
Crusade of the Director

1996, America is oppressed for 4 years by an unknown being called the Director, it's up to 3 survivors to lead their people across the Northern mountains to their salvation, Canada, to ultimately stand against this dictator and retake their country. (Wanted to also mention this has male and female leads.)

TiberiusLOlson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Billings, Montana

1996, July 24th


Layla awoke in a puffy sleeping bag to see a campfire lit with a makeshift turner hanging above it, with a chunk of what seemed like mutton in the center. There was no sign of Arthur, and she wondered how long she had been out for, "hopefully not too long." She thought to herself, then she sat upright. The smell of cooking meat filled her nostrils, and she grew hungry.

"Eat. Don't hesitate, it's why it's there cooking." Arthur's voice came from the tree behind her that she was rested under. She looked a feeling of relief came over her knowing she wasn't alone.

"You've been out for quite some time now. I'd say two days, that's right yes. Anyways sorry for leaving you, but I had to let the others know where to go, and I knew you would be safe. The Director would not suspect Billings since he has already cleared it." He explained. Layla's eyes grew wide.

"Billings Montana?" She asked

"Yes, I thought it quite clever-"

"NO! I must check on my mother and father you fool, how did I even get here, who are you really, why take me here!" Layla began to panic when Arthur grabbed her arm. Then she remembered her pinky it would be infected by now she needed surgery. She looked down expecting so see a black and blue cover bandage, or no hand at all. She in fact saw her right-hand completely healed with no scarring or any kind of damage whatsoever. She looked up at the old man.

"Calm yourself, I brought you here for one, and I have checked on your family, they are with a small group of freedom fighters already across the Rockies, safe. And that's where you will be in due time, for now you shall wait here until my friend Steve arrives, hopefully he will have help with him." Arthur answered calmly. Layla felt calm as Arthur let go of her arm.

"What are you? How is it you can get around so fast, did you heal my hand. Why did this happen what do you know that you're not telling me. you're like a hundred years old." This made Arthur laugh. After he adjusted, his spectacles

"My gosh child, you are just all over the place. Look all you need to know is you are safe, and you have a mission. I need you to be my eyes for my friend Steve, when he gets here you will report to him. If I predict correctly, he shall be coming through downtown on the first of August, tell him I told you to rest here while you can, but not too long at least make for the Rockies before winter." Arthur spoke

"What exactly am I looking for?" She asked, Arthur looked towards the west. Then looked back at Layla

"Look west, and you-"He suddenly stopped then looked east, a sudden look of concern came over his face. And a gust hit both quickly then became still.

"I see then…" He looked back at Layla.

"I must leave you early it seems, a Family that I know will be in need soon. And mother nature beckons me to aid them, and I feel a battle shall soon start…Steve leading the charge- "He stopped again seeing the confusion on Layla's face. He smiled.

"Not to worry though, no conflict shall come to you, as long as you follow my direction, do not stray from Billings, unless you want to risk being found by him… Anyways I must be off before I get lost in my own thoughts." Arthur said this standing up, the campfire spat and cracked causing Layla to look towards it and when she looked back Arthur was gone.

After another day of resting by the campfire Arthur made, Layla decided to head deeper into Billings. She noticed the emptiness first, before the often dead that were lined up and shot by The Directors soldiers, this made her shudder and look away. A bookstore with a coffee shop inside peaked Layla's interest and she went towards it. She had never been to Montana before and the sight of the country helped her relax knowing she was somewhere new. She entered the shop. She made sure there were no bodies, and it luckily was vacant during the attack. Bookshelves surrounded the coffee stand, and she went behind the bar, and saw that the fridge was still full of sandwiches, and light drinks. She ate and drank thoughtfully at the bar, it was about nine now, and she went out to the sidewalk to stare into the stary sky. As she did, thoughts of how crazy and sudden this whole mess happened one second, she's teaching math the next she's being captured by her own government and witnessing horrible things. She thought she was going to cry when a slight wind hit her bruised cheek. A feeling of determination came over her, and she remembered what Arthur had said. Not like she was going to do anything else. And that's when she notices the sunrise in the west- Wait a sunrise, she looked at her watch. Its only nine thirty. She then saw it, a great fire rising from the state of Idaho, great and terrible. She noticed flying creature in a massive flock circled the great blaze and black smoke that came from whatever hell was being concocted in the west. "Look to the west" echoed in her mind. She finally understood what Arthur was wanting her to do. She had to make sure Steve (whoever he was) did not go to Idaho, instead cross the Rockies in Montana. Layla wondered though why the old man did not warn them himself, but then figured it was not best to question. He seemed to be on a mission of his own, and constantly moving, for what end goal was uncertain to her. Layla supposed it was best to trust, he had been right so far. Then she tried to theorize what Arthur was. An alien, no that seems too obvious. A deity. No that didn't seem right either. "Whatever he was, I hope to god he is really here to help." Layla thought, as she stared towards the flaming west.