

"She is not that good but don't worry, she will be better after two or three days of rest. I think she has been told something that hurt her so badly but she will be fine" The doctor parted my father's shoulder and he left.

I was very angry at myself. Why did I lose control and tell her the bad news? I knew very well the condition my mum was in.

If anything happened to my mum, it would be all my fault. I was the reason for her being hospitalised for all those days that the doctor prescribed.

I could not have told her but  I was broken and had no one to share my situation with.

Just thinking that warm tears rolled down my cheeks endlessly while gazing at no one in particular because my thoughts wandered everywhere.

My father felt my worries and tapped me on my back, "It is okay, that is not your fault, okay? Don't overthink about it, dear"

"Ooh no! Don't play that trick of yours Richard and you know well that she is the cause of all this” Aunty Seraphina shouted suddenly that made me shake in fear.

“Shut up Seraphina! Can't you see you are making matters worse by pressuring this kid? This is my kid and the one inside is my wife so please leave, it does not concern you anyway, get out!" My father walled in a cold tone of voice that aunty Seraphina opened her mouth wide in shock.

I was very astonished by his sudden act even my aunt was scared by his voice.

"You are chasing me away because of this curse you call a daughter? and you little witch I will come for you" By that she ran out of the hospital at a bullet pace.

I looked at my dad, “It was my fault dad I should have controlled myself I will never forgive myself if anything bad happens to her" I said while crying a loud. My dad took us out of the hospital and called someone on his small cellphone.

After some time, aunt Rebecca came. I ran to her, she was my mom's sister and she loved me so much. In fact, I was relieved by seeing her.

She hugged me for some time and then tapped me on the shoulder. After we broke from the hug my dad and little Sara were already near us. She bent down and picked Sara and said to my dad "Don't worry all shall be well brother in law" She was kind-hearted just like my mom.

"I know, I just wanted you to take these two home because it is not good for their health and also we left Sofia alone in the house because she was playing with other kids. I will stay here to look after her" my dad said and ruffled little Sara's hair as a sign of bidding her goodbye.

My aunt just nodded and took my hands and walked out of the hospital with little Sarah.

She was only a twenty two years old girl and very beautiful. She started working at a young age because she did not get the opportunity to go to school.

She was working as a maid but at that time I thought she was on holiday because she was here with us.

She was always very obedient to what she was told that was why she did not hesitate or even asked to see the patient, hahaha!

It was hilarious sometimes to witness her stupid behaviour like that of a sheep. Sometimes her behaviours were laughable.

We walked out of the hospital and took a taxi home.

We reached home safely only to find little Sofia crying outside the hut.

I could guess that she searched for us after getting tired of playing with other kids only to find an empty house.

I went to her and laughed at her. She looked at me and started beating me.

I felt a tingle of happiness by just looking at her angry face.

I loved my siblings because they loved me too. If anybody bullied them they would get it from me.

When the person was older than I was I  fought with him and after getting my ass kicked we would hurdle together as siblings and cry due to the aftermath of my bravery.

Sofia was only one year younger than I was, beautiful, adorable and short with round cheeks.

She was dark in colour but she was beautiful with small eyes like my father's.

Sighting aunt Becky, she ran to her like me and hugged her tightly.

We entered the house then aunt Becky prepared porridge for us because there was no other meal but we were used to it.

After eating, Sara and Sofia went to play leaving me and aunt Becky behind.

I helped her with the house chores.

After that, we freshened up and sat outside the hut because it was hot inside and most of the time we experienced hot summers as the rain was not available for quite a long period.

My aunt sat close to me and then suddenly she said, “By the way why are you here? It is a new year you should be at school so that you can go to another class"

"Aunt please I don't want to go to school" I blurted out immediately while feeling the pain that I had suppressed previously.

My aunt looked at me for some time and finally broke the silence, “You know you can tell me anything dear, I am like your mum and by the way, I am in good health so you can say anything, don't burden your heart with a lot of things, you are too young for that. Live that to us"

I looked at her for some time then I decided to narrate what happened today and the reason my mum had a sudden heart attack.

Aunty Becky pulled me into an embrace then said, “It’s okay dear after all it was not your fault you told her because she deserved to know as a mother, okay?" I nodded feeling like some weight had been taken off my back.

"We are going to school together, come and prepare" I felt nervous by auntie's statement.

How could I go to school after what happened in the morning and had to run away from school? Was my aunt out of her mind to say such a thing? I shook my head hard that my neck hurt.

She looked at me then chuckled, “We don't want to increase your mother's worry when she wakes up now, do we?" By hearing that, I ran past her into the hut while she was just laughing at my childish behaviour. 

Anyway, she was right, my mum would be worried when she saw me again in the hospital without me going back to school.

She would remember then be worried so I had to follow my aunt's advice.

That was why aunty Becky was my best and also she was like a big sister to me to tell you she was only a bit taller than I was.

Hahaha! and she was twenty-two while I was only seven years.

After some minutes of walking, we arrived at school.

My aunt felt my hesitation and took me by the arm and dragged me with her as well were walking.

“Where is the headteacher's office?" Aunty Becky beamed with a lot of confidence.

I was shocked by her words. Why should we go to the headteacher's office instead of going straight to my class?

I remembered the first day I was in that office and sighed heavily.

 Looking at my confused expression she said, “Don’t worry, I know how to handle arrogant people like your madam Nelly. I always hear from your mum that you talk negatively of her so I knew immediately she hates you” I looked at her and nodded in agreement after all I wanted to go to kindergarten two not to repeat a class as I was older already so I directed my aunt to the office.

When we reached there my aunt knocked on the door.

After some time we heard a voice from inside “come in"