
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · Teen
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134 Chs


There was a huge throne made of silver with sculptures of Ravens hanging on each side. At the back were pinkish-black wings spreading both ways. If you don't look closely, you will mistake them for a vulture's wings. According to the demons, the wings were symbolic but no one has found out what it symbolizes and what species of creatures it belongs to.

   Sitted on the throne was a woman with red and long wavy hair. She wore strapless red flowing gown and held her scepter firmly. She was very beautiful and stern in appearance. Besides her were two maids whose heads were bowed. She is Lucinda, the queen of the demons who was married to the devil himself after the death of the devil's wife.

   Lucinda noticed something and looked around her. She felt something tingle in her. That means a magical being will visit her soon. Suddenly king appeared in front of her.

    " Greetings my Queen". He bowed.

Lucinda smiled. " King, what news did you bring today". She asked while smiling boldly.

  " Your majesty, I have found Angel Uzziah's son the earthly son of Mrs.Cecilia ". King said.

  Her countenance changed. " What!!! Are you sure ?". She asked.

  " Yes my Queen and his powers were manifesting too. But, he does not know how to control them yet ". King said still bowing.

   " No! That is bad news for us Demons.

He must be eliminated !". Lucinda said almost exclaiming.

  " But my Queen, he can be used to us for he has a bad side. And if we tread carefully, we might win him to our side and bring his demon outside. That way he will help us destroy the Angels from the throne then we will be in charge of the guidance to the human that way we can also manipulate their minds as well as having the throne".

   " King, that's a brilliant plan! I'll inform the council members about this . Just keep an eye on him okay ". Lucinda said with her face beamed with joy.

  " Yes my Queen, I won't disappoint you". King said.

  " Good". She cackled. " I have always said that Angel Uzziah was hiding something. It turned out to be his son, an heir! No! That can never happen I have to rule the realm of pure magic powers..I have to be on that throne at all cost! ". Lucinda said while looking a bit angry.

   " And you will my Queen for there is no one like you and there can never be anyone who will be greater than you". He said and bowed in a eulogy.

  Lucinda smiled proudly. " You may go". She ordered.

  " Alright, my Queen ". King said and conjured up a portal then went through it to the school.


    King appeared back in school and came face to face with Luca.

  " Hi, Luca". He waved with a smile.

" Don't you have respect, how dare you call me by my name when is just the two of us here ". Luca snapped.

   " I'm sorry, my prince… please". King said and bowed.

   Luca rolled his eyes and said. "Tell me everything about that boy".

" What boy?". He asked pretending not to know.

   " The boy you told my mother about ". Luca said impatiently.

  Yeah! Luca was the son of Lucinda. He was very experienced and heir to her mother's throne. Although the throne should be given to Jonie for he was the real son of the devil, because he wasn't at their side they all thought he was dead or will never come back for the throne for his mother never wanted the throne.

      So they were going to give it to Luca who has spent all his days learning how to rule when he takes over the throne. He was very possessive and doesn't want anyone to be a threat to the throne which will soon be handed over to him when his mother succeed in getting the real pure THRONE. That was why he wants to know everything about Dela at all costs.

   " I told your mom nothing". King lied.

" You're foolish if you think you can lie to me".

Luca said and muttered a spell that started choking king on his neck.

King hold his neck and gasped for breath.

" Please, Luca...I mean my prince, don't do this". King tried to break free from his curse but he couldn't.

  "Are you going to talk or not!?". Luca said, still choking him.

Dela was in the class waiting for king when he felt a nudge. He stood up and his legs took him to the place where he witnessed Luca choking king.

   " So Luca is a demon!". He gasped and ran there.

" Luca what are you doing ?". Dela asked, rushing to them but Luca cast the same spell on him. Dela held his neck in pain.

  " Luca! You shouldn't have cast a spell on him. You are making a big mistake !". King warned.

Luca scoffed. " Hm.. like I will believe you". He said and rolled his eyes, choking Dela more.

    Suddenly, the sky turned dark and Dela free himself from the spell. Flashes of lightning could be seen above and it looked like it was piercing the sky. Dela walked to Luca who had released king out of shock.

