

"Let's go laughing baby!" That voice made me jump out of my wits causing me to stagger in my heels that I was about to collapse on the floor. Thanks to Nea, she held me by my hand.

"I am sorry. It is just that I am not used to this" I decided to tell her finally while pointing at the heels.

"Ooh! But don't worry about that. I gat you covered girl" She beamed with a smile making me remember her new looks.

"Wow! You look gorgeous dear!" I beamed as I compliment her.

She was wearing the same design of the dress but with a different colour. Hers was red while on her lips, she applied a purple coloured lipstick with beige heels.

She looked very beautiful too.

I was happy for her. 

"Thank you, girl! Now can we?" She pointed at the door making me giggle at her actions then I took my black handbag together with my phone and walked towards the door while she was following behind.

After reaching outside the house, it was already dark so she locked the door as we always did and walked towards the gate while she held my hand after seeing the way I was staggering.



Blessings and her friend sauntered inside the party hall. The girl looked gorgeous and a single gaze at her could attract the many hyenas that were here tonight.

Of course, not all the people who were here tonight, came to celebrate and enjoy themselves, others were here to look for the many fishes that had been fished out of the ocean and they were now roaming at the shores of the ocean.

Blessing was still holding her friend's hand to support herself because of the heels she was wearing. But as they continued walking deep in the hall, they couldn't stop themselves from being amazed. Especially Blessing who had never come to a party in a gigantic and beautiful decorated place like this one. 

It looked more like a wedding lounge than a fresher's party.

Many people wore black official trousers and white shirts which looked smart on them that Blessing guessed that they were the waiters who had been paid to serve the students tonight.

The hall itself made Blessing drool. She had tried to tour around the school during the two weeks that she had been here but she had never seen or entered this massive hall before.

She remembered her friend telling her that it belonged to her family but of course, Blessing couldn't deny it because Nea's family were rich like Alex's. But what she wondered was how their family were able to own one of the school properties.

 She shook her head to suppress that annoying thought because she wasn't ready to think about anything weird tonight.

She was here to enjoy and entertain herself anyway.

"Nea Suhar!" A girl who wore a pink under-thigh dress with black heels together with sparkling jewellery walked toward them with a huge smile on her face. She was swaying her long brunette hair as she came closer to where they were.

"Hey, Lara!" Nea called out as she loosened her grip on Blessing and hugged the girl.

Blessing was already in her world as she scrutinised the girl.

She couldn't remember seeing this girl in her medical class but of course, there were many students so, of course, she wouldn't know each one of them.

What attracted her the most was the colour of the girl's eyes, called Lara. Her eyes were deep blue with paler skin. With her accent? 

'She must be an international student too but why does she seem to know Nea?' Blessing asked herself internally as the two people continued to murmur.

"Hay, Blessing right?" That voice removed her from her wonderland and she gazed at the direction of the voice in a bullet pace.

"Hay, yes" She answered but was disinterested as the person came closer to her.

"I am Nathan, an international student" The guy introduced himself without being asked as the music was sounding from afar in the glowing hall.

"Ooh! That's good" That was the only response Blessing gave while trying hard not to look at the young man. She didn't even ask how the man knew her name.

"Hey, waiter! Serve us something!" The man shouted at the waiter that was passing by ignoring the sharp stare from Nea.

"Blessing, are you comfortable with him?" Suddenly, Nea exclaimed while glaring at the man with hostile eyes causing him to ruffle his dark hair and staggered away from Blessing, shyly.

"Come Blessing! This is Lara Emiliano, an international student just like you" Nea introduced with a smile on her face as the sound of the music increased in the hall while the lights started to become dimmer.

Some students were moving at the centre of the hall with their male or female partners, probably readying themselves to dance.

"Wow! Nice to meet you, Lara. I am a Blessing from Africa and an International student too!" Blessing introduced herself politely as she shook the girl's hand missing the dark expression on her face.

"Blessing, come with us. We are going to find somewhere to sit as we order something to drink" Nea requested receiving a nod from Blessing.

Nea held Blessing's hand again as they walked towards a couch which was placed at one of the many corners of the hall while Lara was stealing gazes at Blessing but of course, the girl didn't know about that.

When they reached, Blessing sat at the far end of the couch while Nea went to order something for them leaving her with Lara who also sat closer to her on the couch.

"So how did you manage to come to this country for your studies?" That question took Blessing aback. It made her shiver a little. 

What did she try to mean by that? Thought Blessing as her face flushed in embarrassment.

She didn't remember telling anyone about her background except Nea and she also didn't know much about her.

She was also able to know because the man who was sponsoring Blessing was their family friend back in London where Nea's family were residing before they decided to shift to India for some unknown reasons to her. So far, that was what she knew about her friend. But who had told this girl about her life?

"Well..." Before she could utter anything, Nea returned and gave her a glass of juice while offering Lara a glass of wine. She also took a glass of wine and then placed the tray on the tray placed on the table near them.

Blessing thanked God because she wasn't ready to talk about herself to this girl who looked arrogant. She could guess already that the girl was looking down on her but she managed to suppress the feeling.

Blessing took a sip of her juice while gazing at the people who were already dancing at the centre of the hall. She didn't know why but she was having a weird feeling about this.

At first, she was happy to come and accompany her friend but now? Why was she feeling like this?

She continued to drink her juice but something was boiling up in her body. She was already sweating. Her hands were slightly trembling which made her uncomfortable.

What was she going to do now? She couldn't tell Nea to take her home because it would be unfair to the girl.

Then what was she going to do? 

Sweat was already drenching her body. Her head was starting to have a slight headache. She tried as much as possible to suppress the feeling and the pain.

'No Blessing! Take a hold of yourself. This is nothing. It is because you are not used to this kind of place!' She encouraged herself internally. But finally, she wasn't able to take it anymore and she finally gave up.