

"SHAME ON YOU!" Sandra bellowed in the farmyard her sound echoed all over the place with rage.

She had owed herself that one day. She would teach this woman a lesson and that day was today. 

How dare she insult her in front of her husband? Was she insane? 

Sandra didn't care about her children who were astounded by her sudden action. The siblings didn't know that it would turn into this.

Little Jayden was already beside his father as if to tell the older man to do something about the issue. His eyes were wet probably with anger due to his aunt's words to his dearest mom.

The remaining three siblings were dumbstruck by her mom's behaviour that they couldn't utter any words. Their eyes were wide open while in a daze.

So their mother was this harsh and carefree? 

"Hey, Sandra! What are you doing? How dare you..."

But before the woman could finish her sentence, Sandra pushed her harshly so that she collapsed on the wet mud of the farm.

Seraphina was in a rage. How dare this woman do this to her? She couldn't believe her newly bought white dress was being drenched with wet mud just because of this woman.

She stood up abruptly looking like a mad woman because her hair was in a mess and some parts of it were also drenched by filthy water because of the way she collapsed on the mud. Her feet were studied in the mud that one could seed her shoes anymore. Her dress had changed its colour because of the mud. 

She was very angry that she was ready to kill this woman in front of her who called herself, her sister in law.

Without a break, Seraphina ran as furry like a lion who was running after its prey ready to attack but somebody got hold of her hand rudely from behind she was sure her hand would be separated from her shoulder.

She turned her upper body in a bullet pace already in a darker face due to rage and faced the person who dared to stop her from avenging herself.

"Y-you!" She raised her voice in shock like she didn't expect this person to be here.

"W-who is this?" Richard who was also running to save his wife from being attacked by his evil sister also stood transfixed at the place.

He gazed at the lady who was holding his sister's hand with shock and curiosity. The woman in front of them was wearing a long jacket that was flying all the sides because of the wind and stockings which made her legs not to be seen. On her head, she was wearing a huge hut, more huge than the ones Sandra and her husband were wearing. On her face, all were shocked! She was wearing a silvery mask.

Who was this person?

Sandra seeing the mysterious lady, ran as fast as an antelope and grabbed her little son from the ground and put him on her back for protection.

The silence was causing all the people at the place uncomfortable but at that time, everyone was in a trance. Sofia, Sara and Stephanie were scared of this stage woman who was gaining attentively at their aunt while still holding her hand.

But Richard was not stupid. He could detect something by the way his sister called this woman. It was like she knew her.

"Who are you?" Richard being a man among all of them, except for young Jayden, exclaimed with courage.

"Calm down! I am here to help your family!" The mysterious woman said under the mask that their voice came out like she was in a drum.

"What are you talking about? I don't know you and I also don't need your help. Leave my sister alone!" He demanded as if he was trying the waters.

After all, Seraphina was his sister so of course he wouldn't sit here and watch this woman without doing g anything. But deep down him, he has a feeling that his sister knew something about this lady by the way she called her while shaking as if she wasn't expecting her here.

"Hahaha! I don't need your sister anyway. I need to help you and don't be rude to me because I only want to help!" The lady suggested again with a louder voice while realizing Seraphina who in turn, ran far away from the woman.

"I said I don't need your help and that is finally!" Richard declared with annoyance.

"Okay, but maybe your wife would want to talk to me" Saying that, she gazed in the direction of the children and their mother but didn't see the kids and their mother there.

'Wow! So she is also smart? Okay, no problem but I must fulfil what I was sent to do by my friend' The lady thought inwardly then gazed at Richard, "So your wife had disappeared, what a smart lady you have!" She finally broke the news to the man who also looked surprised but he tried hard not to show it on his face. But of course, the lady was used to people like them so she already knew that the man was also surprised.

"What did my family do to you? I don't even know you" Richard said a bit relieved. He was happy that his wife had run away from this mysterious woman. What he needed to do now, was to make sure this lady vanished from here so that he would go to his family without any worry.

"Don't say that. I am sure your wife is hiding something from you. But I won't tell you what it is, go and find it yourself" With that, the lady disappeared in the dark leaving Richard choking in his saliva.

He then looked at where his sister was standing earlier but was more shocked that she wasn't there too.

What did that woman mean? 'My wife is hiding something from me? No! Sandra would not hide anything from me! I am sure she is one of my sister's friends who is trying to separate my family. Unfortunately, they won't succeed. I am sure they are all jealous of us' Richard said to himself but if one could look at him attentively, they could find out that the man was somehow worried.

'Why would a woman from nowhere just appear and tell him to be sorry for his wife because she is hiding something from him?' Something was not adding up. And that sister of his, why did she suddenly calm down after the mysterious woman appeared? She was about to fight with his wife because of what the woman did to her but suddenly the lady appeared, she began weirdly, like she didn't want the lady to know how she began with them.

With a lot of questions in his head, Richard took the farm equipment because his family left all of the behinds when they were running away secretly and walked towards the direction of the house.

It was already late after all.


"Didn't I warn you not to open your mouth without thinking? Yes, we all know that Blessing is not your brother's daughter nor that woman's child but your work is to follow our instructions not to do what you were doing before I appeared to save you earlier!" The woman shouted with anger at the lady who was about to split the beans openly.

"Sorry, ma'am! That woman is a witch! I still don't believe that she could do that. All those years the girl had entered all of that thinking they are her family, sigh! She is a witch. Don't worry, I will make sure she divorces my brother" She declared with gritted teeth.

"Yes but don't forget our main objective. What we want is to make sure that that girl, who is in India now, won't find her real parents. My boss wants to make her suffer to avenge her anger toward her stupid brother and Walter's wife. Sorry don't worry about all of that" She suddenly stopped like she was avoiding telling her more.

"Okay, ma'am. After all, I don't like that girl nor do I pity her. Let her suffer. That is why I always call her a witch and each time I get an opportunity  to insult or kick her up, I always don't bat an eye before doing it. She deserves to suffer. She should not find her real family no matter what!" Seraphina declared with hate on her sharp eyes as she clenched her fists.

The mysterious lady looked at the stupid woman in front of her and without saying anything else, she walked to a car which was parked near her gate and drove away.

"Thar Sandra! So you got the guts of humiliating me like this," she scrutinised herself in the dark with rage, "How I wish I could be allowed by my boss to humiliate you and shame you in front of everyone! But don't worry, one day all will be out! I can't wait to embarrass you that you will want to kill yourself. Dirty thief!" She then raised her head and looked at the moon, "What a witch! All these years you have made us believe that Blessing was your daughter. Hahaha! We are also stupid to believe that she is her daughter! What a nerve!" She paused them and continued, "People steal money, food or property but here my sister is stealing an Indian girl. Hahaha! That is weird" She suddenly froze, "Does that mean her baby died or what exactly happened to her pregnant that day?" She shook her head in disbelief, "How I wised my boss who spoils me with money could tell me everything?"

"Let me go and freshen up before my husband sees me outside at this hour" With that, she walked towards the gate.