  " How dare you cast a spell on me!". He asked in a clear but deep voice which was deeper than his normal voice and with blazing eyes, while his hair flew in different directions. It had already turned completely gold.

Luca gasped. " You're.. you're .. you're Angel Uzziah son I can see his mark on your eyes. How?  I thought he never had a chance to guide anyone again!". Luca said while moving backward.

  He tried casting a spell on him but it backfire and was thunderstruck. Lily noticed the sudden change in weather and ran to her father.


"I know what is going on, you need to get there before he hurt Luca!". He said almost shouting while looking at how the thunderstorm was speaking in the sky. Lily ran to the backyard and saw Dela raising Luca in the air, using his powers. She saw his hair, eyes and the way lightning surrounded him.

   "Tell me why I shouldn't roast you to bits right now! ". Dela yelled and suddenly his beautiful golden wings appear on his back, causing him to fly in the air together with Luca who was under his spell.

   "Dela!". Lily said and he turned to look at her.

"Stay away from this Lily!". He said, looking very dangerous to deal with.

King got scared and ran to lily.

"Lily please stop him".  He begged.

Lily tried going through the lightning force so that she will tell him to come down with Luca, but she was knocked back.

"Dela please stop let us settle this!". Lily said but he said nothing. She went over to him again but he had lost control of his powers. The lightning around him intensified while Luca winced in pain. It was as if he could feel life, squeezing out from him.

   Dela threw him on a tree, and Luca hissed in pain. king ran to where Luca was and held him up. The Queen wasn't going to be happy about that.

   "Dela snapped out of it!". Lily half yelled but Dela wasn't ready to listen. He used his telekinesis to raise him and threw him on the tree again. he flew back down and made his wings disappear, he was about to move forward when Layla's voice stopped him.

  "Dela..I miss you soo much, when will you come back to me.. can't wait to see you again..for I miss you!". The voice ended, it was Lily who teleported to Dela's classroom without anyone noticing her and she took his phone and play the audio she had been hearing him playing lately.

  Suddenly the lightning force around him disappeared but his eyes were still blazing with fire.

    "Dela you have to snap out of it!". Lily said.

"I can't !". He replied in a panicked tone.

    Lily ran and stood in front of him.

"Okay, come down. Breath in and out". She said, he obeyed but it didn't work.

  "Is not working!". He yelled. Lily put her hands on his shoulder.  "Look at me .. please try to take a look at this picture". She say and brought out a picture from her pocket and show it to him. It was Layla's picture, one of the pictures they took when they went on the vacation trip in south Africa.

      He looked at it closely and the fire in his eyes started burning the photo in lily's hand, so was her hand hurting but she endured the pain and continued holding the photo successfully, hypnotizing him.

     When she snapped her fingers, his eyes returned to normal and he was able to see what he did. He saw Luca bleeding from the head, lily from the Hands. But the photo of Layla had been burnt into ashes.

   "Am I responsible for this?". He asked, moving back and getting scared of himself.

    "It wasn't intenational". Lily answered, covering her hands with the handkerchief she brought from her pocket while glaring at Luca who caused everything.

   Dela felt guilty. "Oh my God! I'm a monster!".

He yelled and ran from there in tears. Suddenly it begins to rain because of his tears.

   Luca managed to get up and held lily's dress.

"Why didn't you deal with her". He asked.

"What do you mean?". Lily asked in a confused manner.

  "You let him go Scott free after what he did to us". He snapped.

   "It wasn't his fault, Luca!. The boy is new to his powers and don't know how to control it, yet you went on creating a fight with him!". Lily defended.

   "Do I look like I care ". He blurted out.

"Luca stop this nonsense, beside you look for his trouble first . You are the cause of all this!". Lily said and walked away looking for Dela.

  Luca looked at his clothes, it was both drenched in blood and the rain. "I can't go back to class looking like this". He said and held his head in pain.

   "You can conjure up a spell and return it to normal". King suggested and Luca glared at him.

"That was what I was going to do..dummy"

King looked at him from head to toe and said.

