

"Nea, can you please show me the washrooms? I want to use them, please. I am sorry to disturb you" She asked politely finally but the pain was boiling all over her body. She was also feeling hot all over like she was in a blaze of non-luminous flame.

"No! You will never be my distraction dear" Nea chimbed in with a huge smile showing her milky teeth.

"Thank you, Nea. So can we?" Blessing asked because the pain was turning her soul like a hammer. It was overbearing to her that she wanted to cry but she also knew that she couldn't worry about her friend.

"Ooh! Come this way" Nea answered ready to take her to the washrooms. 

Blessing gulped the juice down her throat that was remaining in the glass because it was tasting delicious and put the glass on the nearby tray near and then followed behind.

She was staggering while feeling cold and hot that her whole body turned red.

"Hold my hand. Why are you looking like you are sick suddenly? Are you okay?" Nea asked with a lot of concern on her face that making Blessing not able to tell her the truth because she feared that the girl would be worried for her.

"I am fine" That was the only reply she managed to mumble while gazing at the other direction so that Nea couldn't see how hard she was suggesting the pain by her facial expressions.

Nea didn't inquire more and guided her into the washrooms carefully like she was a two-year-old girl who was still not stable enough to walk alone.

"Help yourself they come at where you left us, okay? I will be there with Lara. Don't forget to be careful" Nea instructed and warned at the same time making the girl nod then she walked out leaving her alone eventually.

Blessing was suppressing all the pain that she was feeling earlier and now that she was alone, she rushed into one of the toilets and collapsed on the floor. 

She did not have time to think about the smell that was in the toilet because the pain was too much to think about other trivial things.

Her body was already red because of the pain. She was trying to find any clue about her pain but she couldn't get any.

What might have happened to her? Was she poisoned? No! That was wrong because she couldn't remember Nea was the one who brought her the juice.

She was sure her best friend Nea couldn't do that to her no matter what? 

The girl vowed to protect her throughout the night until they returned home safely. Nea was her best friend so suspecting her would be unfair to her. The friendship that she had would change into hate if the girl knew that Blessing was suspecting her unnecessarily. 

What was the problem then?

Could it be the food that she ate earlier? But that couldn't be the case because she only prepared vegetables and rice. She had never heard of a person being affected by vegetables, had she?

Blessing was at a lot of words as the pain increase rather than decreased. 

What would she do now? Should she summon Nea? But the pain couldn't allow her to even stand up.

"W-what is this? Oooh... P-please God helps me" She wasn't able to form even a full sentence about what she was feeling now. Would she be able to stand up? Hahaha! That was not possible at all.

Her eyes were turning red as a ripening tomato each second as well as her face. She was dying with the hotness that she couldn't take it anymore and tore the beautiful dress she was wearing with force while tears were rushing down her cheeks.

This was something Blessing hadn't felt before. This feeling was completely new to her to endure.

She was already weak as she feel hotter between her thighs.

What was with this feeling? Being naive and vulnerable, Blessing didn't know what she felt but her whole body was hot and uncomfortable.

Who would rescue her from this now? Should she cry? But she was already crying! Should she call her mum? But the woman was not her, that would be joking. 

Should she try to suppress the pain? No! She has already tried that and she couldn't endure it anymore.

She slithered like a snake to the floor inside the toilet while sobbing lightly. She was rolling while slithering as the pain increased while tears were rushing down her cheeks.

Ahe tried to raise her voice as she cried but she couldn't find her voice at all. She was feeling weaker as time went by.

She was still wishing that this feeling would subside or at least reduce but that was not the case. Her vision was blurry and she became even weaker.

Finally, she heard steps approaching the loo that she was in and succeded to whisper, "Nea, help me! I am in here" 

The person like hearing her, opened the door with a thud and looked at the half-naked girl on the floor and smiled. 

"She is in here!" He beamed happily while his face was covered by a mask.

"Take her and do as I instructed earlier before the drug stop functioning. And don't hurt her. Remember don't hurt her and I repeat don't try to do anything to her. I just want the naked pictures while you are holding her but don't do anything to her. Not even touching a strand of hair out of her even if she insists because of the drug. Do you hear me?" The feminine voice warned the man who was already drooling at the sight of the beauty before him.

"Okay boss!" He answered with gritted teeth showing his dislike at the lady's warning.

"Come here baby, I wish I can enjoy you but that madam, won't allow that," He said to himself because the girl was just gazing blankly probably because of the pain she was going through.

The man bent down to her height and was about to touch her but what Blessing did was unexpected.

The girl like feeling the touch of the man hugged him in return. The man just smiled mischievously like he knew why the girl was behaving that way and carried her on his shoulder.

"You look beautiful and smell like heaven. I wonder why my madam is very tough on me. I would taste heaven tonight if not for her warnings" He spoke to no one in particular.

"Alex! Alex! Is that you? Kiss me please!" Blessing murmured the words subconsciously.

What? This was not how Blessing was! What did they do to her? 

The man just smiled and replied, "I am here baby. Let us reach where we are heading to. I will kiss you there" The man said with a malicious smirk on his face as he used another door and walked away with the girl.


A lady who was at the far end gazed at the two people and followed behind with a smile on her face but somehow she was sad. "I hope you will forgive me Blessing. I am sorry but I can't let you have Alex while I couldn't!" She whispered to herself then smiled at a figure who was also hiding behind her and all of them followed behind.