

He could guess what these heartless people wanted and knew something about his girl but who might have told them? That only mentioned one thing, for sure Blessing was not safe.

He had to do something about her safety. He had a lot of things on his plate that he was about to go crazy with as he gazed at the people who looked shy and shocked at the same time.

Their expression only meant one thing, that they didn't expect him here.

Why was his father also making his life a living in hell? Why was he on his enemy's side?

What made him more irritated and gave him more courage to care for the girl was the fact that all these people were against her.

What did Blessing do to them to deserve all of this hatred from these people? 

"All of you, what are you doing here?" He echoed at the place furiously that Jamilah covered her ears with her hands because of the deep and loud voice.

His eyes were glaring at a particular person and that was Jamilah. He hated the girl after what she did to Blessing at the marketplace that day. 

He didn't know if there would be a day that he might forgive this hearted little witch. But it was not her fault, her father taught her all of this after all. He thought as he glared at the girl mercilessly.

Like father like daughter. Who else could the girl take after? He was really in a rage that he could kill anyone.

Deep down in his heart, he was very happy that there were three planes there and he was sure that the people didn't know which one exactly his Blessing was supposed to travel in.

That was what he was sure about without even giving his hopes any doubt. He had to think positively.

Thank God that the planes were three! He reassured himself.

"We should ask you the same question, what are you doing here?" Walter asked his son angrily making him come out from his wonderland.

"Dad! Are you this heartless? I am disappointed in you. How could you stoop this low? Do you hate that girl this much? Is that right? Is that what you taught me when I was still young? Okay, fine. The girl is not with me then"

He paused then glared at Jamilah again, "And you? How could you?  I wish you were 50% closer to her! No matter what you do, I will never love you! Go because she is not here with me. I am here for my own business!"

Jamilah couldn't believe her eyes. That was the biggest insult she had ever received. 

How worse was she not to be compared to that nobody?

"There is no need to fight here because we all have the right to come to the airport anytime we want," Samir said trying to look composed but internally, he was running insane. 

Did it mean that all these people received the same message? Who might have been the sender? He was sure that the sender knew all of them and their family drama so he was trying to cause more drama for them both.

"Dad! I am tired of all of this and you Jamilah, I will never marry you. Put that in mind and I will always repeat that!" Alex exclaimed with gritted teeth.

"How dare you! How can you say that to my daughter after embarrassing her at the market place and you never came to beg for forgiveness? Are you out of your mind? Just because you have started to grow moustache the other day, now you think you can control us, your elders?" Mr Samir retorted furiously as he strolled closer to Alex with a hostile gaze.

"Dad! Calm down. I have an idea. We all know that quarrelling won't solve anything. What if we just marry Jamilah off to Alex here? After all, we don't need a massive wedding!" 

"You must be out of your mind Mark to think that I will marry this shameless sister of yours. I will never marry her!" Alex was in anger as his chest rose at a bullet pace like he wanted to swallow the young man beside him.

Mark was enjoying all of this. He wanted to marry off his sister to this man so that Alex would not be able to have Blessing.

"Slap! Slap!" "How dare you? I always told you that I am not to be messed with! I hate it when you insult my daughter in front of me. You can't teach me manners, young man. You know what? I  only tolerate you because of her but you should have been dead by now!" Samir yelled with anger as he put his daughter beside him.

Alex couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to return the two slaps as he clenched his fists in anger but he knew he couldn't disrespect this man.

"Yes! Let us marry them off, here and now! We must not waste time!" Walter rubbed the already painful wound as if he couldn't see the situation his son was in.

"Yes! Come here Jamilah. I studied religion. I can be your priest for today. Come...."

"Bomb! Bomb!" I huge explosion was heard all over the place that all the people had to run for their safety.

Samir pushed her daughter to safety while Alex pulled his father. Mark was the first one to run to safety.

All the place was in chaos as family, relatives and friends screamed in horror.

"Nooooo! Who might have done that?" 

"My daughter! That is the plane that my daughter was supposed to travel in!"

"My family, dad, mum and sister. They were in there!" People shouted in horror as many wanted to go back to the explosion but the security managed to push them back.

Jamilah was extremely happy as she gazed at the plane that was burning to ashes.

'Mission accomplished! Let's see if you can't marry me now. Hahaha! I told you that you can't compete with me! You are just a little cat'