  "You know what Luca, you need to learn some manners . I'm not your maid okay ". King was fed up with his stupidity.

   "Are you crazy or what?  Am I the one you are talking to like that".

    "If you have not done what you did, this crisis would have been averted ". King said.

"Are you saying it's my fault?". Luca said.

"Yes it is, your mother had a good plan to get that boy on our side, but you have ruined everything and showed him that you are a demon". King nagged.

   "I wouldn't have done that if you have told me what my mother's plan was."

  "But aren't you aware that minor demons like me have no right to reveal anything discussed with the Queen. Do you want my head on a plate?".

Luca calm down and exhaled. "So what do we do now?". He asked.

"We need to win him back to our side". King said and Luca nobbed.

"But did you notice something ". Luca asked.

"Something like". King wondered.

"It seems like he listens to the voice of that girl Lily brought her audio to stop him and the picture I didn't know who it was, do you?".

"Yeah, is true I also noticed that but I didn't saw who it was in the photo..I think we need to find that person and use her against him".

"That is what I'm thinking". Luca said. The rain was still falling so they went under a shade. It was good that the storm kept the student, whom some were humans and others were like them in the doors. If not that they will all have been exposed.

Lily finally found Dela in a corner crying.

"Dela?". She called softly.

"Go away! I don't want to hurt you again please."

Dela said pleading.

"No! You didn't hurt me". Lily said with a smile.

"Yes! I did look at your hands, they are all burned up". He looked up to see but there was nothing on her hands. her hands were back to normal. It was back to her flawless normal skin.

"It healed". Lily said and Dela gasped.

"How possible, or you are supernatural too?".

She nodded and he sniffled.

"I don't understand, is everyone in this school magical creatures too?". He asked looking up at her.

"Yes, but there are a lot of humans among us and they are getting equal with us. We the magical beings hid among them as humans to blend in". She said still wearing that awesome smile.

" Oh! I understand but I'm sorry for not being able to control my powers". He said and hide his face in his shirt.

" Don't worry I will teach you..and please try as much as possible to hide that girl you are loving from them for that is why they are after you".

" Why are they after me because Layla"

"Hmm..they believe that if they get your love you will give them your powers and save her rather ".

" But why will they do that ".

"I don't know ".

" Then I need to learn my powers now"

" Yeah, I will teach you".

" But a boy promises to teach me". Dela said

" Who is that ". Lily twisted her eyebrows.

" Asher". He said and Lily gasped.

"No! this isn't good ". She muttered.

" What happened". He said.

" Stay here I will be right back".

Lily was far older than Dela, so she see him as a brother for she never got the chance to have a brother. The very first day she saw him, she begin to like him because of his behavior.

" Okay, I will". Dela said and Lily rushed to Asher's class and met him sitting down with his eyes closed. He opened them and smirked when he sense lily's pleasant.

" Hmm... looks like I beat you to it, Lily". He chuckled.

" What do you want from him? You are a witch and you can't teach him". Lily said.

" Oh, lily you are soo smart. I'm not gonna teach him anything. But I'm going to do something your father wants to do to him and the same thing Queen Lucinda wants to do to him.". Asher answered.

" And what's that". She asked while looking at him suspiciously.

" Winning him over to my side. That boy is the most powerful magical being ever born since I lived for 100 years. and whichever side he is on, determines who rules the realm of the Angels, I mean the pure magic and who sit on that THRONE". He laughed.

" You all want to use him for your selfish gain!. and do you think any one of you can do that..hmm in your dreams for he is powerful! ".

She snapped.

" You're right ". He laughed again

" Asher, you are evil!". Lily spat out in irritation.

" Oh, and you think that your vampire dad is good? Wasn't he the one who tried to kill Bella in other to succeed on his master Angel Uzziah and take the throne of pure magic? He is the one who appeared on the sea that night. causing the storm and all that. Your father should have been his Angel self but he was also selfish.

and oh! Please I'm a witch and can't help but be evil too". He crackled.

" Anyway thanks for the compliment ". He said and left the class.

Lily ruffled her hair.

" Dela, there is big trouble". She muttered and went back to meet him.