


"Please touch me here! I feel hot here!" Blessing whispered while her eyes were already closed as her chest rose high while pointing her middle finger between her legs.

The man kept on smiling maliciously at the girl who was covered by a sheet while her upper body was naked at her shoulders.

"Take it closer and make sure that you don't take my face" The man whispered at another man who was holding a camera while viewing the two people on the king-sized bed.

"Please Alex, have me!" Blessing continued her blubbering.

The man was just caressing her cheeks with a smile and then pretended as if to kiss her while his left hand was holding her hand inside the sheets that he was also covering himself with, "Take this one too while I pretend to kiss her. Wow! She is very cute as she moans, sigh...how I wish I can have her in reality?" The man mumbled with a look of disappointment as he gazed at the girl with a look of lust on his face. His eyes had already changed their colour to red.

"What about taking the video while you are touching her private parts?" The other man who was standing asked.

"No! Madam is against that. I think when these short videos and the pictures are sent, the guy will conclude what was happening without all that. Madam is very kind to her though" The man who was laying on the bed with Blessing stated while Blessing was still in her world of imagination.

The feeling she was trying to endure earlier was driving her insane that she wasn't able to take it anymore. Goosebumps had been formed all over her body and hotness was killing her despite the air conditioner that was in the room.

"That is enough! I hope you haven't touched her private parts or exposed them to you because I will kill you" The feminine voice that was previously giving instructions, burst into the room with her cape on her head that reached her forehead so that no one could know who she was expecting her men and the other lady who was behind her.

"No! I didn't do anything to her madam!" The man blurted out fearfully as she jumped out of the bed while adjusting the dress that Blessing was wearing especially where she had torn so that her body would not be exposed.

"I give you one hour to go and edit the videos. Make sure you don't add the part where she was calling you Alex and your ugly face anywhere. Am I clear?" The lady ordered and seeing the men's nod, she turned and disappeared together with her friend.

The two men wandered their eyes around the beautiful room and after making sure that the girl was still under the influence of the drug, they also stomped out of the room leaving Blessing still murmuring her unknown words.


"Blessing! Blessing! What happened to you? Blessing! Can you hear me?" Nea stomped into the room with eyes full of tears after around ten minutes. She jumped on the bed and shook the girl tremendously.

"Alex! Is that you? Please touch me here. I feel pain here! Can you treat me?" The girl on the bed murmured making Nea flabbergasted. 

She didn't expect this at all. She was lost for words. 

The girl's body was red with a lot of goosebumps like the weather was cold.

She gazed at where she was feeling uncomfortable and flinched as sweat was already drenching her whole body.

What happened to Blessing the few minutes she had left the girl in the bathroom?

"Ooh! My! I just hope you were not raped or else I don't know what I will say to my brother!" Nea exclaimed with fear in her eyes as she gathered the girl in her hands for a hug.

"I am sorry Blessing! I failed you! I wasn't there to protect you! What happened to you Blessing? Please open your eyes. Who did this to you? Who gave you this drug?" Nea cried louder as she shook the girl who was still whispering her sexual words.

"A-Alex! Are you here with me? Why can't you help me relieve this pain?" Blessing reached out for Nea's dress and the girl froze at the point.

What was she going to do with her? What would happen next? She was shocked to her bones.

She removed Blessing's hand from her dress and gathered her in her hands while adjusting the upper part of the dress that was torn and carried the girl even if she was heavy. 

Nea staggered towards the small bathroom that was inside the room and opened the door with a lot of difficulty. After that, she entered with her in her hands and put her down. She then opened the cold water shower letting the water drench the girl on the floor.

Nea was in tears all this time while her heart was beating like a drum. It was all her fault. Why did she bring Blessing to this place in the first place? Despite the girl refusing to come, Nea insisted that the girl gave up finally.

Who would want to ruin Blessing's life? Something popped up in her mind and she rushed to where Blessing was and uncovered her lower part. With a heavy heart, she scrutinised her private parts with a lot of anger and regrets while her heart was still beating.

"Thank God! Nothing happened to you!" She beamed at least a bit relieved. 

If the girl was a virgin as she used to tell her, then nothing happened to her if not? She didn't want to think about it.

She then strolled around the place while waiting for the girl to calm down by the use of cold water.

"Nea?" Bblessing was shocked after coming into her senses.

She gazed around with shock evident in her eyes.

What was this? Why was she being drenched while Nea was juat there looking at her and not doing anything? Should she be enjoying herself with others at the party? What happened?

"B-blessing are you alright?" Nea blurted out to the shocked girl. Blessing was already covering her body shyly. She had never been naked all her life in front of another person.

Even in her old boarding school before she went to a day school, she used to cover herself while dressing in the dormitory and also she would wake up early so that she would  take a shower before others.

Even in primary school, she used to bathe with her friend, Jemimah who was blind so she wasn't able to see her. That was why she was feeling this uncomfortable and awkward in front of her best friend Nea.

A realization dawned on her and she jumped with shock, "Why am I here? Why is my dress like this?" Blessing asked while trembling.

She could feel her heart broken into pieces.

Nea looked at the girl with sadness in her eyes as more tears rushed down her cheeks. She was now sure that Blessing wasn't aware of what happened to her. Who would tell her what happed earlier now? How would she revenge on behalf of the girl? 

Nea was at a loss. The girl looked innocent, very different from the one who was murmuring previously on the bed.

Where should she start from? If she told her, the girl would be broken completely. But what was she going to do? The girl must know what happened to her. Nea didn't know what to say.

Instead, she collapsed on the floor in front of Blessing. She was already kneeling in front of her before Blessing could recover from her dazed state, "Forgive me Blessing, I know it is all my fault!" Nea begged as her hands were raised high as if surrendering.

"W-why?" That was the only word Blessing was able to utter before tears rushed out of her eyes in a bullet pace like a river.