

A man reincarnated in another world to fulfill the mission he receives from the Goddess. However, if he didn't comply and fail the mission he will die once again... To prevent that, the man (who will become Ajearaa in his second life) will do anything in his power to finished the mission and live his life in another world in his own terms. #Basicsummary #Dumbauthor

InZo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 The Duke's Daughter

It's a hot sunny day like any other.

The clear blue sky and the warm breeze past through out the surroundings.

In the castle's garden, a kid can be seen sitting on the ground under the tree probably taking refugee from the sun's scorching light.


The kid sighed in exasperation.

It's been a week since Ajearaa reincarnated in this world but guess what? There's still no improvement neither in his abilities or the other Crusaders.

When he discovered that 'Loyalty' is a useful ability he hurriedly practice it... so the very next day he uses it to Havoc, his newborn younger brother.

He also discovered using his ability except for [System] and {Stash} consumes his mana. 'Loyalty' might be a powerful ability but it also uses a lot of his mana.

Thankfully, the royal family... or rather, his mother's lineage - the "Maca Clan" are blessed with mana.

Members of this clan had more mana and had a bigger mana capacity than most races in this world except the dragons.

So Ajearaa as a child has already surpassed the average mana capacity in this world. On top of that, he's still a child and his mana capacity can grow along with him.

Of course, that information is given by [System].

After he uses it to Havoc, a blue window appeared saying,

[Congratulations!!! You've successfully cast 'Loyalty' to your subject named Havoc. You will now know if this subject betrayed you.]

Ajearaa didn't expect that using a powerful ability such as 'Loyalty' is going to be that easy. However, [System] reminded him that he's still far from mastering it.

Ajearaa wanted to explore the outside world. To 'befriend' younger kid and cast 'Loyalty' to them and also, to somehow meet another Crusader. However, his father had told him that he must stay in the castle no matter what until the end of his birthday next week.

If he can't explore outside of the castle then he just need to explore the castle itself.

And so, Ajearaa found this garden and thought that it must be nice to sleep in here.

"There's a lot I've need to do but these kind of warm weather is making me lazy."

Ajearaa wailed, laying on the ground until he fell asleep.


Winjin, a family name whose holds the most power after the royal family.

It's one of the most prestigious household in the Sallida Kingdom.

Duke Conley Winjin, the current head of the Winjin household and a close aide of the king. He had five children, the first three child are considered talented by the nobility and well-liked by the commoners, however, the fourth child, a girl, is by far the most talented not only in politics but also in swordsmanship.

At a young age of five, she's leading the race to be the next head of their family. However, Duke Conley had another plan in his mind.

That's why he's coming to the royal castle riding a carriage with her five year old daughter to meet the King and a certain someone.

"You said we're going to meet my fiance, father. I hope he's at least acceptable."

Duke Conley's daughter said in an irritated tone. Which Duke Conley brushed off with a smile. Due to people calling her talented for as long as she remembers she had a fair share of troublesome things.

She had to deal with it without her father helping her. One example is a parent noble asking their child to befriend her, at first glance it's just a kid befriending another kid their age, so it's all normal. However, the dark side is, the parents real agenda.

She knows that in the noble world you need more connections, and what the parents are doing isn't exactly wrong. She just hated the fact that the parents are so incompetent that they relied on an innocent child.

Through those kind of things, she developed an eye for people. She can tell if a person is incompetent or not, if a person is aspiring or just want to dilly dally all day and etc just by looking at their eyes.

She also knows this betrothal is the work of his father and the king. She heard that her father has a good relationship with the king.

And maybe in this occasion, the two thought it's the perfect chance to become one big family through her and the king's son.

She had no idea about her fiance and it's the first time they will meet. All the rich kids she know are all full by themselves and she expected that the prince is also the same. Basically, she's not expecting anything from her fiance.

They arrived at the royal castle in the afternoon. Duke Conley and his daughter will stay in the castle until next week.

The King and Duke Conley had some matters to attend and the two agreed that Duke Conley will stay in the castle until they finished it. The two also somehow reached the conclusion that this is the perfect time for their kids to meet and know each other.

Ajearaa didn't know any of these, but who cares about him? He's fast asleep at the garden.

When the two arrived, a joyful king happily welcomed them. The king also bragged about his new son though he lamented that he wants a daughter.

