
Crushing On Ms CEO

Crushing on Ms CEO" is a captivating story about the lives of two successful individuals from different worlds, Elsie Beckman, a powerful and strong-willed CEO, and Jayden Reynolds, an architect who falls in love with his boss. Elsie, a beautiful woman with a cold heart and a no-nonsense attitude, spent her vacation on a luxury yacht and met Jayden, who was employed in her company. Jayden is a bad boy with a troubled past who admires his boss from afar but finds it hard to approach her. # CEO # rich family # badboy As the story progresses, Jayden's ex-girlfriend, a slutty and clingy woman, barges into his office unexpectedly, wanting to win him back. However, Jayden declines her advances, and Elsie walks in on the scene. The incident leaves Elsie angry and hurt, leading to a temporary rift between her and Jayden. Eventually, Jayden proves his worth to Elsie and is accepted back into the company with strict rules and orders to follow. Jayden's gratitude towards his boss for giving him a second chance, coupled with his good personality and respect for her, ignites a strong bond between them. As their relationship deepens, the two navigate the challenges that come with being in love while balancing their careers. "Crushing on Ms CEO" is a story of love, ambition, and self-discovery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

MartFord21 · Urban
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43 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Elsie's POV

The weight of my responsibilities and the burden of my past had become almost unbearable. Despite my best efforts to remain composed and independent, I longed for a reprieve from the constant struggle. And it was in that moment of vulnerability that a surprising thought crossed my mind—I wanted to share a moment of respite with Jayden.

With a mix of hesitation and anticipation, I picked up my phone and typed a message, inviting Jayden to join me for lunch at a quaint little cafe near the office. It was a small gesture, but one that held great significance for me.

As the lunch hour approached, I found myself nervously glancing at the clock. My heart fluttered with both excitement and anxiety. When Jayden arrived, a warm smile on his face, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

We settled into a cozy corner booth, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. As we sipped our drinks, a comfortable silence settled between us.

"I wanted to share something with you, Jayden," I began, my voice soft and vulnerable. "I've never really talked about my past, but I think it's time."

His gaze met mine, filled with curiosity and concern. "I'm here to listen, Elsie. Take all the time you need."

With each word, I recounted the painful chapters of my life as an orphan, the sense of abandonment and longing that had shaped my journey. It was a story I had buried deep within, a part of me I rarely let anyone see.

Jayden listened intently, his expression a mix of empathy and understanding. When I finished, he reached out and took my hand, his touch offering a sense of comfort.

"I may not have experienced the same hardships as you, Elsie, but I understand the ache of longing for family," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "I grew up without a father, and it was my mom and my two younger sisters who became my anchor, my family."

His words resonated within me, and I realized that despite our different paths, we shared a common thread of longing and resilience.

As we continued our conversation, we discovered shared hobbies and interests that had remained hidden beneath the weight of our responsibilities. I learned that Jayden had a passion for cooking, spending his evenings experimenting with flavors and creating delicious meals for his loved ones.

His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he spoke about his culinary adventures, and a thought occurred to me—I wanted to experience his passion firsthand.

"Jayden, would you consider inviting me to your home?" I asked, my voice tentative yet filled with curiosity. "I'd love to taste your cooking."

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he nodded eagerly. "I would be honored, Elsie. Come over this weekend, and I'll prepare a meal just for you."

In the days leading up to our gathering, anticipation and a sense of lightness filled my heart. It was a welcomed respite from the heavy weight I had carried for so long.

When I arrived at Jayden's home, I was greeted by the inviting aroma of spices and the sound of sizzling pans. Jayden moved with grace and confidence in the kitchen, his focus unwavering as he prepared a feast for us to share.

As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but be amazed at Jayden's culinary prowess. Each dish was a symphony of flavors, a testament to his passion and creativity.

We shared laughter, stories, and moments of vulnerability, our connection deepening with each passing minute. The walls that once divided us were crumbling, replaced by a sense of trust and mutual understanding.

In that moment, I realized that healing and love were

inextricably intertwined. Opening up to Jayden about my past had allowed him to see the layers of my vulnerability, and in return, he had shared his own struggles and experiences.

As the evening wore on, the weight of my grief seemed to lighten, replaced by a newfound sense of hope and companionship. In Jayden's presence, I felt a warmth that had eluded me for far too long.

With the meal finished and our hearts full, I expressed my gratitude to Jayden for his kindness, his unwavering support, and the delicious meal he had prepared.

"Thank you, Jayden," I said, my voice filled with sincerity. "This evening has been more than I could have hoped for. You've shown me that love and healing are possible even in the darkest of times."

He smiled, his eyes shining with affection. "Elsie, you deserve all the love and happiness in the world. I'm just grateful to be a part of your journey."

In that moment, I knew that our connection went beyond the surface. We were kindred spirits, two souls who had experienced pain and loss, but who had also found strength and resilience within each other.

As the night drew to a close, Jayden walked me to the door, his hand reaching for mine. With a gentle squeeze, he whispered, "Remember, Elsie, you don't have to face your demons alone. I'm here for you, always."

Tears welled up in my eyes, but this time, they were tears of gratitude and hope. I nodded, unable to find the right words to express the depth of my emotions.

As I walked away from Jayden's home, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. I had opened myself up to love and vulnerability, allowing Jayden to see the broken pieces I had once guarded so fiercely. And in return, he had shown me that healing and happiness were within reach.

In the days that followed, Jayden and I continued to navigate the complexities of our pasts, intertwining our lives and creating a future built on love, understanding, and mutual support. Together, we faced the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that as long as we had each other, we could conquer anything.

And as we shared more meals, explored new hobbies, and embraced the joy and beauty in life, I realized that the scars of my past were no longer shackles holding me back. Instead, they had become reminders of my strength and resilience.

With Jayden by my side, I had found a love that transcended the pain, and together, we embarked on a journey of healing, growth, and a deep connection that would last a lifetime.