
Crusade of the Director

1996, America is oppressed for 4 years by an unknown being called the Director, it's up to 3 survivors to lead their people across the Northern mountains to their salvation, Canada, to ultimately stand against this dictator and retake their country. (Wanted to also mention this has male and female leads.)

TiberiusLOlson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Lincoln, Nebraska

1996, July 31st


Andrew had walked for what seemed like an eternity before he came across any sign that said the words Lincoln on it. He was so fatigued that he didn't even know where he was going anymore, all he thought on was his son and wife, who were God knows where. "Why did I give that old guy my family… I should have told him no…" He would think this constantly as he stepped on and on, till he finally collapsed in the middle of an intersection. Unknown to him about thirty minutes before he passed out, he had entered the city, and he was being spied on by a man and a woman who hid behind a raised billboard. The two people approached him after he fell and looked at one another.

"This is him? I was expecting something grander I guess." The woman said.

"Well, if we are listening to the old man, we gotta take him the others." Replied the man. They carried him to the center of Lincoln in an old court building, two armed men guarded the entrance with AK-47 rifles and a USMC LAV-25 anti-infantry vehicle that they had commandeered. Andrew got vague flashes of this as the man carried him through the entrance. Another woman approached the two from behind a desk. The whole building had been turned into a fortress with guards, American banners hanging, and many weapons of various types were piled and being organized by other people.

"That him?" She said as she approached.

"I guess so, man he hasn't been eating, he's lighter than a feather. Hope he's going to be okay." He spoke

"I'm sure he will be fine now that he's here, bring him to the Doc." She said, and the man walked on. Andrew got vivid flashes of all this as he slumped in the man's arms.

Andrew awoke to a friendly face middle-aged man in a doctor's attire with black hair with grey strands. staring at him talking, he hadn't heard the first part for he was out still, but this is what he could put together at the moment.

"Well, you seem to be doing much better now, how are you feeling son." He said as he held his pulse looking at his watch. Andrew saw that he was in a makeshift hospital, and he was in a bed with a saline bag attached to him. And it seemed there were other patients laying in rest.

"Got a bit of a headache, and I still feel foggy, but I'm better now thanks. Where am I?" Andrew asked.

"Possibly the last place in America that seems to be under its own control. These guys don't mess around." The doctor spoke, then released Andrew's arm and looked up at him.

"Names Daniel, Daniel Mater. And you must be Andrew." Daniel said.

"How do you know my name?" Andrew asked.

"Arthur told us of you, and he predicted how you would show up too. Tired and in need of aid." The doctor said.

"Right, of course. Arthur seems to know everything, wonder if knows when I'm gonna shit." Andrew said with irritation. The Doctor chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Andrew wondered

"He also mentioned that you don't like him too much and had some colorful opinions of him deep inside." Daniel laughed

"Jesus wept, of course he said that." Andrew added chuckling himself now. At that point A woman and a Man walked in. The woman looked to be in her early sixties but looked well for her age and gave somewhat of the same friendly demeanor that Arthur gave. The man was exceptionally large and strong looking. He was African American with short hair and seemed very humble and calm and was the one who Andrew vividly remembered carrying him.

"How are you feeling child?" The woman asked as she approached.

"Better, Thanks to Daniel. Who are you?" Andrew asked

"My name is Rebecca Flowers, and this is Lucas Finley, he's our friendly giant, and the main reason we made it through the raids that day." Rebecca said looking at Lucas.

"Hi there." Lucas said.

"Well, when you little bit more rested come find me in the lobby, we gotta plan our next actions, and I heard you got some info from Arthur as well." Rebecca said.

"Will do, not like I'm gonna do anything else." Andrew said, and then Rebecca and Lucas turned and walked out. Daniel looked smiling.

"Lucas really is something else, would you believe it if I told you he grabbed an M4 out of a zombie soldiers' hand while it was pointed at him like it was nothing than beat him over the head with it." Daniel said.

"I could, and Zombie soldiers?" Andrew said with a smirk.

"Yeah, it's what we call em. But anyways rest now, you got about another couple hours before I can let you go." Daniel explained. Andrew took his advice and slept almost instantly, he was still very tired from the walk and especially sore.

Andrew entered the lobby after resting until one in the morning. And found Rebecca, Daniel, Lucas, and another woman. They noticed him as he approached.

"Hey, you, feeling less tired." Rebecca asked with a chirp in her voice.

"Sure thing, again thank you for helping me out back there." Andrew said wiping he brow out of habit.

"No problem, couldn't leave Ya to the wolves." Lucas said.

"Anyways, this here is Debbie Wellington." Rebecca chimed in. Debbie waved

"How you do?" She spoke.

"So, we have heard that you are here to take us to a place to save someone, and from Arthur words, this guy is very important to our future, he also said you were too." Rebecca continued.

"Yeah, he says that kind of thing a lot." Andrew said.

"We have a clear idea of what we are going there to do, to fight right?" Daniel asked.

"That's right, and the guy we are saving is named Steve. But it's not just Steve. There are other survivors there as well being held captive by these soldiers, we are going to give them help when Steve causes a break-out." Andrew explained.

"Where are they." Lucas asked.

"Saint Paul, Minnesota." Andrew said.

"Damn, capitol city huh. That place is gonna be a stronghold if it's controlled by the Director, remember how hard it was to secure Lincoln." Debbie said looking at the others.

"Well for one I think if people are in trouble we should help them, in fact anybody who hasn't been turned mindless should be given a chance." Lucas said, this surprised Daniel, Rebecca, and Debbie. This had been the most he has talked in since the beginning. Debbie broke the pause.

"Yeah, but we have injured, and we can't just leave them to go fight a war for a crazy old man." Debbie said. A wind then gusted through the library and causing everyone to jump in surprise at the sudden event, then they looked all at once to the door and saw Arthur standing there smiling.

"You won't be leaving them, Lucas, and Rebecca are going to bring the ones who can't fight to Billings Montana." Arthur said walking in he then shot a glance at Debbie.

"And before you start complaining like always Debra Wellington, I will find a worse job for you." Arthur told. Debbie with a humph said nothing.

"What's in Billings?" Daniel asked

"A part-time safe haven, that a woman, and Andrews family have been working on since yesterday." Arthur said looking at Andrew, who was looking back with a kind of irritated look.

"And before you ask Andrew, the answer is no. You have too much work ahead of you before you see each other again. Unfortunately, we have all been drafted and we have no choice but to stop this madness from continuing. And I will not let any of you give up so easily." Arthur said. Everyone was looking at Arthur as he spoke, including the other survivors, and injured.

"You are the next generation and are under attack by a force greater than any American has faced before, and it is up to us to prevail in these dark and bitter days. And stand together and fight till we can't no more and pray by the end we can retake your country, but what's worse, sitting and not trying at all, or dying knowing you at least fought for your freedom." Arthur continued. The crowd looked amongst each other and pondered the words of Arthur carefully and a sudden feeling could be felt through all of them, something that a lot of people hadn't felt in a while, a feeling that almost seemed forgotten. Hope, pure hope.

Accept Andrew who still felt uncertain of many a thing and was starting to resent Arthur for separating him from his family.