The King looked at Duke Conley's daughter and smiled. Which the daughter replied with a simple casual smile she can pull off at the moment.

After some casual conversation, the two leader shift to a serious tone. Signalling it's time to discuss political matters. Naturally, they will move to a more private place to discuss it.

The king called a servant to assist Duke Conley's daughter to her room.

Duke Conley's daughter is now resting on her room assigned for her.

Thinking there's still time before dinner, she decided to stroll around the castle. She already figured out the castle's in and out so she's confident that she won't lose her way.

She somehow wonder her way to the beautiful garden. But, looking at the garden for a second time... she noticed that there's someone sleeping comfortably under the tree.

She knows she's inside the castle. So it's impossible for suspicious person to get inside of it and casually sleep on it's garden.

It means that this someone whose comfortably sleeping under the tree is not a suspicious person.

The young lady however still approached the sleeping person with caution.

'It is always better to be safe than sorry'

She walked slowly toward the sleeping person with the intention of not waking it up. So if things get worse she had the advantage.

As she's closing the gap between them she notices that the sleeping person is just a young boy around her age.

A kid with gray hair and slightly dark skin is comfortably sleeping under the tree. The kid's golden hair reminds her of the king's.

'Is this kid actually my fiance?'

She asked to herself, confident in her conclusion that this kid in front of her is not a suspicious person but instead, a royalty and her fiance, her plan of not waking this person up completely changed.

"Hey! Wake up!!!"

She yelled with the full intention of waking up the sleeping kid. Her way of waking up the kid might be mean but it's definitely effective seeing the sleeping kid is now awake.

The kid has a startled look on his face which is to be expected.


Ajearaa might be able to become all powerful in this world with the help of [System] and {Stash}. But he's still a human who needs to sleep, and when he's asleep he can't use [System] and its features.

That's the reason he didn't receive a notification from [System] that there's someone approaching him.

Hence, the startled face, because he didn't expect someone will dare to disturb his peaceful time. He's now used to being a prince after all.

He quickly regained his composure and realize that the one who yelled to wake him up is a young girl he never seen before...

Living in this castle for a week, he'd already memorized all the servant's faces from the youngest to oldest and these kid in front of him is definitely not among them.

Especially the kid in front of him doesn't have a look of a servant one bit. All Ajearaa can saw is a girl with a pale skin, light blue hair tied in a simple ponytail and an eyes with the same color as her hair.

Seeing the girl is also wearing a simple but beautiful dress Ajearaa can't help but to assume that this girl is someone with a noble upbringing.

The one who caught Ajearaa off guard making him to almost shout 'Fuck' is the fact that this girl in front of her is around the same age as him.

A beautiful young girl, wearing a simple but high quality dress and has same age as him can only mean one thing...

"So, you're the Duke's daughter? My fiancee...''

Ajearaa finally said the conclusion he reached inside his mind without hiding his irritation saying it.

The girl in front of Ajearaa looked taken aback for a moment but quickly responded with a simple greeting.

"So, it really is. I apologized for disturbing your sleep. I am Sanya Winjin, daughter of Duke Conley and as you said... your fiancee."

Ajearaa remembered what his father told him this morning that the dinner tonight is going to be special.

However, he didn't think that this special thing his father talking about is meeting her fiancee.

"It looks like you also just found out that I'm a prince and your fiance."

This time it's the [System] who comes with this conclusion but of course, the only one who knows about this fact is Ajearaa.

"You're also the same prince, aren't you?"

Sanya replied with a cute smile. The two both stared in silence trying to figure out one another.

The short exchange of these two kids might be 'too mature' for them. But let me remind you that the boy is actually an adult mentally and the girl is just well... A genius you can say.

For Ajearaa, it's the first time he met someone beside the king who he can't figure out easily.

But for Sanya, the moment she looked at Ajearaa's eyes she'd only saw one thing... Ambition, Ajearaa's eyes is full of ambition.

All the other nobles ambition she had met or at least looked in the eye including his father and the king who she had just met not long ago pales in comparison.

She's curious what this ambition of this boy in front of her actually are. Due to her curiosity, she developed an interest in her fiance and she's happy that coming here isn't worthless at all.

Who knows if this curiosity and interest of her can lead to another form of feelings...

Author: I don't know man... I feel like I can still do better but my grammar sucks. Wish I take my English class seriously when I was in high school. SMH