
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · Teen
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134 Chs

looking for the box

Robin, Becky and Elle got their self ready to go to Aaron's house. They took Robin car and they set off. When they got there the main gate was locked so they called Aaron to come and opened the gate for them. But just when they were about to call him , uncle Moses appeared there.

" Mmmm... Good morning please are you looking for someone"

" Yes we are here to see our friend". Becky said.

" Are you talking about Aaron"

" Yes please"

" Ooh come in please fast"

They went in and thanked him. He took them to the main hall and told them that he was going to call Aaron for them. He went and call Aaron, telling him that some people were looking for him.

Aaron know who they are already so he told him to go back he will be coming. And he quickly changed his dress and came down.

" Hey Good morning all of you" Aaron said

" Morning" they replied

" What brought you here this morning"

" Are you being a nut didn't you said we should come so that we can go out and have some fun". Robin said making his face looks like he was annoyed.

" Ooh that I almost forgot". Aaron said

" Why won't you forget when you are still sleeping...and anyway who is he"

" Who"

" That man over there"

" Ooh he is called uncle Moses the man I told you guys I save the other day"

" Oh that is him"

" Yes... wait I'm coming.. uncle Moses please come and say hello to my friends please". Aaron called to him.

" Am coming Aaron". He came downstairs.

" Ooh Good morning children ...how was your night". They all nobbed their heads and said that it was a good one.

" Mmm uncle we will be going out but we don't want to leave you here all by yourself maybe if those people find out that you are here..they will come and threat you again so will you like to out with us?".

" Ooh Aaron don't be silly is young people's thing I don't think I can join"

" Ooh don't worry uncle you call come with us". They all said to convince him to go with them.

" Okay okay I will go with you.. just wait for me".

He said that and went upstairs again.

" Guys this is the plan, you have to keep your eyes on him very well if I decide to go out and take a call okay "

" We have got it rest assured ". Aaron got up to go and take his bath and get ready as well .

They set off to the mall within a minute. After a while of shopping they decided to seat somewhere and had a drink. Just when they sat down to have some drink, Aaron's phone begin to rang in his pocket.

" Who is calling me at this time..."

" Maybe you should pick up and see". Becky said.

" Okay please excuse me I will be right back" He went away and came back within a minute.

" Mmm I'm so sorry for not being able to enjoy the drinks with you but my dad had called me to go and do something for him so please I will get going..I'm sorry uncle "

" Ooh don't worry my dear is your father so go please ". He said goodbye to them and went away, took his car and went home.

When he got there he locked the door before he entered the hall. Then he took the extra key to uncle Moses room and opened his door and locked it behind him.

He started by searching under his bed but be couldn't see anything there. He then checked his bag but still he couldn't find it there. He looked everywhere untill he remembered what Cecilia told them earlier on.

( He will never hide something that is important to him under his bed or buried it , I once find the box in his laundry basket)

" Yes his laundry basket". He said to himself and closed the bag then he went to where his laundry basket where. And lucky for him he saw the box wrapped in one of his clothe and it was in the laundry basket.

" Yes I find it finally..". He said to himself then he took his phone and click pictures of the box.

Then he decided to opened it and see what was in. He was able to open only the first lock on it for Cecilia told him the password for the first opened.

The second lock was a strong password that he couldn't find any way to open it. He text Robin.

" I have find the box but I was only able to open the first lock I can't open the second lock"

" Have you taken pictures of the box "

" Yes I did "

" Great just live it at where you find it and come down here now..we will reached here so come out within a minute be fast"

" Okay I'm coming "

He put the box there and locked the door then he run back quickly and sat in his car then he pretended to be driving from outside to inside.

Just then they also arrived at his place.

" Mmm...we have all reached at the same time"

Uncle Moses said when he saw Aaron coming out of his car.

" Yes uncle I'm done with it"

" Ooh okay that is nice"

" Yes uncle let go inside first" They went inside.

After they got there, Robin told Aaron that they would get going.

" Uncle please I'm going to escort them...I will be back "

" Ooh okay go on". Immediately Aaron left he also got up to his room to check his room to see if the box was there . When he saw that it was in the place he had placed it there before he fell to his bed and close his eyes to have a little sleep.


Aaron escorted them outside.

" Did you just said that you couldn't open the second lock?".

