
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · Teen
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134 Chs

Escape from Peggy's hand...

     Dora pretended not to had seen them when she got to where Peggy sat with her legs on a table. then she said,

"So what is going on Peggy"

" I just want to deal with these people" she pointed at them.

" haha...it served them right.. anyway what is the next plan".  Dora said.

" Well for their information I have burned that box together with the pen drive and the DNA test"

   " wow, you have done a great job thumbs up".  Dora gave her thumbs up but it wasn't within her.

She needed to do something quickly. 

". So Peggy I wanna make a toast to you".

  " fast girl..".  Peggy ordered.

" just a minute".   She said and went away.

About a minute later, she returned with two glasses of wine.  She then handed one for Peggy and she also took one.

   " Cheers to our success," Dora said with a wicked smirked on her lips.

   Peggy didn't even wait for a second before clenching all the wine down her throat and was even asking for more.

    Within a minute later she fell into a deep sleep and Dora quietly passed by her and went to call the others.  By then she had told Peggy watchdogs to stay outside and if they need them she will call for them.  They were soo stupid that didn't even bothered to wait for a second when they all went out of the room leaving only the two of them there.


    " Becky,  Elle please come quickly". She called for them and they all rushed in.

" Quick untie them ".   She gave another order and they all do as she was said.

   They untie them and took them out of the room, but just when they were about to get out of the main house, one of the guards saw them and called for an alert. 

All the guards came running to where he called them from.

    " Quick the guards have seen us ".  Becky shouted out to them.  They run as fast as their leg could carry them.  

       " where is uncle Moses, ..".  Elle said in her speed. Just then they heard a gunshots from inside the house.

    After the gunshot, they saw all the guards running in their direction.

  "Quick let go don't wait for anyone...if that girl is so heartless to kill her father let it be ". Dora said.

    The driver run as quickly as he could to start the car before they got there.  Lucky for them they were all able to entered the car safe and sound and he drove off at full speed.

  Becky turned her back to see if they were still after them and yes there were chasing them.

   " driver please go fast...they are after us". Becky whispered in her breath.  She was too tired to even opened her mouth and talked well.


     The driver hustle and bustle along the way and they finally lost those gangs who were after them.

     When they all saw that they have lost them, they gave in a deep breath to cool down their pending heart.


      Cecilia had been waiting for them since morning and still, they had not shown up.  she was getting confused about all that was happening because of her.

    " Maybe if I die is gonna be better than to let those innocent people die ". She said to herself.

" don't even think of doing that". She thought.

" But I'm tired,  I'm pregnant with a fatherless child and my parents are alive but I don't even have the chance to see them for once".   She said painfully.

   " maybe is better if I die ".     After she said to herself, she got up to go.

   Immediately she opened the door, Becky and the others rushed into the room.

   " where have you guys been...wait what happened to you guys why are some of you bleeding ".   Cecilia kept on asking but no one was answering her.

   " what is going on here guys...who did this to you guys".  She said while touching them one by one with her hands.

   " let me get you some water".  She asserted and quickly went to the kitchen and brought five bottles of water and handed it to each of them.

   They all drank it in one shot.

" Now please talk to me I'm getting impatient please".    She was too exceptional to no what happened to them.

  " Cecilia we will tell you but please wait a minute let's have a breath of fresh air a little".  Dora said and fell into the couch.

  " Okay, I will give you time to rest".  She left them there and went to the kitchen to cook something for them.

        After they rested for about 5 hours, Aaron began to her about all that happened and assured her that the truth will come out.

  "But did you just say you don't know who the gun hit".  Cecilia said with her teary-eyed.

" none of us saw who the gun hit and we can't designate who the gun hit...we are all praying that the gun was just shot to alert the other watchdogs".   Aaron told her.

"What if it is hit, my Father!!!"

They all turned their heads and look at her with an amazement look.

  " What did you just say"

Becky said,

" Even if he is not my real father I still love him as my father...he has taken care of me ever since I we 6 years and now I'm 20 years hasn't he done a lot for me to appreciate him as my father".  She said almost crying.

   " We are not saying you can't call him your father but we just want to tell you that he is but dead and he will come for you".   Elle said, trying her best to comfort her.

