

France was an impressive kingdom as far as kingdoms go. The country had beautiful lands and a lot of farms. The nights were peaceful and weather wasn't as bad as England. 

I was provided with a set of black exorcist robes before I set out on my journey. Given to me by the local knights of the church. Along with a crucifix necklace and a rosary.

Being a member has its perks. As finding lodging or transportation was not difficult. Everyone was open to lending me a spare room, or making room on a cart for me.

Wild animals never bothered me. They had good instincts after all.

My peaceful journey would end on a farm during the night. I was given a humble place to stay for the night. A shed with a straw bed and simple pillows of straw. This was farm with not much, so I did not mind. Simple shelter is enough for me.

I woken from my sleep to screams. I partially activated my power to move quickly towards the screams. I entered the farmhouse that had a broken door looked for the screamers. I found the lone farmer and his wife dead in their room with a strange woman hovering over them.

She looked at me with red eyes and fangs. She was a vampire, but there was something different about this vampire.

"Now what is tasty young man like you doing hiding from me.", she says vilely.

Then she sees the robes I am wearing and sneers, "A young exorcist, huh? Tough luck on meeting me boy. You will die tonight."

Before she gets excited, I ask, "You area vampire, but not fully. What is different about?"

She laughs at my ignorance, "I'll entertain your question before I bleed you dry. I am a vampire that was reincarnated a devil. Which made me stronger. Time to die now boy."

"Activate, Crusnik 00, 10%."

Before she attacks me, I attack her with a javelin of blood. She could not react and my thrown javelin penetrates her heart. Then it explodes into blood spikes. She falls dead on the ground with an expression of confusion.

"Trash becoming more powerful trash is still trash.", I scoff.

Looking at the dead young farming couple, I feel it is a shame they died. It was truly bad luck they were attacked out of the blue. However, it is good luck I was here to give them justice so swiftly.

I buried them together beneath a strong tree and burned the vampire devil to ashes. Then I left the farm the next morning.

"My first encounter with a devil...they are not a worry. Just trash that has been festering longer.", I think to myself.

My next stop will be Paris. I will secure a cart to continue my journey from there. That devil did have a good amount of money on her. A small cart pulled by a simple horse should be cheap enough for me to buy with this amount.


thanks for reading