melanie shuttered. ''The money you stole, Sweetheart.'' He smiled dangerously, tightening his grip on Melanie's arm. Melanie widened her eyes as she remembered the man in front of her. Damn! Her world will never remain the same.

Koore · Urban
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55 Chs

Chapter 27

A few minutes later...

''Did you rent this island?'' Melanie asked as Flynn stroked her hair gently.

''Not really,'' Flynn smiled.

''Not really? Did you buy it...''

Melanie widened her eyes.

''You own this place?'' She raised her head from his chest and looked at him.

''Yes, I bought It last year and this is my second time here,'' Flynn asked.

''Wow, amazing. Don't tell me your first time here was with Camila,'' Melanie sulked and Flynn laughed.

''I've never been on any vacation with Camila,'' Flynn said.

''I hope so,'' Melanie rolled her eyes.

''Mrs. Harlan. I'm very serious,'' Flynn laughed.

''Yeah, I hope so,'' Melanie shrugged her shoulder.

''I'm serious,'' Flynn raised her chin.

"Why are you still keeping your mistress? We're married already, didn't you say you are glad about this marriage?'' Melanie threw a deadly stare at him.

''Of course, I did. Do you want me to end things with her?'' Flynn asked her and Melanie smiled mischievously.

''Which wife will be glad to know her husband has a side cheek? Of course, you should,'' Melanie pouted.

''Are you jealous?" Flynn laughed.

''Jealous of that thing? Oh please, I hâte that woman. Did you see the way she was looking at you during our wedding?"

''I didn't. I was only looking at you,'' Flynn answered and Melanie blushed.

''You should see the jealousy that was evident on her face,'' Melanie said and Flynn chuckled.

This side of Melanie was very sweet and he was delighted he patched things up with her earlier.

''Melanie...'' Flynn called her softly.

''Yes?'' Melanie answered with a smile on her face.

''Why didn't you tell me you used the money for your mother's hospital bill?'' Flynn asked and Melanie widened her eyes.

''How the hell did you know about that?'' Melanie asked.

''I am Flynn Harlan, I have my way,'' Flynn smirked.

''Are you going to harm us?'' Melanie asked fearfully.

''Never, you are the sweetest woman ever. I was just bluffing when I said I was going to harm you and your mother. I'll never do that,'' Flynn grinned.

''Why? You're feeling sorry?'' Melanie asked.

''Because I am falling for this particular woman,'' Flynn said and kissed her on the lips.


Camila smashed her phone against the wall, ''Why the hell is Flynn not picking his call!?'' She screamed.

''He is on a honeymoon with the woman he just married,'' Freya entered the room, savoring her wine.

''What are you doing in my room!?'' Camila yelled.

''Are you sure that lady snatched Flynn from you? Flynn looked very happy with her,'' Freya raised her brow.

''Don't interfere in my business. Melanie stole Flynn from me and that is it!'' Camila growled.

''I see,'' Freya twitched her mouth cynically.

''I need your men to find every property Flynn own outside Los Angeles,'' Camila walked towards her mother.

''Why? Can't your men do that?" Freya asked.

''They will take forever in finding where Flynn is, please mother!'' Camila snapped.

''Are you planning on going to wherever Flynn is with his bride?''

''Yes,'' Camila answered and Freya laughed.

''I did not know you were this dumb. You think Flynn will allow you to ruin his honeymoon with his beautiful wife?'' Freya asked between laughter.

''You don't know anything. Flynn loves me and won't mind if I'm there,'' Camila raised her shoulder proudly.

''Wow, I see you guys love each other so much,'' Freya said mockingly and walked out of the room leaving Camila who was looking for something to smash against the wall.

After Melanie had finished eating the pizza Flynn had ordered, she left the man in the living room and went to the bedroom. She entered the bathroom and had her bath.

When she was done with her business in the bedroom, she walked out of the room and creased her brow when she didn't see Flynn anywhere around.

''Flynn?'' Melanie called out, walked towards the empty room thinking Flynn was there but it turned out that he wasn't there.

She creased her brow, calling Flynn's name. There was no way Flynn was going to leave her here all alone, right?

She came out of the living room and looked around for Flynn but there was no sign of him.

''You're so d£ad when I find you today!'' Melanie cracked her knuckles and walked to the back of the house.

She was about to call out his name when she saw Flynn sitting on the couch. Melanie sighed frustratedly and walked towards him.

However, she noticed Flynn bringing out a stick from his pocket, then a lighter.

Her husband was going to smoke!?

She ran towards him and snatched the cigarette that was already going inside his mouth.

She threw it as far as she could and hit Flynn at the back of his which make the man shriek in pain.

''Mel,'' Flynn creased his brow.

