
Chapter 44

My phone rang through the car display, and it read Mami’s name. I tapped on the screen to answer it. “Hey, Mami, how are you?”

“Good, mi amor. I was just calling to say hi. Y Miguel, ?cómo está? Está bien?”

“He’s doing fine.” I didn’t want to tell her the truth about me and Miguel because it wasn’t necessary just yet. I held onto hope that things between us would be good again, so why worry her? “We had a really nice date yesterday. It was very special. And I like him a lot, very much. I definitely want more out of it.”

Mami gasped. “See? I knew it! Aw, I knew things would work out for you guys and that you would have a good time together. Ay, Alexito, I’m so happy for you, and I wish you the best. But I know in my heart that it will all work out perfectly, you’ll see.”