
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · Teen
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134 Chs

welcome to my house.. uncle Moses

It was left with their one month two weeks to graduate, at that time everyone was busy learning. No one was just walking on the compound aimlessly, they were all busy learning to get their good grades.


       Peggy's phone started to rang in her bag, she took it and run out of the class to pickup the call. Then she realizes that the number was unknown so she decided not to pick it again but it keeps on calling her so she took it this time.


     "Hello please who is this" the person on the phone seems not to say anything so she repeated her self again.

  "Hello are you there"

"Ooh sorry I didn't heard you"

"I said who is this and how did you get my number"

  "Relax dear you don't need to no me , niether do you need to no who gave me your number"

  "What rubbish are you talking about, why can't I no you and who gave you my number and .....who are you"

" Okay if you want to no who I am badly I will tell you who I am"

  " Please be fast I don't have much time on my side"

      " Don't worry neither do I also have time on my side"

   " Please will you stop speaking nonsense and tell me who you are"

  " You have grown up but haven't change a bit... like a father like a daughter I will say"

  " What do you mean by like a father like a daughter"

    " You will get to no very soon"

  " Tell me who you are right now or else"

" Is that supposed to be a threat"

" More than that"

    " Well I only call to tell you that those people you are living with are not your real parents".

  " What nonsense are you talking about "

" Yes I no if I tell you, you will won't get me right....but there is someone who holds all the truth you need to no about your real parents "

   " Stop speaking rubbish over there who the hell are you "

   " I was your real father assistant manager in the year 1990...is a long story and if you won't to no more about it just give me a call I will tell you everything I get to go ...byeee".  He hung up the call.

   " What nonsense was he talking about ". Peggy said to herself and fell to the floor.

"Dora..Dora ..I need to tell Dora about it". She quickly got her self together and went back to the lecture hall, grabbed Dora's hand and took her away from the hall.

   "What is the problem Peggy"

" You heard my phone ringing right"

  "Yes I did who was it...is it Andy....what was he saying"

"Will you stop throwing questions on me and let me talk"

  "Okay my listen"

  "It wasn't Andy niether was it any of my friends. it was a call from an unknown number, telling me that those I'm living with are not my real parents but he knows someone who holds all the truth I need to no about my real parents "

    " Hmmm.... wait what... you are not the real heiress of the Jones family "

  " Shut that your mouth...who said I'm not...I am the real heiress and I won't let anyone come across it"

     " But if you are really the real heiress of the family why don't you informed them about this".

   " Are you being a nut...why should I tell them about this..uhh.."

   " Then I think you are really not the heiress"

  " Are you also joining hands with that fool who just called me"

  " Not that"

   " Then shut it.. okay just keep quiet and let me think I don't even no what to do now "

   " Let call Andy and informed him about it maybe he can get us a solution some where "

  " Yes you are right ". She took her phone and called Andy , she told him that she want to meet him before the evening come.

    They left the school and went to meet Andy in his apartment.

" Have you reached my place?".

  " Yes we are standing outside the gate come quickly ".  Andy told his bodyguards to go and take them in.  They went and brought them in.

  " Why do you want to see me all of a sudden?".

  Andy asked when Peggy and Dora entered his hall which was a luxurious one in deed.

  " I need your help "

  " Help for what "

  " Help to find the truth behind my real parents "

  " What are you talking about..mmm...can you please take your time and explain it to me".

He handed her a glass of warm water to cool down her burning throat.

   " Now talk I'm listening "

  " I got a call from an unknown number saying that Mr and Mrs Jones are not my real parents "

  " Whaaat.. "

  " Yes and he also added that he know someone who holds the truth I need to no about my real parents "

   " What a fucking world...so it means you are not the real heiress of the Jones family "

   " Stop saying that okay...I won't accept that "

" Yes I don't think you can accept that for it going to be a very big disgrace to you "

"Yes Peggy if the media are to no about it what will they say about you". Dora added.

   "No I won't let this happen....I won't ....we got to do something fast "

  "So what do you suggest we do"

"I will call him again and informed him that I'm ready to no the truth do if he knows who holds the truth then he should let me no"

"Yes exactly give him a call ". Andy said and Peggy took her phone, ready to call the man who just called him that morning.


  Aaron went to uncle Moses house to visit him and he got back to his apartment just to meet another shocking news.