''You psycho! Were you just trying to smoke?'' Melanie stood in front of Flynn that was sitting with her hands rested on her waist.

''Yes,'' Flynn answered.

''How many have you smoked today?''

''None, I was about to smoke it before you snatched it from me. It's not like I smoke all the time, I only do when I'm stressed out,'' Flynn massaged his temple.

''How are you stress you out? You were not stressed out when you took advantage of me earlier but now you are. Besides, will smoking make you any better?'' Melanie nagged.

''You don't like it?'' Flynn smiled and held her waist, pulling her to his thigh.

''Like what? How the hell do you expect me to like that? Do you know the consequences of smoking at all?'' Melanie creased her brow.

Flynn stared at Melanie deeply, it felt so good to see someone care so much about you. This woman on his thigh was nagging him and it felt so good.

He had been with Camila for five years and she had never said anything about him having to stop smoking. No one had ever told him not to smoke but seeing Melanie angry over it was everything. Everything.

''I'm talking to you and you dare to space out! Flynn!'' Melanie hit his arm.

''I didn't space out, I heard what you said,'' Flynn pouted.

''Flynn,'' Melanie whined.


''Promise me you won't smoke again, even if I'm not there,'' Melanie sulked.

Flynn leaned forward and kissed her lips gently, ''I promise.''

''I'm serious, Flynn,'' Melanie pulled away, frowning.

''I'm serious too,'' Flynn leaned forward and kissed her shortly again.

There was so much joy in kissing this woman, so much joy.

''Shall we go out?'' Flynn asked.

''Yay! Where are we going!?'' Melanie jumped up excitedly?

''Anywhere. Shall we?'' Flynn smiled.

''Sure! Let's go,'' Melanie said and turned to leave.

''Wait, like this!'' Flynn widened his eyes, scanning Melanie's body.

''Like this,'' Melanie winked.

''Ah...'' Flynn frowned.

Melanie was wearing black bum shorts and a white crop top.

''You don't know what you're saying,'' Flynn shook his head.

''I do. Come on, stop being too local,'' Melanie smiled and pulled him along, walking back inside the living room.

''I don't want any guy to see you like this. I'm the only one who can see you like this,'' Flynn pouted and Melanie laughed.

''Why are you being too possessive? Okay, I'll change my dress,'' Melanie said and walked to the room.


They arrived at an island that didn't have many people on it.

Few men were surfing in the water while some people stood, watching the men.

''Let's watch that. Those guys are very cool, don't you think?'' Melanie looked at Flynn.

''Are you saying to my face that those guys are cool?'' Flynn stopped walking and glanced at Melanie who had a straight face.

''Yes, don't you think? Look at that guy in blue shorts, he's very good at what he's doing,'' Melanie smiled, staring at the guys.

''You like guys that can surf?'' Flynn moved in front of her, obstructing her view.

''Sure, they look very cool in it,'' Melanie grinned.

Did this lady not know that he was getting jealous or did she just choose to feign ignorance?

''Will I look cool if I surf too?'' Flynn asked and Melanie laughed.

''You? Don't even do that. I doubt if you can even surf,'' Melanie laughed and moved away to look at the guys surfing.

''You think I can surf? Is there anything I can't do? Wait, are you kidding me?'' Flynn asked.

''Can you surf?'' Melanie asked bluntly.

Flynn opened his mouth to speak but said nothing. He can't surf because he never learned it. How could this woman think any guy that surf is cool?

Gosh, she must be kidding.

''See, you can't!'' Melanie spread her arm widely, laughing which only made Flynn more jealous.

''Flynn... I want ice cream,'' Melanie hit Flynn's chest gently.

''Where is it?'' Flynn asked.

''Over there,'' Melanie pointed at the small shop that was opposite them.

''There? Come on, let's go and get that somewhere else," Flynn furrowed his brow.

''Why?'' Melanie whined.

''It looks unhealthy. I can't let you take that ice cream,'' Flynn creased his brow.

''Stop being like this. Let's buy it, Flynn...'' Melanie whispered, leaning forward.


''I like vanilla flavor,'' Melanie grinned.

''Are we not going together?'' Flynn glanced at her.

''I'll be waiting here,'' Melanie grinned.

Flynn rolled his eyes and walked away.


Melanie was very engrossed in watching the men that were surfing till they got out of the pool.

Melanie looked around and saw that Flynn was still buying the ice cream.

She turned to leave when she heard someone greet her.

Well, it could be someone else the person was greeting but it felt like she was the was the person was greeting.

She turned to look at the guy that greeted her and was quite shocked to see the guy in front of her. He was the guy that was surfing earlier. Water was still dripping from his body and he had a white towel around his neck.

''Hi, I'm Richmond,'' The man flashed her a smile.

''I'm Melanie,'' Melanie smiled back.