   " Cecelia I'm disappointed with you...". Andy said and stood on his feet.

  " do you know what that old man has done to you...if I tell you right now you will wish him dead ". He said and brought out his phone to show them what uncle Moses had told him just the previous day.

   " If you still believe him soo badly then listen to this and if you will still keep on believing him .....then I think you must need mental approve". He said and began to play the audio he recorded from uncle Moses the previous day.


       They were all dumbfounded when they listened to what the audio said.

   " No, it can't be possible...I know he is wicked but he won't let my....my...so he lied to me all this while "

  Cecilia said and fell to the ground, but Becky and Elle helped her up from the floor.

   " You see what I was telling you ...that man is the most wicked man on earth and another planet... He doesn't even deserve to be called a father in the first place ".  Andy said in a harsh tone.

     " We have only one month left to pull that ditch of the throne ".   Robin step in for he had been quiet since they all started speaking.

    " Yes!!! " They all said.

"No is okay we should just quit this ".  Cecilia said and run off the room and went downstairs.

  " Cecilia!!!!". They began to call for her, but she was nowhere to be found at that moment.

  They got downstairs and search everywhere for her but they couldn't see her.

   " Where will she have gone just now ". Aaron said

"We don't know where she will be".  Elle said,

   They searched all around the school but they couldn't see her.


    Cecilia was running as if she was being chased by a wild wolf.  She stopped a taxi and told the driver to drive her to the beach.  The driver also did not know what she was going to do there, he drove her there.  She got down and paid the driver and he went away.


  " I think this is where my life ends..no more pain, no more sorrow, no more sadness " every single word she said, she took a step forward into the sea. She did that until the water was up to her neck. Then she turned her back and look around her and said.

   " If I die I die for good...I wasn't able to complete my dreams here but I no in my next world I will be able to complete it".  Just when she was about to get drowned in the sea, someone held her back.  She turned her head to meet a pair of Golden eyes looking at her with bright smiles all over his face.

  " No ..no my dear you can't do that in your next world...over there you won't be able to fulfill your dreams....you won't have the chance to travel around the world as you have always wished for". The young guy who was about 25 years old told her, then he brought her out of the water and handed her a Novel book.

   " Little Cecilia take this and read then you will know that your suffering is something small ".  He said and turned his back to go.

  " Wait don't go".

  He turned his back again and faced her.

  " Why shouldn't I go"

  Cecilia walked closed to him.

   " I want to ask a question"

  " Go on"

  " Why did you save me"

  " Because the main character in the book I have given you also intends on doing the same thing...all that I mean is that you will find the reason why I save you in the book"

  " Please wait don't go"

  " What did you want again Cecilia"

" How did you know my name "

" Is written boldly on your forehead ". He pointed his finger at her forehead.

  " Okay...I just want to ask where I can find you again if I need your help "

  " When you are done reading the book "

" But the book is too big I don't think I can finish it within a month"

  " Don't worry you can finish it within a week and after you are done reading, I will appear in your life again to give you a gift "

  " What gift is that "

  " I can see you have more questions to ask me but I promise you that immediately you are done reading I will come back to answer all your questions for you ".  Then he disappeared into the thin air.  

    Cecilia wasn't amazed to see him disappeared for she was feeling like she was in heaven just by seeing that handsome guy who just saved her.

  She find somewhere and sat down, then she took a look at the book in her hands and read the tilted.

   ( When pain becomes part of you but your love just show up). That was the title of the book cover.

  " When pain becomes part of you...it must be interesting then".

  ( Cecilia you are still young and still beautiful..it doesn't matter your condition now..you are pregnant that doesn't mean killing yourself. you don't know the kind of angel you are about to give birth to. besides your own best friend did that to you..he has money and also has a firm. 

        He is famous and has money too why don't you just forget about your parents and live a happy life with him. Go and tell him that you have forgiven him for what he did to you.

     Now you know who is the father of your child, so don't hesitate on letting him know about it. Tell him about it before it becomes too late for him to believe you...

      but first, finish reading this book).  She thought to herself and took another look at the book. Then she took her phone and gave Becky a call. She told them not too worried about her she is fine and she will come back in the evening.