
Crushing On Ms CEO

Crushing on Ms CEO" is a captivating story about the lives of two successful individuals from different worlds, Elsie Beckman, a powerful and strong-willed CEO, and Jayden Reynolds, an architect who falls in love with his boss. Elsie, a beautiful woman with a cold heart and a no-nonsense attitude, spent her vacation on a luxury yacht and met Jayden, who was employed in her company. Jayden is a bad boy with a troubled past who admires his boss from afar but finds it hard to approach her. # CEO # rich family # badboy As the story progresses, Jayden's ex-girlfriend, a slutty and clingy woman, barges into his office unexpectedly, wanting to win him back. However, Jayden declines her advances, and Elsie walks in on the scene. The incident leaves Elsie angry and hurt, leading to a temporary rift between her and Jayden. Eventually, Jayden proves his worth to Elsie and is accepted back into the company with strict rules and orders to follow. Jayden's gratitude towards his boss for giving him a second chance, coupled with his good personality and respect for her, ignites a strong bond between them. As their relationship deepens, the two navigate the challenges that come with being in love while balancing their careers. "Crushing on Ms CEO" is a story of love, ambition, and self-discovery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

MartFord21 · Urban
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43 Chs

Chapter Thirteen. Elsie's POV ✨

The throbbing ache in my head persisted as I groaned and rolled over in my bed. My body felt weak, my limbs heavy. It had been a week since that fateful night at the club, where I had drowned my sorrows in alcohol and paid the price for it.

Jayden had been there, witnessing my reckless behavior and the consequences that followed. I vaguely remembered his concerned voice, urging me to stop, to slow down. But in my feverish state, his words had become a distant echo.

Now, lying in the solitude of my room, I realized just how foolish I had been. The fever had consumed me for days, leaving me bedridden and helpless. I knew I should seek medical attention, but my stubbornness refused to accept the weakness of admitting defeat.

Just as I contemplated my next move, the door to my room creaked open, and Jayden's concerned face appeared. His eyes were filled with worry as he approached me, holding a damp cloth in his hand.

"You need to see a doctor, Elsie," he said, his voice laced with urgency. "Your fever has been relentless, and I'm worried about you."

I mustered the strength to glare at him, my pride refusing to accept his help. "I'm fine," I insisted, my voice weak and strained. "I don't need a doctor. Just leave me alone."

Jayden's face softened, his concern shining through. He knelt beside my bed, placing the damp cloth on my forehead. "Elsie, you can't keep pushing yourself like this. Please, let me take care of you."

His words pierced through my stubborn resolve, stirring something deep within me. I reluctantly nodded, realizing that my resistance was doing more harm than good. I needed someone to lean on, someone who cared enough to take care of me.

Days turned into nights as Jayden tirelessly cared for me, never leaving my side. He juggled work from home, managing my company's affairs while ensuring I received the care I needed. He would sit beside me, holding my hand, and his presence alone brought me comfort.

One afternoon, as the sunlight filtered through the curtains, Jayden's phone rang. He excused himself, stepping out of the room to take the call. I couldn't help but overhear snippets of the conversation—his mother asking about his sick boss.

Curiosity piqued, I mustered the strength to sit up, eager to learn more. Jayden returned, a sheepish smile on his face. "My mom was asking about you," he confessed. "She's a healer and has some remedies that might help you recover faster. Would you be open to meeting her?"

I stared at him, surprised yet intrigued by the idea. Meeting his mother meant letting him into a more intimate part of my life, but at this point, I had already crossed that threshold. With a mix of skepticism and hope, I nodded, accepting his offer.

A few days later, Jayden's mother arrived at my doorstep, radiating warmth and kindness. She wasted no time, whisking me away to her home where she diligently applied her healing techniques and remedies.

Jayden's family welcomed me with open arms, their admiration for my intelligence and beauty both flattering and overwhelming. They spoke of his long-time crush on me, teasing him mercilessly as he tried to hide his embarrassment.

Throughout it all, I couldn't help but be touched by the genuine care and love they extended to me. It was a stark contrast to the loneliness and self-imposed isolation I had grown accustomed to.

As the days passed, my health improved, and I found solace in Jayden's presence, in the genuine bond we had formed.

As my health improved, a newfound closeness developed between Jayden and me. We spent more time together outside of work, exploring the city, sharing laughter and stories. It was as if we had crossed a threshold, moving beyond the boundaries of boss and employee.

One evening, as the sun set on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the city, Jayden turned to me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Elsie, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," he said, his voice laced with anticipation.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden seriousness. "What is it?" I asked, my heart racing with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

But before Jayden could utter another word, his phone buzzed, interrupting our conversation. He glanced down at the screen, a look of concern crossing his face. "I'm sorry, Elsie," he said, his voice tinged with urgency. "I have to take this. It's important."

I watched as he stepped away, his features contorted with worry. The suspense hung heavy in the air, leaving me to wonder what could be so pressing that it overshadowed our moment.

Minutes turned into what felt like an eternity as I anxiously waited for Jayden's return. Thoughts raced through my mind, fueled by the fear of the unknown. What could be happening? And why did it feel like the course of our lives was about to change?

Finally, Jayden returned, his face etched with a mixture of relief and determination. "Elsie, we need to talk," he said, his voice steady but filled with a sense of urgency.

I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. The gravity of the situation hung in the air, leaving me breathless with anticipation. What could he possibly have to tell me that had him so rattled?

But just as Jayden opened his mouth to speak, a knock on the door interrupted us. We both turned towards the sound, curiosity etched on our faces. Who could it be at this late hour?

Jayden cautiously opened the door, revealing a figure standing in the doorway. It was a woman, her face etched with a mixture of concern and determination. "Jayden," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "There's something you need to know."

My heart pounded in my chest as the woman's words hung in the air. The tension in the room thickened, leaving us on the precipice of a revelation that could change everything.

To be continued...

What do es the woman have to tell Jayden? How will this revelation impact their budding relationship? And what does it mean for Elsie's own journey of healing and self-discovery?