''I saw you when I was surfing earlier and I had to come out of the water earlier before you leave,'' The man said, impersonating a pose.

''Oh. By the way, you surf good,'' Melanie commented.

''I've heard that many times, thanks anyway,'' He said, adjusting his hair.

''Are you here with someone? Do you mind if we leave here?'' He smiled.


''She's here with me,'' Flynn grabbed Melanie's arm and pulled her closer to himself.

''Flynn,'' Melanie smiled.

''Where is the ice cream?''

''I was bringing it and I saw you smiling at some man,'' Flynn groaned, jealousy evident in his voice.

''Who is he?'' Richmond moved towards them.

''Is he your husband?'' He asked, glanced at Flynn then at Melanie.

Melanie twitched her mouth and decided to annoy Flynn.

''He is my old man,'' Melanie answered, trying to control her laugher.

''What!?'' Flynn widened his eyes and Melanie laughed.

''Your dad? He looks quite young to be your dad but it's fine. Can we leave here? I want to know you better,'' Richmond said.

''Hey, this lady here is my wife. So, fvck off!'' Flynn half yelled.

''Melanie, is that true?'' Richmond glanced at her.

''How the hell does he know your name!?'' Flynn shrieked in horror.

''You need to see yourself right now,'' Melanie laughed.

''I don't like people trespassing,'' Flynn muffled.

"What is going on here?'' Richmond creased his brow in confusion.

''Don't you get it? She is my wife!'' Flynn flaunted the wedding ring on his finger and grabbed Melanie by her waist.

''I'm sorry. I was just messing around,'' Melanie said amidst laughter.

''You should not mess with somebody's emotion,'' Richmond said solemnly.

''What are you saying? Do you not see the wedding ring on her finger?'' Flynn snapped.

''Flynn, don't be rude,'' Melanie laughed, leaning towards him.

Richmond shook his head and walked away.

''Are you angry?'' Melanie wrapped her arm around Flynn's waist.

''Of course!'' Flynn answered and removed her hand away from his waist, then began to walk away from her.

''Hubby!" Melanie laughed and ran after Flynn.

''Don't be mad at me,'' Melanie tiptoed behind him and jump on his back suddenly.

''Mel,'' Flynn laughed as Melanie licked his ear which was very ticklish.

''Are you still angry?'' Melanie asked.

''Stop licking my ear,'' he said amidst laughter.

''Does it make you ho®ny?''

''You're so naughty!'' Flynn laughed.

''I'm learning from the best,'' Melanie whispered in his ear.

''Of course, I'm a good teacher,'' Flynn smirked and adjusted Melanie that was on his back so that she won't fall.


Freya Hayes was on the balcony of her house when Camila arrived.

''You didn't tell me you were coming,'' she said in her deep yet womanly voice.

''Should I inform the press before I visit?'' Camila said sarcastically and sat on the chair in front of her mother.

''That is not necessary, daughter. It will just be nice if you don't come unannounced. I could have a visitor,'' Freya smiled and sipped her wine.

''Yes, a fvck buddy could have been here,'' Camila raised her eyebrow.

''What?'' Freya glared at Camila.

''Yes. At least, you have become good at hiding them. You failed to hide the a$$hole that fvcked you on the night dad died,'' Camila smirked darkly.

''Watch what you said, Camila,'' Freya whispered, maintaining her cool face.

''Oh, whatever. Did you give orders to your men to find Flynn's properties outside Los Angeles?'' Camila changed the topic.

''Yes, they will come with feedback soon,'' Freya smiled and gulped down the wine in the glass cup.

''I'll be here tomorrow. I want my work done,'' Camila stood up.

''I am your mother, not the men you give orders to,'' Freya said, with a cold expression.

''I'll decide that,'' Camila smiled and stopped working.

''I'll see if you're worthy of being my mother again if you manage to get Melanie out of Flynn's life,'' Camila smiled.

''Be careful, little bitch. Flynn might decide never to see you again after his honeymoon with his wife. Keep your pride down, do as I say and I'll make Flynn yours,'' Freya said, with a smile tugged on her lips.

''We'll see.''

With that, Camila walked away.

Freya grabbed the wine and poured it into the glass cup. She smiled as she slipped the wine slowly.

Flynn was not her enemy neither Melanie was.

She was going to keep away anything that could hurt Flynn.

Flynn's mother, Bianca Harlan was her best friend before she died of a chronic illness many years ago.

Well, Camila did not know this neither did Flynn know.

When Camila had told her that Flynn was the man she loved, she decided to play along. Knowing the kind of daughter she had, she was never going to let Flynn be without hurting his wife.

All she had to do was act like she was supporting Camila.

That was the only way Flynn's wife won't be in any trouble.

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