

Emily pov

For a full year, I was dragged away from my baby, didn't I mention that I had no idea whether that baby was a girl or boy?

Yes, that vampire heartless guy kept me away.

He told me I need to end the mission with success first. He told me that I became a vampire and if I didn't get proper training I might eat my baby alive and suck all his blood.

I assumed from his speaking that I had a son.

But who knows except him and god?!

I lived away from a while in a cave, feeding and drinking only blood in jars, and then the vampire started to train me how to kill animals and suck their blood. It was hard at the beginning but after a few months, I became a very good hunter and fast as sound speed.

I thought this training was only to survive and not know how to get any animal and attack and drink the blood.

But no, after the training was finished almost after six months. It was time to get out of that forest and go to live among humans.