   "Why have you are gathered around quiet?".

He asked but no one answered him.

  "Am I not talking to human beings"

"Well Becky found out that the baby in Cecilia's womb is not for her adopted father niether is it for his friend ..". Elle said when she got to know that no one was ready to broke the news to him.

  "What...then who is it for'

"We are yet to know who it is for ".  Becky said.

  "Why don't you give me the chance to beat that monster why .. anytime I see his face I feel like beating him to death "

  "Yes if we only have the chance we will have done that...but we can't stop what we are doing just for this.  I believe that if we get the box everything will be solved ".  Robin added.

  "Now what next guys ". Elle asked.

  "Let ask Robin ". Becky said.

  "Well Aaron were you able to convince him"

"Yes I was but he said he will be okay in his house "

   "Aaron please try all you could to get him in your house please "

   "I will....but I have discovered something "

  "What is it". They all said.

  "I secretly put sleeping pill in his food today to see if I can get the box in his room. But I couldn't see anything...I find nothing "

  "I know he won't keep it anywhere for he must be thinking that is because of the box that was why they are after him "

"Yes I also think the same ". Just then his phone started ringing.

  " Who the hell is calling me....wait is him"

" Who " they asked

" Uncle Noses of course "

  " Pick it up fast ". Robin insisted and he took the call but he placed it on loud speaker.

" Hello uncle "

" Aaron.. Aaron please come here quickly and pick me up to your place please those people are here again please be quick "

  " Uncle don't worry I will be there in a minute "he said and hung the call up.

  " Yes we did it!!!' they shouted with joy.

" Now all that we need to do is to get the box". Robin said happily.

  " Okay I will be right back....wait for the good news guys". Without wasting much time he took his car key and rushed out.

    " Wow God is soo wonderful". Elle said.

" Yes Elle indeed he is"


      Aaron got there within a seconds, he rush to his room.

  " Uncle Moses is me Aaron please open your door"

   " Are you sure is you"

" Yes uncle I'm here"

He opened the door slowly and peeked his eyes out to see if it was really Aaron.

  " Aaron is you come inside". Aaron walked in and shut the door behind.

  " Uncle you call me to pick you up to my place why"

  " Yes my dear I did call you those rat has putting cameras across all my house and had also set traps too"

   ( Ooh so he had now seen the smart cameras)

Aaron said to himself and smiled.

" Ooh why will they do that"

  " I don't even no my child.  Anyway let go quickly before they come back let go"

  He took his bag and locked the door.

" Uncle let me help you with your bag"

" Ooh no need my dear I can hold it myself"

( Perfect so he had putting the box in this bag that is why he doesn't want me to take it for him)

" Okay uncle if you say so let go quick". They went out and took Aaron's car and went away. It took them one hour before they reached his house.

     " Uncle please we have reached my house let go in"

( Wow this house is soo big, I can hide my self somewhere without any knowing my where about). He said to himself.

   " Okay sure let go".  They went inside the house.

" Uncle welcome to my house"  Aaron welcome him into his house.

  " Wow your house is beautiful"

  " Thanks uncle"

  " And is very big too"

  " Yes uncle... let go and and I will show you your room"

" Okay let go". He took him to the last floor and show him his room.  But when he turned his back to go , uncle Moses stopped him and asked him the key to the room.

  " Okay uncle here is it please". He handed him the key and went out.

  Just when he went out , Robin call him.

  " Yh what's up"

  " Cool I just call you to ask if he had come to your place"

  " Yes I just took him to one of the rooms upstairs...and do you something"

  " What happened"

" When I try to take his bag he refused...I think that the box is in his bag"

  " You think so"

  " Yes..but I want you guys to do something for me"

  " What is that "

  " I want you guys to come to my place all the time to keep him company so that he won't think off doing anything bad"

  " Yes we have already thought about it and we will be coming there everyone morning to evening if we have a free time "

  " Thanks bro..I will get going "

  " Wait do you have extra key to his room?".

  "Why won't I, is my house so definitely I have extra one with me"

" You wait till he unpacked his things then you will ask him out I will come with the others to check in his room to see if we can find the box"

" okay I will live the key here somewhere and I will tell you about it"

" so when should I call back"

" just in a minute "

" okay bye"

"bye". he hung the call and went to his room.