

Blessing raised her head that was leaning on the lady's shoulder and looked at her as more tears were coming out.

Seeing how pitiful the girl was, the lady was unable to continue to question her and just gave her some time to calm down.

After like twenty minutes, Blessing was finally able to come to her senses. Her eyes were puffy because of the long cry while her beautiful hair was tied in a bun but not like the way she used to tie it when she was young, right now, she left it to sway at her waist.

Her beautiful round face was also somehow swelling with the tears that she had shed that right now, she couldn't think if she would be able to shed them anymore. She sat properly while wiping her face with the back of her elbow somehow shy with the lady's statement earlier. But her neighbour had realized this and was facing the other side so that to give the girl quality time to herself.

'I am sorry' Finally Blessing rumbled while gazing at her hands which she had put on her lap but the lady could see that they were clenching on the dress she was wearing.

'Blessing, I want to be open with you! I am a nurse, a mother, a wife and also your neighbour but I would be privileged if from now on you call me your elder sister because indeed I am older and my six-year-old boy is at the kindergarten as we are speaking right now' Blessing's heart skipped a bit. Not because the lady requested for her to call her big sister but the way the lady started the conversation and the way she was looking at her at the moment plus the previous statement she gave her.

She felt like sulking but she remembered her mother who always told her not to judge before she could find out what the lady wanted to tell her, 'I want to be open with you' This made Blessing sigh and then returned her gaze while forming an 'O' sound on her mouth.

'Are you ready to hear the truth or you will hate me after this?' She asked making the already tense environment to be gloomy.

Bleessing just nodded without uttering any word as she tried to form a smile which didn't reach her eyes to ensure her that she was ready for whatever she wanted to say.

'I don't know about your background and I have never set foot in Africa before. I am born In India, I studied my primary school here, high school here and also college. In You are lucky that you are in a university not that alone but in another country, to stretch it, an international student. Wow! That is a privilege because I never entered a university door till now' 

The lady stopped talking by the face that Blessing was giving her. Like the girl was confused about where the conversation was heading to.

'Yes...' She urged her to talk because the silence was making her anxious and curious at the same time. It was killing her internally.

What had I done? That was what Blessing was asking herself internally because her heart was already thumping inside her chest.

'What I want to tell you is that whatever you do, whatever you think or act, think about your family. Be strong. Not all the time you will get people to lean on. You should learn to lean on yourself. I am sure that you were not able to tell your parents about your health issues. I might not know what led you to have ulcers and be heartbroken but what I am sure about, is that your parents count on you. Even though they are rich or not, you will always be the one they will always be proud of. Have you heard about a rich man's child who is not intelligent and didn't have an education and squandered her parents' wealth anyhow leading her to die as poor as a church mouse? In simple terms study, study, and study like there is no tomorrow. Did you hear how many words I have used to emphasise my point?' The lady gazed at the girl who was now listening attentively. And only nodded at what was being said.