

"Wow! Who do we have here? My little Sara!" I jumped happily and embraced her in a huge hug using my left hand while the other one, was embracing Stela who also had grown into a big girl now.

'Sweet home sweet' I murmured in her ears feeling satisfied and better than before. I was happy even though Sofia and Jayden denied me, at least Sara and Stela still loved me. I promised myself there and at that moment, that I would earn their love back no matter what because they were my family.

"Are you happy now?" I heard my father saying only for me to nod still hugging my two sisters.

"We need to go now" He beamed with a smile that reached his eyes and we broke from the hug and when we were about to follow dad, one of the bodyguards stopped us.

"What is it?" I asked annoyed by these people's behaviour as I wrinkled my face.

"Ooh! Sorry ma'am but boss Alex instructed us to give you this!" 

"What? T-this? This is too much!" I opened my eyes wide that they were about to budge out of their sockets.

"Car keys? Wow! This is the latest car in town!" I heard Sofia who had been quiet and unhappy about my arrival beaming happily and I couldn't avoid my laughter.

"Yes! T-this is your keys?" Dad asked in surprise too.

"B-but I am not ready for this! I can't accept this. He had done a lot for me already" I refused to cause all the disappointed eyes to glare at me.

"Ma'am, sir Alex warned us against you using a passenger's car" One of the bodyguards chimed in making me to be left with no other option but to pick the keys from him and sauntered elegantly towards a new car that I was sure was the one for me.

"B-blessing? D-do.I mean do...do you know how to drive?" This question came from my father who gazed at me mesmerised as I was about to open the driver's seat.

"Yes, dad! I did a part-time course in driving! Haha! Don't mind. All of you come in! I will drive you all and don't doubt my skills!" I joked making my family to gulped at the heavy saliva that was about to choke them. 

All this while, Alex's bodyguards were just smiling at us as they already knew that I knew how to drive.

After all of them bordered the car, I collapsed on the driver's seat and started driving slowly while Alex's men also took off to their black car which was behind us.

"I can't believe this! We have a car! We have a car! We have a car!" This chorus was sung by little Jayden who made my heart feel at ease finally.

I promised myself to buy a car for my father later. I wanted to give him this one but I knew, Alex would be very disappointed.

Anyway, I had to secure a job as quick as possible to fulfil all the promises that I had made to my family.

Then something popped up in my mind and I suddenly felt bad, "Hay guys? Are you continuing with school?"