" Yes Robin I tried all I could but it didn't open"

" Wow this man is too much...then I think the secret is too much"

" I also think the same"

" You send me the picture of the box this evening and let me see what I can do about it"

" Yh I'm planning on letting some of my guards come here and keep him company so that I can come there and we will figure out what to do"

" Yh that is great...do that tomorrow "

" I will bye". He wave them and the drove away.


" Peggy tell me what he said yesterday"

" Dora could you believe that this thing that I have taken it as a joke is actually serious"

" Like I told you earlier this is serious but you didn't mind me... anyway what did he say?".

" He told me a part of the truth that he Knew. He said that my real Dad left his girlfriend in the hands of the man I have been living with and when he saw that my dad had still not come back from the state, he married my ....my ...I don't even know how to call her mom now.

" Relaxed Peggy everything will be okay trust me"

" When will everything be okay Dora... when.. when ever I remember how I lost Aaron it hurt me soo bad and I don't want to lost my identity as the heiress of the Jones family I don't want to"

" You won't lost it my very good friend you won't I promise"

Dora tried the little she could do to console her friend but she did not stopped crying.

"Don't Peggy even if everyone will point their hands on you, then not me I will never leave your side...I won't I promise ". This time Peggy feel a little better so she stopped crying and sleep on Dora's lap.

"Dora I own you a lot "

"No Peggy you don't own me I own you... for making me be your best friend and I promise I will never forgone of our friendship even in my last breath ". She assured her .


The next day Aaron took some of his father bodyguards to go and guard his house for him. Not because those people have been following uncle Moses but because he didn't want him to run away.

He told uncle Moses that it was because of him that was why he had brought the guys in. But that was a big lie he told him in others not to suspect him. Then told him that he will be going to visit his friend so he will be back in the evening.

Aaron took his car and went to is apartment to listened to what Robin had to say about the box.

"Good morning Robin"

"Morning how far things"

"Things are good anyway"

"Aah.. where are the girls I haven't seen them since I came "

" Ooh them , they took Cecilia for a walk "

" What...mmm... what if someone sees them".

" Don't worry they didn't go too far they are just behind the house "

" Are you sure "

" Yes please "

" Okay... What have you figured so far about the box "

" Oh I don't think I can open either...the one who made that box is the only person who came opened the box"

" Hmmm..this is serious "

" But I have an idea "

" What is it "

" I can make another box the same thing like his own but fake rather so that we can replace it with the correct one and I will try hard to open it"

"Wow let do it... what items do you need to make the fake box"

"I already have some in my room and if you don't mind we can go and take a look "

"Okay let go"

They left Aaron's floor and went to Robin's floor. There he opened his door and allowed Aaron to go in first then he also followed him in and locked the door behind .

"Please follow me ". Aaron followed him quietly and he opened a door that was with a password and they entered. When Aaron saw the room his mouth dropped opened.

"Robin I don't even know how to call you again"

"No need Aaron"

"Nice so you can do anything here right"

"Yh this is my computer room of everything "

"So this is what you used to set plans for us"

"Yeah, sometimes but all the time I track people from this place"

"Nice one"

Aaron and Robin began to do what they were there for. By the end of the day, they will done with the fake box.

"Finally we are done".

"So Aaron you no what to do right"

"Yes Robin I got it"

Becky and the rest was also done with their things and was just talking about life. Cecilia kept quiet all the while and was just listening to them.

" or I'm lying Cecilia". Elle said

" what were you talking about I didn't hear you"

" You are here with us and you didn't hear what we said?". Becky said.

"Yeah, my mind wasn't on what you were saying so I didn't hear it"

" well we were saying that if you love someone you should tell the person before he regret you later ". Elle told her what they were discussing about.

". ooh yes sure I think you should tell him or her about how you feel for him ...you see". she gave a smile.

" Cecilia do you no something". Becky said.

"No. "

" You are beautiful when you smilie and you look like a precious Gold when you just smile so please don't ever lost your adorable smile".

" okay I won't I promise....and if I may ask have any one of you fall for someone". Becky and Elle looked at each other and laughed.

"no...no one has fall for anyone okay we were just talking about it that is all"

"are you sure for I'm not a child". Cecilia said.

"ooh we are sure" Elle told her

"Nooo we are not sure... there is someone here who is madly in love with...." . just then Elle held her hands and dragged her out.

"I will come back and tell you...". Becky said shouting.