
Cry of the Heart

CRY OF THE HEART HAZEL Joshua endured three years in Saudi. He saved for his girlfriend Nadia's wedding. But when his contract ended, he found out that Nadia was married. But despite that, the woman still loves him. HIS LOVE FOR NADIA REACHES HEAVEN! HE WILL DO EVERYTHING JUST TO GET HER BACK? HOW LONG WILL THEIR FORBIDDEN LOVE GO...

ByJassminh · Others
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53 Chs

Chapter 32

"I just fought for my right Joshua, you have a responsibility to me... so you should be a man!" "My mind is troubled by what happened to us

those things. You are recording the time I'm mad at Nadia."

At that moment, the girl's face became sad. Joshua, my only hope is that you love me as much as I love you!"

"Nadia is my love Annaliza..." Joshua responded openly. "But don't worry, I'll take responsibility for whatever comes between us!"

"That's not all I want Joshua, but your love too!"

"I can give everything Annaliza, just my heart is broken." Joshua said. Pointing to the chest. "Until now the girl here is still the same... still Nadia!"

After saying that, Joshua left. Then he felt sorry for Annaliza, because of her kindness to him. But now he hates women. Because it guided his decision. He even used his parents just to get him to agree the girl is responsible. While Joshua was walking towards his owner type jeep that was stainless, he noticed a car. That car was familiar to him. To Nadia.

Joshua immediately got into his car and followed the car. He was sure that Nadia was the one riding it. You are not with me. Joshua thought, maybe his ex-boyfriend will visit his parents.

"Nadia..." Joshua shouted when he caught up with the woman's car. The woman turned around. Joshua was seen.

Nadia immediately turned pale. I want it avoid the young man so successively that cabyo made it.

Joshua noticed that. That means only one thing. Joshua thought that Nadia was really avoiding him. This really makes the saying "STUDY TO FORGET HER" come true.

Joshua stopped the car suddenly. Nadia was no longer pursued. He returned to where he came from earlier. But in mind, the young man is planning something.