
cruscher gods of shadow

DaoistQgI2Cb · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Secrets of the Shadow City

As I rose from the heavy bed in the modest room of the inn, I felt the air vibrating with strange energy. The city, whose name eluded me but was commonly known as the "Shadow City," pulsated with tension and unease. With every step through its alleys, I sensed something sinister lurking in the shadows.

My day began with a visit to the market, where I purchased the extraordinary Destiny Necklace from an elderly merchant. Adorned with ancient runes, this mystical artifact seemed to sing ancient legends and prophecies. When I put it on, I felt the energy of unknown forces surrounding me, and my consciousness expanded into unfathomable realms. It was the beginning of my journey into the depths of this city's mysteries.

During my stroll through the crowded streets, I stumbled upon a small stall selling peculiar artifacts. Among them, the Ancient Prophecy Mask caught my eye, and the merchant told mysterious tales about it. Despite its dubious origin, I felt that this mask held something more than meets the eye.

Meanwhile, while examining the necklace using the skill of "Artifact Evaluation," I unexpectedly discovered that this analysis triggered a completely new ability in my mind. This ability, named the "Artifact Evaluation Skill," displayed on a transparent panel in my mind, enabled me to understand in detail the origin and powers of artifacts, as well as provide full prices for these items. Thanks to this skill, I was able to accurately assess every artifact I laid my eyes on and understand the consequences that could arise from its use.

Upon examining the necklace with this enhanced skill, I found that its potential was even greater than I had imagined. Not only did the necklace enhance my perception of the surrounding world, but it also allowed me to communicate with spirits of the past and future, who conveyed essential information about the threats and challenges to come. As for the mask, I could use it to project visions of the past and future, enabling me to better understand the spells and rituals used by ancient magicians.

With each subsequent artifact that came into my hands, the artifact evaluation skill became more powerful, enabling me to make increasingly advanced analyses and interpretations. I also discovered that some artifacts, which were considered useless, turned out to be incredibly valuable if only I knew how to evaluate them properly.

Walking through the Shadow City, still wearing the necklace and mask, I felt that I was getting closer to uncovering the true secret of this place. Every step I took was carefully analyzed by the artifact evaluation skill, which displayed possible consequences of my actions and helped me avoid traps and dangers lurking around every corner.

Undoubtedly, numerous secrets and challenges awaited me in the Shadow City, but thanks to the artifact evaluation skill, I hoped to face them head-on and uncover the truth that lay deep within this dark city.